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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2005
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OK, I just picked up my FJR. WOW

OK. First off the manual says ist a FJR13AX©, is this a California model? What is the C mean?

Also, How do you take off the bags?? The manual doesn't mention saddlebags and it dosen't even show the saddlebags on the bike in the left and right view illistrations?



Lets start from the top... Congrats on the new ride and welcome to the addiction.

Taking off the bags. I am with ya brotha, it was a little hard the first time cause everything is tight and plastic so ya think something is going to SNAP.

First: UNLOCK the handle.

Second: Pull up on the handle to you feel tension, then slowly and smoothly keep pulling. It will give.

Third: You must "lock" the mechanism but you don't have to lock the handle (you will see what I mean). Remove the key and repeat on the otherside.

It appears the more you do this the easier it gets. First time it was so tight, was really afraid of breaking something. Put the protective 3M strips on. Becareful cause they are side/position sensitive. You should of gotten another manual with you bike that goes over the bags specifically and how to mount the 3M strips. I got a "how to ride" manual, owners manual and, a supplement for the bags. You should of also got the caps for when the bags are off and a spare lock for the trunk when you get one.


Yes exactly!! I did unlock with the key and started to lift the carry handle. It did move up a little but it seems like I was going to brake it off!! I will try it again tomorrow. I didn't get the supplement saddlebag manual, got the other two. What does it say? Is it worth getting?

I did get the lock cylinder and 6 caps.. Why do I need 6? I got 3 small and 3 lager ones. I thought I only needed 4, two on each side? What's with 6 caps?

Where can I find the protective strips?

Thanks for your help!!

There are 2 holes under the side rail. Once you get the bag off, work the handle and watch the piece come up out of it. That's what locks it onto the subframe. The hole it goes into is where the other covers go if you feel the need to ride bagless and dress up the holes.

In the rest of the world the bags are an option, so the manual is apparently separate.

Did you get your inner liners for the sidebags? :rolleyes:

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Put the protective 3M strips on. Becareful cause they are side/position sensitive. You should of gotten another manual with you bike that goes over the bags specifically and how to mount the 3M strips.
Ok...I don't mean to hijack, but specifically what 3M strips are you talking about and where are they supposed to go? Am I missing something?

Wfooshe, Yes I did get the liners. So are you saying I will be using all 6 caps when I take the SB's off? I thought I would be only using 2 per side??

Wfooshe, Yes I did get the liners. So are you saying I will be using all 6 caps when I take the SB's off? I thought I would be only using 2 per side??
yup - you'll need three per side.

Hotrodzilla - there are some 3M protective sheets (tiny little things - like 2" by 3") that fit around the mounting holes in the rear end - for the bags. They just protect the paint a little as you locate the upper mounting tabs for the bags. I'll bet, your bike has then in place already and you just haven't noticed them (dealer probably stuck them in place).

Yes exactly!! I did unlock with the key and started to lift the carry handle. It did move up a little but it seems like I was going to brake it off!! I will try it again tomorrow. I didn't get the supplement saddlebag manual, got the other two. What does it say? Is it worth getting?

I did get the lock cylinder and 6 caps.. Why do I need 6? I got 3 small and 3 lager ones. I thought I only needed 4, two on each side? What's with 6 caps?

Where can I find the protective strips?

Thanks for your help!!

Should be 6 caps. 4 you will readly see where they go once you get the bags off. The other two go where the "pin" (lack of a better term" goes on the bottom of the undertail. The manual for me was free. Since you don't state where you are from I don't know if where you are it is included. It is about the size of the "ride safe" manual. AS for the 3m strips mine were with the plugs and I just put them on last week. They go over the top holes for the bags and are two different sizes. Again, refer to your manual. If you got in the states you should of gotten one. It may be under your seat or in your bags. I don't know how these things come from the factory direct. My salesman handed me mine.

I understand what you mean about it feeling like it is about to break. Thought the samething. Just real tight. You will get the hang of it. Don't be afraid of it but don't YANK it either.

Don't forget to read the warning on the inside of your saddlebag. Kinda funny by the time you get to the last statement.

WHOOPS, too late for me. :rolleyes:

The book I have has an FJR on the front in a right hand turn with two people on it. In the lower left hand corner it states "Mounting Instructions Side Cases"

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Depends if you want to cover up the holes where the hard bags lock on the bottom of the side rail. Personally I don't think the bike looks bad with the bags off without installing the plugs. After I looked at the plugs, seems like they would be a PITA to get out when you wanted to put the bags on without scratching the frame. I put mine in a plastic bag and put them where I could find them easily.(I think I forgot where they are already!) The first time I tried to put the bags back on I was really having trouble getting them lined up. The owners manual is not very specific. I finally realized that I had to line up the slot in the lower front part of the bag with the rubber tipped tab by the passenger peg mounts.

I am no expert by any means. I just got my 08 A delivered three days ago, and will have to wait for this Iowa snow to melt. But it is giving me lots of time to get to know the bike. Got about 10 coats of wax on it though!!

BTW, do the bag liners usually come standard? When mine was delivered, the liners came with it!

BTW, do the bag liners usually come standard? When mine was delivered, the liners came with it!

Seems the liners come standard in the U.S. And as selfish as it is seems that is alright by me.

Begining to think the dealer put all this stuff and tossed the "bag" book on this guy. There is a lot of detail in the book about how to put the bags together, locktite in specific places and a note about the tightness of the handles.

I didn't get any specific info on the bags other than the owners manual either. Got the extra lock for the top box which will be coming soon. Looking at the lock, can't figure out how it will be held into the top box lock mount. No screws or anything. Will just have to "wing it" when the box gets here.


Thanks, but still not sure what you mean by the 3m strips. "They go over the top holes for the bags and are two different sizes. Again, refer to your manual". Can you give me the page # in the manual? I live in New York.

Thanks again


Thanks, but still not sure what you mean by the 3m strips. "They go over the top holes for the bags and are two different sizes. Again, refer to your manual". Can you give me the page # in the manual? I live in New York.

Thanks again



As you stated you didn't get this manual. And it seems you didn't get some other things as well. Might be time to go back to the dealer and ask for them. As someone stated the strips could already be on your bike. Would be hard to see them cause they are between the bag and the bike. I tried looking on the Yamaha website for the but no joy.

PM me your email and I will send some pics in the AM. Got some where you can see the strips. Tried to attach here but guess you have to host somewhere else.

Wfooshe, Yes I did get the liners. So are you saying I will be using all 6 caps when I take the SB's off? I thought I would be only using 2 per side??
I was unclear when I said 2 under the rails. There are the 2 you see, where the bags hang from the side rail, and then 1 on each side underneath the rail. When you get them off it will be clear. Really.

Trust me.

Actually, it doesn't have a "©" behind the FJR13AX; the C is enclosed in parenthesis. This would lead me to believe the owners manual supplied with your bike is applicable to the general model and the California model. One book fits all.

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