Next EOM?

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As for this little northeasterly ride, the planning is still in the works, and will hopefully be posted soon in the Northeast section of the Regional Ride Planning. Keep checking there, hope to have it pinned down ASAP. :)

Yes, folks, to confirm NORTHeast. Way up in New England. Why some rides get listed here instead of in the S.E. is a mystery.

Keep up the good work, DE O L

Yeah, it is hard to wait especially when afflicted with cabin fever. But, hang in there guys, JWilly is sure not to disappoint. . . . patience, patience. . . . For the record, I'm attempting my best (shut up Scab!) to put a ride together "somewhere in New England" and can't believe the amount of planning that is going into it. And this is nuttin' compared to what the folks who made EOM possible last year must've went through! Really makes me appreciate it that much more. So give the Jayman a little slack on this one. I know he said by the end of the week, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions as they say.

As for this little northeasterly ride, the planning is still in the works, and will hopefully be posted soon in the Northeast section of the Regional Ride Planning. Keep checking there, hope to have it pinned down ASAP. :)
Have you seen the Cats and Daks ride (Catskills and Adirondacks) being planned by HerFJR and Zooom?

Actually, I won't lie Geezer. I recall having seen it in the not so distant pass, but that was before my life got turned upside down with a lay off, and now back to working e/o weekend and having my kids on the other weekends, but that's a different story. Anyway, I was contemplating trying to put together a White Mountains ride in northern New Hampshire sometime this spring or summer. As fate would have it, the absolute ONLY weekend is that same damned weekend since that's my only vacation week approved for the entire summer. FredW, God bless him, pointed this fact out to me. Therefore, I have been debating back and forth to post it or not as a planned ride. I don't want to interfere with Zooom's ride planning for those folks who are wanting to do that particular ride. So, I could either plan the ride anyway or just join in the fun of the Cats and Daks ride! Let me start a new thread to check on people's interest for such a ride.

Well, cat's outta the bag now, I guess! I have been waiting trying to get things a little more organized, but for those of you who may be interested or are too far/not planning on going to New York, take a look in the Northeast Ride Planning and I'll get something posted up there.

Sorry to hijack this thread - Uh, Happy Saint Patty's Day everyone!

As for EOM for me, it's really gonna be a crap shoot with trying to get time off from my new boss . . . think *cough* I might be getting *cough* sick, really sick!

*update* on EOM

I apologize for the delay getting things put together. I'm supposed to have the information tomorrow that will allow us to close the deal with the venue. As soon as everything is in order you guys will be the first to know.

Thanks again for your patience and I will keep everyone posted. This will be an event you won't want to miss!


Yea, I can't wait to see how many beer's it takes before you start writing on your laptop screen with a sharpie again...

*update* on EOM
I apologize for the delay getting things put together. I'm supposed to have the information tomorrow that will allow us to close the deal with the venue. As soon as everything is in order you guys will be the first to know.

Thanks again for your patience and I will keep everyone posted. This will be an event you won't want to miss!

*update* on EOM
I apologize for the delay getting things put together. I'm supposed to have the information tomorrow that will allow us to close the deal with the venue. As soon as everything is in order you guys will be the first to know.

Thanks again for your patience and I will keep everyone posted. This will be an event you won't want to miss!

If i am still alive and kicken we will be there. Hell will freeze over first. See ya'll there.

well i hate to be the one to bring this up but i promised Jwilly i would try to help him out. jwilly has had a lot of bad luck lately and hasn't been able to do any planning for eom and now its catching up with him. he has lost his job (visiting to many porn sites), lost his wife (left him for a woman) and the worst, his wife took his FJR (left him a scooter). his financial situation is bad, but he sees a way out if we would just help him. here's his idea. eom will be at his house. he says we will fit right in at the trailer court and he can even cater the event to earn a little extra income. he promises he will serve real Kraft mac and cheese not generic and fresh Cool-Aid. for meat he was hoping that we could bring whatever road kill we came across on our way down.

so how about it can we help a brother out? i say lets do it, i got two squirrels and a skunk already.

is it friday yet? :yahoo:

Damn Roy, is that you sitting out by the junk car next to my trailer? :lol:

Yeah, bring it on I need someone busting my balls or I get lonely...


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