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I was wondering why you needed to do that until I looked at where you live. Do you still have signs at the state lines warning people about mandatory prison time for guns?

Driving around Atlanta, I can solve the same vehicular spacing issue by raising my jacket a little, exposing the gun holster. The second option is the FJR's power and the HOV lane but that is around Atlanta, not Boston.

For those that think you cannot shoot from a bike should look on YouTube for French police shooting from their FJRs. Ride, un-holster, double tap, drop hammer, holster and ride.

Happing riding.

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Maybe you could hook this whole thing up to a small propane tank, and add some way to get a spark. You could drive down the road with flames shooting out your ass. :ph34r: That would decrease the tailgaters for sure. The original idea is pretty ingenious I think. ;)

Oh, and edited to add: Something is still frigging wrong with you! :p

I do not deny the previous statement........ :punk:

James Burleigh must be a pussy ass lawyer from SF. Great idea from from a few beers and some hardware. If we can load it with super-stink juice then we have a product. I bet you could squirt some 'gaiters with red water and they would still not have a clue to your proximity.

Hotboot, if DailyCommuter didn't want everyone's opinion, then he should have kept this kind of crap off of the forum. You put it out there in public, somone's gonna piss on it.

So let's think about this -

Gater gits pissed on -

Chases DailyCommuter -

DailyCommuter pulls out his gun which now the global virtual community knows that he has -

And what happens next. Well?
I think I pretty clearly stated my imense degree of selfcontrol, stop with the soapbox already, does it hurt to laugh and smile? There are plenty of old threads and posts about packing while you ride,which I don't, But I use the fact that I am a licensed carrier of concealed weapons, and have never even considered using, drawing, or brandishing my weapon for any reason, as an example of why I am not going to be out instigating tailgaters just so I can use my squirt gun.

And please everyone post their thoughts, I haven't got pissed at any of the responses as someone implied, I will answer to them but not be mad about them.

Woooo-Hoooo FRIDAY IS HERE. LAY IT ON ME :finger:

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I was wondering why you needed to do that until I looked at where you live.
That does explain a lot. So suppose this thing works, you get the guy behind you to back off instead of killing you. Then someone else is just going to pull into their place. What's the point?

I was wondering why you needed to do that until I looked at where you live.
That does explain a lot. So suppose this thing works, you get the guy behind you to back off instead of killing you. Then someone else is just going to pull into their place. What's the point?

:dribble: Crap, I didn't thnk of that. I better add a second tank! :hehe:

This is a clever idea and brilliantly executed. However, I'm going to side w/ the naysayers...this is a really, really bad idea. If an ambulance-chasing lawyer or any lawyer, for that matter, ever gets you in court, it'll be "Katie, bar the door!" It has all the earmarks of pre-meditation...especially so, since you announced your intentions in a public forum. And, the "gun" part...announcing that as well...I won't even go there.

Full disclosure: I'm not a lawyer, but, I did watch Law and Order last nite!

Are you going to be selling this as a kit?

I may want to purchase one.

What I really need, is some phone books for the cotton heads to sit on, so maybe they can see me when they pull out in front of me.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

BTW, in my six years of riding to work every day on freeways at about 20K miles a year, I can't even remember a time when I was tailgated (I don't ride like a Harley rider, which is probably why).
Unfortunately tailgating is a fact of life where I live. The worst part is when I leave a long buffer zone in front of me to account for the tailgater (so I don't have to stop short and get killed by this idiot) people take it as an open invite to cut in front of me. :angry2:
If somebody's going faster than me, and very few do, I let 'em go by, then they get to be the performance award dummy.

Why am I reminded of some paranoid evil scientist, toiling away for hours in his lab, fixing to make "them" pay for slighting him?
You guys are missing the whole point of what I mean by being tailgated in traffic. I don't know where you live or ride , but What I am referring to is in solid traffic when all lanes are full, no room in front and no room behind, when the proper driving method is the 3 second rule, for safe following distance. Now picture that as your surrounding and as a good rider your watching in front and behind simultaneously, your leaving room in front of you to allow for emergency, road debree, or other problems that are lurking waiting for you. The drivers around here can't help themselves when there is even a tiny bit of room in front of you between the next driver. If you're not right up their ass they act as though you need to be cut off.

I love it when others claim no-one tailgates them because they are the fastest on the road all the time, Pah-Lease :rolleyes: not in my traffic you're not. Maybe I'll buy that "little hero" weather tight camera and start videoing my rides to and from work, then you'd understand. ever have anyone come on from the on ramp and just punch it, cut all the way over 4 lanes whether anyone is in the way or not, look straight at you in their rear view mirror when you lay on the stebel nautilus air job, and keep coming in front of you anyway 18 inches off you're ******* front tire, only to give you that extra little quick jab swerve as they finish there attempted murder driving maneuver, THEN ONCE THEY ARE IN FRONT OF YOU KEEP LOOKING IN THE MIRROR LAUGHING, FLIP YOU OFF, AND EVEN GIVE YOU A LITTLE BRAKE JOB TO SHOW YOU YOU HAVE NO PLACE HONKING AT THEM AND ALMOST SENDING THE CAGER BEHIND YOU INTO YOU REAR BECAUSE HE'S AN ******** TOO AND FOLLOWING TO CLOSE.It must be nice to ride such a sheltered life, where you can avoid all conflict with the cagers, Give me a break every fifth thread around here (slight exaggeration) is complaining about cagers in one way shape or form.

If you were to commute to work every day 60 plus miles each way, how many rear enders do you think you'd see? How many roll-overs are on your local highways daily? I see a least 3-5 rear enders between morning and afternoon commutes, and roll-overs (albeit they are mostly in the afternoon) are almost daily. Evey one knows the reputation of Massachusetts drivers, This is merely my response to them.

[SIZE=12pt]....And for Christ sake this whole thread was put up for fun, to give people a chuckle during times when the economy has people ledge bound, and when your breakfast sausage will give you the death flu, and you can't get any Spanish Fly because Mexico is closed for business.[/SIZE]

:yahoo: :clapping: :lol: :crazy: :bleh: Now, Get back on track Fjrforum and learn to have a little laugh now and again, only about half of you all so far are getting it. :yahoo: :clapping: :lol: :crazy: :bleh:
Yes I have, and yes it does make me mad. But if I keep that anger inside me, then they won, that person accomplished what they set out to do, that is make everyone as miserable as them. If you know that commute makes you angry, you should consider an alternate way. I have a similar commute in CT on I-95, 30 miles each way, mostly slab. And I'm sure these drivers are no different than yours. But I've found an alternate route on some nice back roads, yeah it takes me a little longer to get there, and there are alot of lights. But I arrive at work or home with a smile, thats the key. If riding is not fun, then I need to put the bike away. Oh BTW I've found alternate routes back and forth, from any exit ramp. So when traffic gets too much I just get off anywhere and meander. What you mean to tell me I'm the only one who leaves for work 2 hours early for a 45 min commute. Sometimes those 2 rides are the best part of the day so I make the most of it.
This is a clever idea and brilliantly executed. However, I'm going to side w/ the naysayers...this is a really, really bad idea. If an ambulance-chasing lawyer or any lawyer, for that matter, ever gets you in court, it'll be "Katie, bar the door!" It has all the earmarks of pre-meditation...especially so, since you announced your intentions in a public forum. And, the "gun" part...announcing that as well...I won't even go there.
Full disclosure: I'm not a lawyer, but, I did watch Law and Order last nite!
I have a driving license, insurance and concealed gun permit. Don't think I've crossed the "brandishing a weapon" line. :unsure:

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I got it. I don't live so far from the city that we don't get the summer people with all their bad driving habits. Personally, I would not do DC's comute unless I was in an M1A1 Abrams.

I don't know where you live or ride , but What I am referring to is in solid traffic when all lanes are full, no room in front and no room behind, when the proper driving method is the 3 second rule, for safe following distance....
Two words: Lane Sharing. Works great in "solid traffic".

I wouldn't own a bike if I didn't live in California. Too frickin dangerous, between the tailgaters and all the Whitetails. California doesn't even have many deer anymore, since the do-gooders tricked the voting majority into "specially protecting" their apex predator several years ago. Most of the lions are a bit smarter than to hang out in the roadway. I truly feel sad for the rest of you.... :****:

Well, guess I fall into the hooligan camp and say Woot-phooking-Woot :clapping:

How is this any different than when, while driving the 1 ton dually, I turn on the windshield wiper spray bar to 'clean my windshield'. Yeah, right, that's what I'm doing, sorry about the id10ts behind me.. Jus sayin'....

Oh, and remember that your small vehicle size is your friend for hiding where cagers can't go...

...cause if you spray me while I'm in the dually, you're toast, suckah! (Just kidding, don't freaking flame me!)

:rofl: you are getting good response, and the forum is once again lively - good for you! A good poke once in awhile to keep the dog awake and snarling is a GOOD thing!

Traffic is pretty light where I live and commute, but I did once have a young lady tailgating me while she put on her makeup. She was obviously just keeping me in her peripheral vision and pacing me. A little squirt from something like this might have gotten her to pay attention.

I used to ride an H2 and run dino 2-cycle oil. It would smoke some while riding, and really worked up a cloud if I got on the gas hard. I lived in a high traffic area back then and I used to crank it up and 'give 'em some smoke' to shake off tailgaters. It worked very well.

So, in the original spirit of this thread, I'm thinking that the diesel pump could be used to squirt a little oil of some sort inside the hot exhaust. The nasty stuff would come out the pipe. Tailgater would not know that you had done it on purpose, and it would make them back off a bit.

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