Yeah, it is hard to wait especially when afflicted with cabin fever. But, hang in there guys, JWilly is sure not to disappoint. . . . patience, patience. . . . For the record, I'm attempting my best (shut up Scab!) to put a ride together "somewhere in New England" and can't believe the amount of planning that is going into it. And this is nuttin' compared to what the folks who made EOM possible last year must've went through! Really makes me appreciate it that much more. So give the Jayman a little slack on this one. I know he said by the end of the week, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions as they say.
As for this little northeasterly ride, the planning is still in the works, and will hopefully be posted soon in the Northeast section of the Regional Ride Planning. Keep checking there, hope to have it pinned down ASAP.