NFL Quarterback in m/c crash

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Sounds like he will recover - he may not be smiling for awhile, but he is damn lucky to be alive after bouncing off the windshield and onto the pavement on his head. Unbelievable. Jay
I'm glad he is going to recover and enjoy the wind blowing through his false teeth on his next ride :blink:

Seriously, it seems that professional athletes need to learn that their perceived invicibility on the court or field does not exist in the mean streets of the real world. One can never make motorcycling safe but one can make it safer.

How many athletes in the past few years have wasted their careers with motorcycle accidents, most I recall wearing no helmets and one in particular with no motorcycle license. Good thing they got signing bonuses.

Look at it this way... the next time he throws a couple picks or fumbles a ball and loses a game, he can blame the recurring brain injury from they grey-hair who ran into him... :dribble:

No sympathy from me he made the choice got what he got.

Watch them try to hang all the blame on her and make her life miserable

His wreck just adds fuel to the fire to ban motorcyles.

Now maybe he will take that msf riding safety course. Oh, its to late,

only idiots ride with out helmets and protective gear

his knees took a hit too. wonder what that means for his career. at least he has some time yet before preseason.

also don't agree with bradshaw and his comment about waiting for retirement. bet terry hasn't said that to any other player on another team. better advice would be to wear a helmet pretty boy!

No sympathy from me he made the choice got what he got.
Watch them try to hang all the blame on her and make her life miserable

His wreck just adds fuel to the fire to ban motorcyles.

Now maybe he will take that msf riding safety course. Oh, its to late,

only idiots ride with out helmets and protective gear
(And only idiots exceed posted speed limits, right?)

That's right- not her fault. All she did was turn in front of him. She probably "didn't see him." :glare:

I don't get all this judgement about the helmet. The guy went down.


Wonder what Ben would have done if the "Helmet Fairy" had showed up 2 milliseconds before he impacted the car, waved her wand, and asked him... OK pretty boy, care to try on this full face Shoei?

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... but then again, in his own words, what's really important is to "be careful", and to ride in groups. :blink:

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Wonder what Ben would have done if the "Helmet Fairy" had showed up 2 milliseconds before he impacted the car, waved her wand, and asked him... OK pretty boy, care to try on this full face Shoei?
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... but then again, in his own words, what's really important is to "be careful", and to ride in groups. :blink:
yeah he's not very bright. such a turnoff.

(And only idiots exceed posted speed limits, right?)
That's right- not her fault. All she did was turn in front of him. She probably "didn't see him."

I don't get all this judgement about the helmet. The guy went down.


Why is no one questioning why the lady turned left in front of him? Was the accident even his fault? Looks like some elderly "I didn't see him" cager just about killed another biker and all you guys can do is blast him for being an idiot cuz he didn't wear a lid!

I've seen PLENTY of the ATGATT crowd ride like absolute fools, going way over the speed limit or getting in stupid accidents while riding over their head. But if one of them goes down, it's all "poor guy, get well soon, sorry it happened, blah, blah, blah".

Wearing a helmet doesn't make you any smarter, doesn't make you a better rider, and only makes you marginally safer. LOTS of bikers die wearing helmets.

And yes, I wear a full face helmet. BR should have wore one too. But if the accident was the old lady's fault, why dog pile the guy for choosing to ride without one? There's plenty of "risk choices" (riding fast, cornering fast, etc) that many of us make every day. I don't see how one risk is "smarter" than the other.

I agree, if he/she did indeed turn in front of him, with him having the right of way, we should be just as angry at him/her (do we know what the sex of the driver of the car is?).

Having said that, one thing wearing gear does that "being careful" doesn't is give you some additional amount of protection for the unexpected. I think wearing gear is smart because once you put it on, it will do it's job as best as it can, and let you think about other things. It's one more layer to your protection package (along with the control you have over the way you ride/react). That's what gets me about this instance... that Ben thought all he had to do was "be careful" and he'd be fine. But that auto driver wasn't under his control, no matter how careful he was...

Um....what windjammer said. I'm all behind the dude(don't go there, radman). If I have to wear a helmet then you cagers should too....every time you get into your suv. Then we'll see accidents quadruple. Talk about messing up your peripheral's why I don't wear a helmet. And'd fall for that clown any day of the week....any chik would. lol

How careful can you be? But wearing a helmet probably would have helped his injuries not to be as severe.
From all the reports I've read, every serious injury he sustained was ... drumroll please... to his head. :dribble:

Juat one thing here.

If he decides to ride again do ya think he'll put an anal retainer over his head?

anal retainer = helmet.

How careful can you be? But wearing a helmet probably would have helped his injuries not to be as severe.
From all the reports I've read, every serious injury he sustained was ... drumroll please... to his head. :dribble:

I'd like to see those reports, cause all i can see on the dozen or so stories is that he has injuries to his face and jaw...dont see how wearing an approved DOT open face helmet could have prevented those injuries...but, in your defense, i am a dumb **** who is so confused that I think the root cause of the accident is the cagers inability to keep in her own lane and give way to other traffic. Dumb me. Guess helmets can stop that too. :glare:
