new ecu and mileage

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I am too forgetful to complete a log of mileage. I start one at the beginning of a trip or longish ride, then about halfway home the lighthbulb smashes me in the forehead and I realize I forgot to both check and or log the miles/gallons. I have not noticed any real change in MPG since the ecu change, bt my riding isn't consistant enough to be sure. I'll be scootin' down to Mesquite NV inna month so I will try to remember then to fill in the lines with numbers..

I DID notice the lack of altitude sickness!! *smile emoticon here*


Just put 240 mi of varied flat and mountain riding in since new ECU was changed out . Average 43mpg , about the same as before . Definitely noticed the altitude problem was gone . 50 to 70 deg. temps - cold snap in socal ,HEE HEE.

Just put 240mi. of varied flat and mountain riding in since the new ECU was changed .Averaged 43 mpg , same as before the change . Definitly noticed the altitude sickness was gone . 50 to 70 deg temp . cold snap in SOCAL . HEE HEE

I'm pleased to report that over the course of a 325 mile ride today, my mileage has returned to a more-or-less normal 43.2 mpg. As I'm not really riding any differenty than I did just a couple of weeks ago when I reported the lower mileage figure, I'm wondering what has changed..? Is the ECU intelligent in that it learns and optimizes itself over time..? Or was it simply that the planets were perfectly aligned and someone in Japan sang their national anthem backwards? :unsure:

I have done about 1000 miles on the new ECU but the day I got said ECU I also installed K and N filter, and did Barbarian Mod +4.

My MPG dropped from around 48 to 41. I put the ecu back the way I got it just today, and will do more miles and see. A drop indeed.

WOOPS ! really wasn't trying to rub in the weather report .
Some of us have had their FJR's in the garage under a cover since the first week in November. :angry2: I do have the new ECU installed and cant wait to ride it. I have only run it in the garage after installing the ECU. I changed my CO settings and added +7 to all of them like I did on my old ECU. I hope that works the same ???? :blink:

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I have 6k on the new ECU. I'm also a gas mileage freak. Figure it's an indicator.

Put the new ECU in 10/13/07. So had a chance to run it in hot weather. I have been running the thing in some really cold weather during this winter. I think the new computer is set-up marginally richer.

Here's my theory. I think the new ECU gas mileage suffers slightly in cold weather ( very slight ). Now hold on to your shorts. Last fall on a cross-country ( hot day ), constant 75 mph on back to back tanks I got 56 mpg. I have witnesses.

My 04 gets a little bit better milage on a cold day, but I have never hit 56 with it.

I like the new ECU. I have PC III laying on the bench, but have no intention of putting it back in. Don't want to **** things up.
