New oil, new month, how much time left I wonder...

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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2009
Reaction score
Woolwich, ME
After rolling over to 20000 it was time for an oil change, today I got it done, and with winter looming I cant wonder how long I have till I have to put it up for the season, (sigh) the summers get shorter and shorter I swear.

After rolling over to 20000 it was time for an oil change, today I got it done, and with winter looming I cant wonder how long I have till I have to put it up for the season, (sigh) the summers get shorter and shorter I swear.
If we have global warming, the summers have to get longer don't they? As a resident of VA, it is hard to imagine the weather being too cold to ride for weeks at a time. Sometimes in Feb, the temperature is 60 degF. You never know when you get a gift from God.

Can't you just wear long johns (I don't think we even have long johns) and ride on a clear day? And then just eat some soup or stew when you get back? Something hearty.

It is equally hard to believe that people from Florida and places in CA can ride all year.

It is good that you got your oil changed so you are ready to go.


I have good gear for my upper and lower body, currently my fingers are the only thing that keep me from riding...well that and the roads. My commute to work is about 30 min, at anything under 35F my hands hurt, frostbite before now they ache when they get cold. Need better gloves..or heated grips?

If heated grips would get you a few more days of riding, that is a no-brainer. Heated gear is a whole 'nother step.


Ummm pointless... huh.... thanks... sorry Im not talking smack about car tires... maybe that can make the front page... anyways..... Ive looked at the heated grips but think that maybe heated gloves would be a better soultion... then I could also do heated vest.. etc. etc. etc... just need to put in a power port, seems like more bang for the buck.

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It is equally hard to believe that people from Florida and places in CA can ride all year.
Well, not all year... sometimes it gets down to 60 or so and we have to park it for a couple days.
60 degF ... that is brutal! I guess you would have to wear a shirt or pants or something. You'all got long johns? I am not sure what they look like but I hear they keep you warm. I figure you can get them on the Internet (the thing Al Gore invented).

Something that else that might help you is something that we call "long sleve shirts". They are like "short sleve shirts" except they extend to you wrists. I got some. I think Al Gore invented them too.

If you turn the TV to the Fox channel, you will see people playing baseball in Philly right now (live and in person). I am not sure why they are doing it, but I guess they are trying to make a point. Some of them guys have long sleeve shirts on (and some don't).



You could put on some Suzuki Handguards. They help block the wind dramatically and they are easy to take off when you desire.

Have a nice Fall Season.

Ive looked at the heated grips but think that maybe heated gloves would be a better soultion...
Heated rips are nice because they're always there. If you're riding in the morning or evening when the temperature can change quite a bit during the ride, the heated grips can be adjusted as you ride instead of stopping to change gloves. They're also impossible to leave at home on a day that you'll end up wishing you had brought them.

If you're hardcore and want to do long rides in near- or below-freezing temps, then heated gloves (and socks, vest, etc.) are probably better, but heated grips work just fine for me down into the mid/upper 30's (with a pair of winter gauntlet gloves) for the shorter rides I do in the winter. It's my feet that get cold now, but I haven't gotten heated socks yet because I'm afraid I'll then be tempted to ride more when there's a possibility of finding ice on the road.

It is equally hard to believe that people from Florida and places in CA can ride all year.
Well, not all year... sometimes it gets down to 60 or so and we have to park it for a couple days.
.....and when them damn Yankees show up with their constant left turn signals flashing. That's Thanksgiving weekend 'til baseball season starts in April.

It is equally hard to believe that people from Florida and places in CA can ride all year.
Well, not all year... sometimes it gets down to 60 or so and we have to park it for a couple days.
.....and when them damn Yankees show up with their constant left turn signals flashing. That's Thanksgiving weekend 'til baseball season starts in April.
Well, that just shows what you know, you mega-mature Manatee molester!

Why, everyone knows that real Yankees (not the overpaid pin-stripped baseball babies from NYC) don't use their turn signals, evah. It just cuts into your gas mileage, don't ya know. ;)

Ay-up! Can't be get'tin spendy... No sah.

PS kmk, don't worry about the NEPRT thread status. That's what happens if you mention "oil", or "tires" in any thread.

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PS kmk, don't worry about the NEPRT thread status. That's what happens if you mention "oil", or "tires" in any thread.

So moral of the story never talk about how tires are made from oil?? :blink:

03HiYoSilver: Thanks for the idea of the hand guards, Ill check them out.

UselessPickles: good point on the not being able to leave the heated grips at home, that sounds like something I would do.

Good ideas.. now off to dinner.

.....and when them damn Yankees show up with their constant left turn signals flashing. That's Thanksgiving weekend 'til baseball season starts in April.

Yippy!!! Only three more weeks till the q-tipheads migrate to Howies!

I'm gonna give a few special instructions on how to cluster in your particular area Howie. ;)


Yeah, at about or below 60 I decide that I probably need to wear long pants instead of shorts under the Darien pants. I usually put on a long sleeve shirt over my tee shirt and try to remember to have a fleece vest [not electric] with me, too, in case the weather turns cold on me. (Of course, I always have lightweight long underwear [Patagonia Capiline] and heavy wool socks in the tank bag year around - just in case the weather turns really nasty . . . . )

I'm going to try the wrap-on/removable grip heaters from RiderWearHouse and see how they work out on the FJR without V-Strom hand guards. I use them on the BMW, as does my wife on her bikes, and often need to switch them off for a while to keep them from being too hot. There is some loss of fine control with the overwrap, but I'm not pushing that hard in cooler weather anyway. Seriously, the fact that the FJR has the ambient temperature readout looks like a good safety device to help me judge at what point I need to start being concerned about ice forming on the road out on the passes.

I can dress for the cold, but am not willing to dress for ice on the roadway and going down that hard at highway speed.
