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Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
North Carolina
Just joined the Forum and will probably be hanging around for awhile - mostly lurking!

Currently own '04 ST1300 ABS but thinking very seriously about jumping the fence to an FJR!

? Any problem if I and a friend attend the EOM in Boone? (He and I both have just about decided to buy an FJR)

? Any chance there will be demo rides at the EOM? ........... Interested in an '06 or '07 model but need to ride it to determine; heat status, handling, weight compared to ST, etc.

? When will the '07 be available to order?

My riding style is more "spirited" sport touring - with the emphasis on "Sport". The ST is a great bike but oh so heavy! I also have an '04 VFR and am looking for the one bike that will fit in between the VFR and the ST. It would be comfortable enough for long-range touring but also quick and agile enough to satisfy my sporting edge.

Would appreciate any comments.



Just joined the Forum and will probably be hanging around for awhile - mostly lurking!
Currently own '04 ST1300 ABS but thinking very seriously about jumping the fence to an FJR!

? Any problem if I and a friend attend the EOM in Boone? (He and I both have just about decided to buy an FJR)

? Any chance there will be demo rides at the EOM? ........... Interested in an '06 or '07 model but need to ride it to determine; heat status, handling, weight compared to ST, etc.

? When will the '07 be available to order?

My riding style is more "spirited" sport touring - with the emphasis on "Sport". The ST is a great bike but oh so heavy! I also have an '04 VFR and am looking for the one bike that will fit in between the VFR and the ST. It would be comfortable enough for long-range touring but also quick and agile enough to satisfy my sporting edge.

Would appreciate any comments.



I don't think I am out of line by saying, any and all bikes are welcome at the EOM, although obviously, it is a FJR driven event. I am a past owner of a FJR and will be there on my Triumph Speed Triple.

IMHO, the the FJR is the best SPORT tourer available. No competition.

If my bike needs warranted a sport tourer it would be a FJR.

Look forward to meeting you at the EOM.


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Jump before the new ST hits next year. Then you can go back to the ST forums and ask the reverse! :blink: Welcome to the funny farm. Enjoy the ride.

-Head Loon

Oh, christ on a we have two rads. Better break out the brillo pads...we're going to have some cleaning to do.

Oh, christ on a we have two rads. Better break out the brillo pads...we're going to have some cleaning to do.
Fear not, 'dot. Rad is Feejless, IIRC and pops in from time to time. Me thinks he has an FZ1. Too, he's nowhere as witty as the radman...

Hi rad! :bye: :lol:

Oh, christ on a we have two rads. Better break out the brillo pads...we're going to have some cleaning to do.
Fear not, 'dot. Rad is Feejless, IIRC and pops in from time to time. Me thinks he has an FZ1. Too, he's nowhere as witty as the radman...

Hi rad! :bye: :lol:

Been rad for a long time.

Don't know of any other rad, and don't think the forum would allow two.

I currently ride a Triumph Speed Triple.

Came close to a FZ1, but it did not work out.

Bye :lol:

@Hevnbound - Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you're in the right frame of thinking for the FJR. If I recall correctly, the PDP order period will start in Oct. or Nov with delivery starting around March-May. It seems to change a bit every year, so watch Yamaha's web site and don't believe everything your local dealer tells you.

FJR events have typically been open to anyone interested in the FJR, regardless of what they are riding. It just naturally happens that most will be riding a FJR. I don't think the nice folks at EOM will chase you off. B)

Getting a demo ride is unknown. Some owners are sort of particular about who rides their bikes, others don't mind letting someone that appears competent a demo ride. I would suggest you make a point of going for a ride with some FJR guys, then asking one of them if they would mind swapping for a bit so you can have the experience on a FJR. This also means you have to be willing to let them ride your ST, so it's more even in the risk dept. Also they will have seen you ride, so hopefully know you're not a bozo at that point.

Been rad for a long time.

Don't know of any other rad, and don't think the forum would allow two.

I currently ride a Triumph Speed Triple.

Came close to a FZ1, but it did not work out.

Bye :lol:
Oh, dats right. I forgot your quandary from ago... FZ or Trip, FZ or Trip.

FJR events have typically been open to anyone interested in the FJR, regardless of what they are riding. It just naturally happens that most will be riding a FJR. I don't think the nice folks at EOM will chase you off. B)
Hevnbound, Welcome to the forum. W/O a doubt, this event is open to everyone... but majority of bikes will be the Feej. The only requirements are " a love for riding". "Cmon out. Make your reservations soon, though. The block of rooms that are reserved for this event (@ a special rate) go off of block reserve August 7.

See ya' there!


I am looking forward to EOM and will see you there. However, we are not furtunate enough to have Mammy Yammy attending and bringing demo bikes.

If you can swing a visit to Reno in August, there will be some '06 FJRs there for demo riding courtesy of the mother company. You can find details in the WFO section of the forum. I wish it was closer to my home state so I could make the trip.

I am looking forward to EOM and will see you there. However, we are not furtunate enough to have Mammy Yammy attending and bringing demo bikes.
I wouldn't speak TOO quickly now.... ;)

Let's just say look for news following WFO, and how well MamaYammi was recieved there.

I am looking forward to EOM and will see you there. However, we are not furtunate enough to have Mammy Yammy attending and bringing demo bikes.
I wouldn't speak TOO quickly now.... ;)

Let's just say look for news following WFO, and how well MamaYammi was recieved there.
Hmmm, I'll be berry berry curious to see.

Oh, Hevnbound... don't forget to register @ the EOM website which is located here if you indeed are joining us.

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I know of this rad fellow, more frequently seen on the Limey forum IIRC. We actually are related, as are we all in the community of man, the humanist. :puke: :D

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.................... and I thought the STOwners board was wierd :dribble: - you guys take the cake! ............ and - I mean

that in a good way :D

Will check with my budd and see what he thinks about joining up with ya'll at the EOM. I'm pretty sure he will sign on.

Also, thanks for the suggestions. I really wasn't hinting about someone letting me ride their '06 but .. now that you mentioned it! I was hoping Yamaha might have one or two demo bikes available - especially since they are touting all of the "improvements" and, the AE model. We'll see?


I know of this rad fellow, more frequently seen on the Limey forum IIRC. We actually are related, as are we all in the community of man, the humanist. :puke: :D
I have been on fjrowners, since 03, when I bought my FJR. Still spend time there, although I'm on the Brit bike forums more since owning the Triple. I believe you and twowheel also post there.

See you at the EOM.

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I love it when Admins drop teasers. B) I wonder if anyone noticed Yamaha on the event sponsor page?
Dayum Brent! Haven't been to the sponsors page in awhile... 'cause I would've noticed if I had seen it. You doin' good mista'! Last time I looked at that page there were only 2 sponsors.

Gonna' PM you... check your mail...


PS Tell Angela I said HEY!!!
