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Active member
Feb 4, 2009
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Just a note that I have started a new blog about my efforts at replacing my car 100% with a new FJR-1300:


Nice blog. I'm now one of your followers under my alias Dino Sauro ;) and I made a link to your blog.


PS: Ya had to go and pick the same Blogger layout as my own blog! :rolleyes: Honest!

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2006fjr -- Thank you for the kind support!

teerex51 -- the layout was closest to Yamaha blue, of course! ;-)


Thanks for the pst RWP...some more good reading...

Something wrong wit Stef's blog.. funny lookin werds n sheeat... :rolleyes:
Yup. Looks like one of them fricken forinn languages, fer chrissakes :unsure:
Be that as it may...its now in my favorites section. I'm gonna lern eyetaliun if it kills me. :rolleyes: ...and mabe it will. :)

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No more car?

Uh-huh... I've lived that way, for years at a time. For 7 years, recently. There's a big difference between riding for recreation, and riding out of necessity. There comes a time, when the thought of climbing on board that two-wheeled contraption and dealing with the noise, heat, cold, wet, wind, weight, traffic, deer, dogs, aches and pains, bad roads, fatigue, ect. (how quickly the mind forgets), becomes nothing less than a repetitive chore. Being able to say, "Hey, that's my only set of wheels", begins to sound more like an admission of sentence, and less like a conviction. The weight of riding boots and armor transforms into a yoke of servitude; a mark of the ridiculous...

Best of luck with your journey into 100% alternate transportation! However, for when that time arrives, a word of advice: Buy a convertible.

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I have often felt that being able to ride a motorcycle totally rocks. Having to ride a motorcycle can suck. ;-)

At the end of the MSF class the instructor said: "If you find yourself riding and you don't have a giant smile on your face, pull over and fix your face." Great advice.

If this becomes a giant pain-in-the-ass, and I am dreading getting back on the bike each morning, I will most certainly buy myself a cage. But at least where I am at the beginning of my experiment, I can't even imagine not wanting to ride my FJR!


I rode a motorcycle for about 9 years....year car. And I did not live in sunny LA, but "what the hell is the weather going to do today" St. Louis, MO. Rain , snow, ice , Ungodly humid name it , I rode in it. And I would not have traded my bike in for a car at anytime then, no matter how great the deal was. I just truely loved riding that much.

"Having to ride a bike" is not much different than saying, "Having to have sex" , If you ever really get tired of it, you need to blow your brains out because life is over for

That said, being older and grumpier...I LIKE driving my little car, and I still LOVE riding my bike. It rains like hell out here, yeah, I'll take the car. Snow and Ice storms...yeah, I'll take the car.

But if I lived in LA...I'd have no car and at least two bikes.................


I'm in my 6th year of using a bike as my main transportation. We do have a car, but my wife uses it while I ride the FJR. However, I do always have the option of taking the car if I need to carry my golf clubs, there's ice on the road, or whatever. I think that having the option makes it more fun for me. I haven't gotten tired of riding the FJR every day to work yet.

Good luck!

In 2006 I rode full time. No car except for snow and ice ( due to WA DOT seeming to have no ability to deal with even minimal snow on the roads) It however is my main transportation still

Inspiring words, guys. It can be done. My wife has a minivan, so if I have to haul something, or go on big family trips, etc... I have that to fall back on. But she works during the day also, so the bike really is my main mode of transportation. Every day is an adventure!


Got my `08 last March and the longest I went without riding it was 4 days with the ignition recall. I do have a truck for major shopping days. There have been 1 or 2 days where it was storming with very heavy winds, those are the days when you want a car or truck.

Did bike-only for a year in '82-'83. Nope, not for me. That said, my '05 FJR has ~68K miles and the '02 p/u I bought 4 months earlier than the bike has had less than half that (~30K) added to the clock in the same interval.

Wow, I'm kinda surprised to see so many people ride their bikes as their primary mode of transportation. I have been doing it since last July and other than some really foul weather still continue to ride every day. I have a pickup to fall back on if I need a break or there is ice on the road (I will NOT ride on ice!). I do drive the truck once or twice a month just to drive it even if the weather isn't bad.

The kids have had to adjust some since I pick them up with it all the time too (I don't make them ride in the cold, unless they want to), they think it is cool and all of their friends do too! Unfortunately I have 3 of them so if I have to pick up more than one I have to take the truck. I particularly like running errands on the bike, seems like they go a lot faster for some odd reason, maybe because I don't have to fight for parking like everyone else I guess.

I like the quote about having a smile on your face while riding, even though I ride the slab in everyday there are some pretty sharp ramps that I see how fast I can go around every day and there is always acceleration ramps too! :D Of course I manage to "get lost" on the way home every so often and find some twisty roads that are fairly close to being on the way home LOL.

It is cool to find kindred spirits on here, I see so many people that don't ride year round, even if they can...


Awesome blog. I would definitely like to commute everyday in my bike. My wifey, however, doesn't exactly like that idea. :glare:

Thanks, FJR-Voltron! Gotta get your wife on a bike of her own (assuming she doesn't already ride). ;-)

Kirrilian -- it is indeed nice to see so many kindred spirits! The more of us there are on the streets, perhaps the more the cagers will be aware of us. I can dream anyway.


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