How good and 'fast' are the lenses and what is the sensor size? Yea, size does matter. When manufacturers play games with compact lenses, optical integrity might suffer and cramming too many pixels on a small sensors also leads to IQ issues.
Of course technological advances can and have been working to mitigate IQ issues, but I am not quite sure I have seen something great there yet, but since this camera fires 10-16 different sensors and combines them into one image, maybe they have found a workable solution. Sounds good on paper - multiple compact lenses, and a sensor array on these lenses to simulate one large sensor, with software doing some hefty lifting.
However, is this what you want? One single 52MP image at a fixed always the same focal length made up of a combination of 16 different images at different fixed focal lengths and then cropping as needed? Sounds like one prime lens made up of 16 prime lenses, which could be fine, although, I don't know how versatile. Are you really getting the benefit of 16 different primes? Sounds like you end up with one image only, but what focal length?
As they say in engineering circles - garbage in, garbage out. I am most interested in seeing how good the individual lenses and sensors are. Low light IQ is most susceptible, with small sensors, and compact lenses, but if you mostly shoot in broad daylight, and never print large prints which most never do, you may not notice, especially for online photo posts.
Having said that, you should buy the camera, Tyler, and write a full report and review of it, then you should let me borrow it so I could do the same!