New PNW FJR Owner

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Hey L&S check out the WCR, in 3 weeks were going to Vancouver Island Aug 9-12 some of us are leaving on the 8th.
correction... September

It will be a blast!!
Well...rested up and relaxed today. Changed the oil/filter and gave the bike a well deserved bath. Then met up with my riding buddy at the View Point Inn in Corbett tonight. We'll be heading off on Leg 2 of this adventure. I still have another 1200 miles to go...



and gave the bike a well deserved bath

With a hose???

J/K, Looking good! How'd she do? was more of a sponge bath, with a gentle mist from the hose.

The bike performed very well, and was stable at all speeds encountered...though, it doesn't like 60 mph crosswinds my friend and I encountered between The Dalles and Yakima yesterday afternoon. But, I guess most bikes don't.

Riding the bike unloaded this morning, it felt quite a bit taller, but I can still flat-foot the bike. I'll have to take some twisty roads home to see how she does without the weight.

Welcome from south of Seattle in Bonney Lake.I'm sure you'll love the FJR. Just make sure they don't pull one over on you and try to sell you a bike without a clutch lever. I've heard that some guys have been stiffed like that. :rolleyes:

Hey, Harald

How are you doing??? I am waiting for my Dr to let me drive my Bike again.. I live in Federal Way..

Welcome from south of Seattle in Bonney Lake.I'm sure you'll love the FJR. Just make sure they don't pull one over on you and try to sell you a bike without a clutch lever. I've heard that some guys have been stiffed like that. :rolleyes:

Hey, Harald

How are you doing??? I am waiting for my Dr to let me drive my Bike again.. I live in Federal Way..
Doing great! I get to ride my FJR almost every day! :yahoo: I'm usually riding through Federal Way in the carpool lane on the way home from work. Clicked over 42,000 miles on the way in this morning - she's just getting broke in!

Hope you get to ride again soon before the weather gets too crappy. I rode to work this morning in a downpour and found out that my "new to me ebay special" 1pc Aerostich Roadcrafter suit leaks nicely in the crotch area. :angry: I guess I'll have to wear the Darien jacket and AD1 pants for gulley washer days because that setup has never leaked. And I'm stopping on the way home to get some seam sealer for the Roadcrafter zipper area (already washed it in Nikwax but obviously that doesn't seal it completely).
