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Holy Shit!

I just saw this post today, and suddenly my little shoulder injury doesn't feel so bad. Mike, I'm glad you're alive, and hope you heal quickly.


Sending you some good vibes from here...

Heal up soon, sounds like you've got about as good an attitude as you can have given the circumstances.

Secondary ?: Will you buy another Harley?

Mike, I don't know you but I needed to revive my spirits because I became a very minor member, but a member none-the-less, of the crash club myself today. So, as I read your post regarding your full-blown, "A++" status as a MAJOR crash club member, I suddenly feel much better about my "junior membership". I hope you mend and rehab to better than new condition. Your attitude is one to be emulated as well! Good luck and don't play the "what if" game too much. And don't blame yourself too much, you are right it's not if, but when...


Wow, Scary, scary stuff. Thank God that you were able to get help quickly. What an important reminder for all of us about the speed with which everything can go from great to "world of hurt." I haven't read many worse accident reports, I suppose because the riders did not survive to type them. Glad you made it through and I'll be sure to pray for your recovery. Let us know how your doing as well.

Heal well

Really sorry to hear about this. I'm sure the pain has been difficult to deal with and all the more due to not getting good sleep. This is a real bummer.

I hope the road to recovery will be smooth.


Whose Cheryl Roberts?

Damn, Mike. Just read this...what a friggin story! Sure hope you heal quickly and thoroughly.

I try to observe Murphy's Law when riding or driving which says, "Never look away from traffic for more than one second or someone WILL stop in front of you. It happened to me about a month after picking up my new '05, and the ABS saved my ass.

Damn. I'm slow to this thread, just read it. Man, what a hit. Welcome to the broken bones club. <_<

Not much to say other than hang in there, buy lot's of moto mag subscriptions, and when the time for PT arrives, just buc up, grin and bear it. If you don't deal with the pain then, you'll be pay with pain for the rest of your life. Been there, doing that.

Best to you Mike - dcarver

UPDATE: Well my accident occured Nov 4 and here I sit/lay at home watching the Michigan - Florida game (GO BLUE). Saw mt surgeon yesterday and he couldn't stop saying how well I'm healing, although it doesn't feel that wat to me most of the time. He said given the extent of my hip injury - totally blown apart he can't believe how well and fast I am healing. He has given the OK for me to start putting some weight (50 lbs) on my left leg for the next two weeks, 100 lbs for the next week, 150 lbs the week after, and full weight the week after that. He says he can't believe how well/quick I'm healing given the extent of my injuries, he hasn't seen anyone move along this quickly, again doesn't seem that way to me though. Still alot of pain, taking a ton of pills including pain medication every four hours. At night I might get an hour or two of sleep at a time, just the way it is. He (surgeon - what a great guy (kid), he really is personalbe and has taken a special liking to me for whatever reason). He wants to see me in three weeks to take the internal splint out of what was/is my shattered right wrist. He says we need to start developing mobility in the wrist asap - althought he has mentioned a few times I will probably be looking at ultimately 80% mobility compared to my left wrist. I said I need my right wrist for the throttles on rhe bikes, and the wife adds - maybe this is the end of the bikes. Ken (surgeon) chirps right back - Naw, we'll have him riding again in no time. He said he used to ride a Kantana, then I told him this happened to me on the Harley but I also have a few other bikes. He asked what kind, I started with the Duc 1098 - should of seen his face, he liked. Like I said, I like this kid. With regard to the wife, I'm blessed, I don't know what I would of done (or be doing) without her - thanks again Karen. I won't bore you all with the details of our families medical history, but it has been extensive and harsh, the wife has been the rock through it all over the last ten years. We have yet to thave the inevitalble discussion about my future and motorcycles, it WILL happen. She doesn't like bikes and only goes foe the ocassional ride with me to brunch oe something like that. However, she also understands (I think) my love for the sport so I think things will be OK.

Well there you go - ride safe boys. What really pisses me off is that this was totally my fault and should not of happened. Believe me, this isn't any fun - BUT - shit happens I guess.

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When I read the first posting of your accident, it sounded so grim that I just didn't know what to write. So very glad to hear that things are going well.

You gonna let the kid test ride the Duc!?

I said I need my right wrist for the throttles on rhe bikes, and the wife adds - maybe this is the end of the bikes. Ken (surgeon) chirps right back - Naw, we'll have him riding again in no time.
With regard to the wife, I'm blessed, I don't know what I would of done (or be doing) without her - thanks again Karen. I won't bore you all with the details of our families medical history, but it has been extensive and harsh, the wife has been the rock through it all over the last ten years.
I so understand this post. I have a great ortho; have sent him on at least 3 major vacations with family -he sends me Xmas cards and asks 'what are you doing now?' as if to see if he can afford another great vacation... :rolleyes:

And, yes, the women, for all of their, uhh, 'you know exactly what I mean' have a wonderful strength.. In the mean time, keep riding, love and experience life, and know that this too will pass. It will leave a mark, and it won't ever be the same again, but this too will pass. You are alive, healing well, and will live to ride again. Really, it doesn't get much better than this, given the situation. And we ALL will, sooner or later, be in the 'situation'.

Peace and Happiness; be sure to take care of your lady..

'Break one wrist, you find out who your friends are; break TWO wrists, you find out who you're TRUE friends are'.

be sure to take care of your lady..
I believe Andy set the bar on this one, with the fully gift-wrapped Ninja under the Christmas tree.

'Break one wrist, you find out who your friends are; break TWO wrists, you find out who you're TRUE friends are'.
LOL - if that means what I think it means! :)


Sorry to hear about your accident.

I know that off ramp well as I'm down that way often. I know what it feels like to break bones. No fun at all.

Glad you are feeling better and hope to see you riding soon.


Peace and Happiness; be sure to take care of your lady..

'Break one wrist, you find out who your friends are; break TWO wrists, you find out who you're TRUE friends are'.
Thanks for all the posts, laughs, words of encouragement, etc., anybody who has been in this position knows how much it helps. I couldn't help but laugh on the two wrist thing. A few (several) years ago I was at a back to school night for one of the kids with the wife. One of those deals where you spend 20 minutes at one of the kids classroom then rush to the next one. To make a long story short I wasn't paying attention and tripped over a wall about two feet high while walking very quickly. The point of impact (just below my knee) acted like a pivot point and I went face down hard. I got my two hands out in front of me to brace my fall but I'm not a little guy andII hit the ground hard. The impct jammed my hands, wrists,and arms, talk about pain. Went to the ortho rhe next day, had two fractured wrists and jammed arms. My arms were basically crossed across my chest locked in that position. So, nature calls the next day and I'm begin to discuss the obvious problem with Karen. She immediately picks up on it and says if you think I'm wiping your ass you're nuts! All I remember it was funny as hell and it all worked out somehow - can't remember if she helped or not. , but it all worked out.

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Damn! sound like you're unsafe on two feet! <BG>

Better stick to two wheels!

But it's great to hear you're healing nicely.... especially after reading your first post!

I have an 03 Deuce, about 30,000 miles on it... sold the fast bikes, the FJR and the 02 Bandit... :(

The Harley has ok aceleration, nothing like the other two, and brakes ok, but...

also have an 06 Triumph Speedmaster... smaller, but two front disks..

I guess all the cruising on the Deuce in Hawaii and panic stopping for tourists who were sightseeing paid off...

I was running down the access road for I-30 a bit east of Dallas Sunday.... tons of traffic on the freeway, the access road 30 feet away is almost empty!

Didn't realize there was a stop sign about 50 feet in front of me.

Going about 45-50, dont' really know, when I hit the brakes and got a big suprise.

Instead of the rear end silding like the Harley does (and yes, I use both front and rear!) and the bike skidding into the middle of the intersection like I was expecting...

... the danged Triumph stopped perfectly straight and even before the stop sign! No sideways, no dancing, no nutting! Way cool!

Now to get the Triumph as comfy as the Harley and maybe get a Sprint St (smaller, but like the FJR) ... the FJR I had was just too big for me, but it sure spoiled me!

You take care and don't rush healing... I know twp different idiots that duct taped their broken ankles so they could ride, one did a 1000 IB ride... not recommended. They're both still hurting today.

Your wife deserves a couple extra hugs, too!

I was curious... you said you had to move your whole leg to shift the Harley... you never adjusted the shift lever??

Or do you mean slide you foot from the peg to the lever?

I do slide my foot a bit, but I do that on all the bikes. Just wondering... I still like my Harley, but it's for sale.

Don't need two cruisers... I NEED a sport touring bike~! :dribble: :dribble:


Great news Mike, sounds as though your progressing.

Keep up the hard heal mate.

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