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Well as horrific as that crash ended up being, your description of it made me laugh a few times. Thats the good news, the bad news is you got f-ed up pretty bad...really bad. Its amazing the carnage that can happen on these things, so quickly. Makes you think...

I hope you heal up well and I'm glad that it wasnt worse. Great description of the accident. Take care and rest up.

Here ya go, you earned it...


Damn Mike, at least I could walk after my big crash (don't count the little ones :)) ........ :dribble:

Your account was difficult to read. But thanks for the warning. We've all been there, and I'm sorry you got bitten.

Hope you heal as quickly as possible and I'll send a prayer your way.

:eek: [SIZE=10pt]HOLEY MOLEY!!![/SIZE] :eek:

While your post is entertaining, it hides neither tragedy nor pain. I feel for you, bro, not your pain (mine has all but subsided.....) but the TIME it takes to recover. Do what the Docs say and ask them what you can do to speed your recovery. The trauma team loves a patient who is self-aware and proactive in their own recovery.

Prayers and healing thoughts sent your way as I type.


Thank God for trauma centers. Don't beat yourself up for this one...important thing is your alive and breathing and will make a full recovery. :clapping:

Did the same thing back in the late eighties....just speeding up on I90 and saw a twinkle in my rearview. Next thing I know, i'm hitting a volvo and doing a good impersonation of superman!

Months after, I realized it was a crystal glass ball hanging from someone's r-view mirror! :angry: Aside from totaling the Volvo and my Suz 650 turbo, I came away with no broken limbs but a good case of roadrash.

Luckily, I had my GS1100E waiting for me after a couple weeks of healing.

Get well soon!


Ouch!!! Damn good thing they got you into good hands before you bled out.

[cup check] Maybe you need louder pipes on that thing. :p [/cup check]

Get well soon!

And thanks for so graphically airing your dirty laundry, so some of us can get reminded just how small a mistake it takes to get squished in this game.

Day-um, Mike

Had you been riding your Duke you could have wheelied out of that situation. :p

On a more serious note, I'm sorry to hear about your mishap.

Man, I sure am glad they quickly realized you were bleeding internally :huh:

Get well soon amigo


It was painful just reading about your accident. It is good you still have your sense of humor, or your pain meds. I wish you a speedy and full recovery. Thanks for the reminder about how quickly things can go bad.

Thank goodness for quick EMS and the trauma team. That could"ve been fatal elsewhere.

Glad your'e here, best wishes Mike.

Damn Mike, that does not sound like a fun experience. I'm glad you had a quick medical response.

I can't even imagine breaking a hip. Only thing I have ever broken is my pinkee finger, and that hurt like a SOB, so a hip.... yikes.

Hope you heal up well. Now sell that damn sled, and ride your bikes that handle well when you get better! :D

Holy Mackeral! That description of your injuries made me feel your pain. I'm sorry you have to go through the pain and suffering of healing and hope you get through it without any glitches. Keep your spirits up.

Good luck on your recovery. That's a bad feeling when you *know* it's going to happen. Your hip will now be able to predict the weather.

Wow, glad to hear that you're doing much better. Take your time healing up and don't over due it. Hip injuries are a real PITA (almost literally) and can take some time to heal.

As much as I hate to say this, Welcome to the Crash Club. We meet on Tuesday and the new guy has to bring the doughnuts :p

Heal well. An you could add this to the Crash Club image:
- BWM of the Apocalypse

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Judging from the way I feel after reading your post, your experience must have been a miserable one.

Thanks for sharing with us. I'm sure all that typing was no easy task.

Also, thanks for the reminder... I'm over due to donate a pint and someone might need it.

You'll be in my thoughts as I head to the local Red Cross.

Dam Mike,You've been to hell and back brother. I hope you have a full recovery fast & get yourself back to normal.

Best Wish's to you Mike.

OUCH! Damn, that hurts just reading about it...

Well, maybe it was a good thing you were riding the Deuce... who know how fast you would've been going on a sportbike? <BG>

anyway, take it easy, do what the Doc says and let everything heal.

