New Owners change your oil

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The dual platinum and platinum/iridium OEM plugs that I work with are all nickel plated on the threads to prevent any sort of galvanic bonding that might occur in the plug threads. I haven't run across any problems with people removing the plugs even at very high miles when their curiosity gets the better of them. Not that plugs cannot "seize up" I guess...but that idea was, once again, one of the old wives tales created by plain, steel spark plug shells in plugs that were meant to be removed every 6K for a "tune up".

As usual, another excellent post by Jestal. Overall, old habits are hard to break along with outdated ideas we grew up with. With today's excellent oils, engines, and the oil life monitors, no reason to change anymore at 3000 miles in vehicles. I have an 04 GM product with the oil life monitor. In winter, it is usually around 4000 miles before the change oil light comes on. In summer, it is around 8 to 9 thousand miles.

As far as my FJR is concerned, I changed out the engine and shaft drive oil at the recommended 600 miles and am following the guidelines in the owners manual. The OEM's have spent countless hours and dollars in testing to come up with the guidelines in the manuals. However, if it makes ya feel good to change at earlier intervals, go for it.


Thanks for your reply. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge on these subjects. I enjoy reading your posts and always learn alot.


Sponge bob

Another good post Jestal.

...mostly because changing the oil and "selecting" the correct oil is one of the few things left to an owner of an engine so many take that responsibility to the religious level...

You should make this your signature! :D

My goodness. It's going to be Night of the Living Dead around here before too long if this keeps up.

