Try to answer the questions:No piston or cam changes immediately. Did all that in the past, but not trying to accomplish the same here. Of note is that I ran a KZ1000 with nitrous (a lot more HP than in this case) and no problems with pistons.
I don't expect (does anyone ever expect?) overwhelming drive line, tranny stresses because there is always margin for error, I have found Yammies to be tough (note the FJs that are used for sprint cars, etc.) and I don't intend to go higher than 30-40 horses at this point.
Why the FJR? I have it. I have done it with other bikes. Actually put one of the first turbos on a Kawi I had eons ago. Not many, if any have monkeyed with an FJR yet.
Fuel metering-whatever the sensor does not account for, I will adjust with the Techlusion. The Techlusion does not work well with a dyno-it's more of a seat of the pants adjustment and you see the story on your plugs.
For those of you here who have used nitrous-unless you hit it in 1-3rd gear, it is not what I would call a "kick ass" power that would highly load the tranny, shaft drive (etc.)-it is a smooth, "gathering" type of power. I hit the button as I'm already at WFO throttle. DO NOT hit the button in low gear, you will experience more excitement than you desire.
The largest issue I am facing now is that the airbox of the FJR is deep and the intake tubes extend from the rear, providing a space for the nitrous to get behind the tubes. As a result, I fashioned a rubber gasket that blocks off the rear of the airbox, but is not airtight. The crankcase breather hose (etc.) enters the airbox from the far/top end and I don't want to create a vacuum, just ensure most of the nitrous stays up front by the tubes and sensor.
Another potential problem is ensuring the nitrous enters the box equally so the intakes draw equally-I don't want one cylinder running differently from another. There are numerous options-shooting into the center of the filter so it is diffused equally, removing the filter from it's current location and filtering the snorkle, or squaring a filter off to cover the square filter opening, or shooting into the snorkle opening. Sounds like fun?
Numerous suppliers including Dynotune insist that I do NOT retard the timing with this set-up.
I considered doing this to my FJ, but it would not be a fogger and I haven't done it with a FI bike, so here goes.
Biggest reason-I simply cannot leave anything alone. I crave the speed I do not have with the FJR. Not always, but sometimes. One of my previous set-ups-I used an electric shift and because it basically "jumpstarts" the bike, the mixture of exhaust and nitrous would gather in the pipe in that split second and ignite at each shift. One time a guy racing me at night almost jumped off his bike (I had him by a number of bike lengths before hitting the nitrous) when he saw balls of flame flying at him out of my exhaust!
Anyone who has ever been tucked in WFO and has hit that button will not ask me why.
As I go along I will pass on info and provide pictures.