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Well, guess I fall into the hooligan camp and say Woot-phooking-Woot :clapping:
How is this any different than when, while driving the 1 ton dually, I turn on the windshield wiper spray bar to 'clean my windshield'. Yeah, right, that's what I'm doing, sorry about the id10ts behind me.. Jus sayin'....

Oh, and remember that your small vehicle size is your friend for hiding where cagers can't go...

...cause if you spray me while I'm in the dually, you're toast, suckah! (Just kidding, don't freaking flame me!)

:rofl: you are getting good response, and the forum is once again lively - good for you! A good poke once in awhile to keep the dog awake and snarling is a GOOD thing!

OMFG FINALLY a man that can see the forest through the trees! This is what I want. Thank you D Carver Thank You :clapping:

Traffic is pretty light where I live and commute, but I did once have a young lady tailgating me while she put on her makeup. She was obviously just keeping me in her peripheral vision and pacing me. A little squirt from something like this might have gotten her to pay attention.
I used to ride an H2 and run dino 2-cycle oil. It would smoke some while riding, and really worked up a cloud if I got on the gas hard. I lived in a high traffic area back then and I used to crank it up and 'give 'em some smoke' to shake off tailgaters. It worked very well.

So, in the original spirit of this thread, I'm thinking that the diesel pump could be used to squirt a little oil of some sort inside the hot exhaust. The nasty stuff would come out the pipe. Tailgater would not know that you had done it on purpose, and it would make them back off a bit.

Yes yes see. All in good fun...Finally the right fellows are reading this and seeing it for what it is, good clean fun....

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Well, guess I fall into the hooligan camp and say Woot-phooking-Woot :clapping:
How is this any different than when, while driving the 1 ton dually, I turn on the windshield wiper spray bar to 'clean my windshield'. Yeah, right, that's what I'm doing, sorry about the id10ts behind me.. Jus sayin'....

Oh, and remember that your small vehicle size is your friend for hiding where cagers can't go...

...cause if you spray me while I'm in the dually, you're toast, suckah! (Just kidding, don't freaking flame me!)

:rofl: you are getting good response, and the forum is once again lively - good for you! A good poke once in awhile to keep the dog awake and snarling is a GOOD thing!

OMFG FINALLY a man that can see the forest through the trees! This is what I want. Thank you D Carver Thank You :clapping:

Traffic is pretty light where I live and commute, but I did once have a young lady tailgating me while she put on her makeup. She was obviously just keeping me in her peripheral vision and pacing me. A little squirt from something like this might have gotten her to pay attention.
I used to ride an H2 and run dino 2-cycle oil. It would smoke some while riding, and really worked up a cloud if I got on the gas hard. I lived in a high traffic area back then and I used to crank it up and 'give 'em some smoke' to shake off tailgaters. It worked very well.

So, in the original spirit of this thread, I'm thinking that the diesel pump could be used to squirt a little oil of some sort inside the hot exhaust. The nasty stuff would come out the pipe. Tailgater would not know that you had done it on purpose, and it would make them back off a bit.

Yes yes see. All in good fun...Finally the right fellows are reading this and seeing it for waht it is, good clean fun....

Don't be such a kiss ass :assassin:

just kidding!

not. I'm just sayin' it took a while (3 pages) for someone to actually "get it" that's all

I've been trying all morning to fashion up a .GIF with a FJR and a flamethrower out it's ass. I'm having trouble though.... need help making gifs...

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c'mon Alan, you've met me in person now. I gotta hear what you think... I know no matter what you write here you'll be giggling on the inside..

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Great gag!!!.......... now point them at a 80 degree angle outward and you got a weiner....... when

I split lanes... and that is twice a day... the assvacuums that hug the white lines. well they need a little smell-o-vision, lets

say you load that thing up with deer piss or ????????????

and you add a left / right turn signal switch to activate which side you want to fire............ lets see now...

they are stuck in bumper to bumper and can't move........ will you fly in and install one for me......


Sometimes I miss being on this forum as much as I used to. After reading 4 pages on this I wonder why.

As much as I like it, and I like it a lot, I too think it's a bad idea in the real world. Sure as **** some aspect of it will backfire, and having just gone through a whole shitstorm of unintended consequences, I can only imagine what horrors might/would be released along with a big load of CommuJuice. This ain't the 60's, we're not on a movie set, and you aint Bond, James Bond.

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You spray a tailgater; he goes after you; car crashes; and his 9 month old niece in the child seat you can't see gets mashed.

You spray a tailgater; he goes after you; car crashes; and the elderly couple in another car gets mashed.


Are you really sure you belong on a motorcycle, son?

Creative and well-done installation that reminds me of some of the pranks we'd play where I grew up in the Applach'ns. Then we grew up, got jobs, ...

Didn't you die once? It was in a video and I think your last words were something like "Hold my beer & watch this ****..."

What do you do when it's raining?

How about when the tailgater turns on his wipers to clean his dirt covered windshield, can't see you anymore, pulls forward and runs your ass over. OOPS!

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I am with Dcarver.

I use my washer fluid in my truck to spray tailgaters behind me. On my way home, 2 lane road, speed limit 50, most traffic wants to travel 65, and a few stop lights pack us in tight. At about 35mph I can hit the washer fluid and get they car behind me. The first time I do it they often think it is a fluke and just use their washer fluid to clear up the spot I put on their window. After the 2nd or 3rd time they back off and stop tailgating.

My truck is not small and has a shell with no windows. There is no way for them to see the traffic in front of me and if I need to brake I would get rear ended.

Who I do this on a bike? More then likely no. However, my commute is not the same as yours so I can't pass judgment.

I find it funny how many people pass judgment on stuff such as this. If, I have a tailgaters on my butt that just won't back off I check the road way on both the left and right. If, all is clear I break check the jerk behind me. Not just a break tap, but I jab them hard to drop my speed from 70mph to 50mph, then I get back on the gas. More then once this has scared the dork behind me to lock his brakes or swerve off the road into the dirt on the side of the road. Yes, they are pissed off. They sometimes want to pull up beside me to yell at me and give me the finger, but at least they are not tailgating me. I catch a lot of crap from some I know when they hear about me doing this.

You spray a tailgater; he goes after you; car crashes; and his 9 month old niece in the child seat you can't see gets mashed.
You spray a tailgater; he goes after you; car crashes; and the elderly couple in another car gets mashed.


Are you really sure you belong on a motorcycle, son?

Only the tailgater is responsible for his driving. People kill themselves, don't blame it on the other drivers.

The roadrage and stupidity of the tailgater would be to blame.

I like it, but would highly reccomend restraint in using it. If I got pissed on by someone in front of me which thought I was too close I might develope a bit 'o road rage. :angry: Other than that, great idea, and well executed. :clapping:

Only the tailgater is responsible for his driving. People kill themselves, don't blame it on the other drivers.
The roadrage and stupidity of the tailgater would be to blame.
He sprays the tailgater, they get in an accident, and the tailgater will be to blame? I doubt it. Having made the commute to Boston a couple of times I think this discussion is moot: he sprays the tailgater and the tailgater shoots him with an arrow is far more likely.

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As it stands now, this is a really bad idea due to its lack of stealth getting you popped. The vile smelling fog others mentioned would avoid potential conflicts & accidents, get the tailgaters to back off and provide the immense personal satisfaction every wronged ( & twisted ) person craves. Yes, I want one too.

Introducing some air at the pump inlet along with the stinky solution would accomplish this. :D Nice job on your project DC !

Only the tailgater is responsible for his driving. People kill themselves, don't blame it on the other drivers.
The roadrage and stupidity of the tailgater would be to blame.
He sprays the tailgater, they get in an accident, and the tailgater will be to blame? I doubt it. Having made the commute to Boston a couple of times I think this discussion is moot: he sprays the tailgater and the tailgater shoots him with an arrow is far more likely.

Yeah, all of the cagers in South Florida carry arrows with them. I have been ducking them all week...

Do you live in a Clint Eastwood movie?

Traffic is pretty light where I live and commute, but I did once have a young lady tailgating me while she put on her makeup. She was obviously just keeping me in her peripheral vision and pacing me. A little squirt from something like this might have gotten her to pay attention.
I used to ride an H2 and run dino 2-cycle oil. It would smoke some while riding, and really worked up a cloud if I got on the gas hard. I lived in a high traffic area back then and I used to crank it up and 'give 'em some smoke' to shake off tailgaters. It worked very well.

So, in the original spirit of this thread, I'm thinking that the diesel pump could be used to squirt a little oil of some sort inside the hot exhaust. The nasty stuff would come out the pipe. Tailgater would not know that you had done it on purpose, and it would make them back off a bit.

With a little insulation ,liquid nitrogen would work well here. Life is good :)
