No place like this place

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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newbs need the forum
Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
Spring Hill, Florida
Indeed. There's no place like this place. I'm not saying anything new here, as I'm sure it's been said before, many times. But I was reminded once again of this while posting elsewhere on this forum today. I was thinking back to the times...The times when this forum and the people who make it up... came to the rescue. It's happened so many times for me.

  • times when I was trying to make a decision: what to buy, how much to spend, is it worth the time and money?
  • times when I was wrenching on my bike: NOW that I got this thing apart, what in the #$%^ am I supposed to do?
  • times when I was broke down and out of town
  • times when I needed to borrow something while out of town
  • times when I needed help or guidance or just a friendly face while on the road
I could go on. I think I will: This forum is more than just some great people. It's a living library of knowledge. I say library because just like the brick and mortar ones we're all familiar with, all the information you could ever want, and a bunch you can do without
is all here.

But it's more than that. I said "living" because It's constantly changing... maybe I should say evolving. Ever since the first problem we had with those early Gen 1's, this forum has evolved to become something that just didn't exist years ago: a community providing something to help each of us to benefit from a wealth of experience and a collective ability to solve complex problems.

Where did ya turn to get answers 20 years ago? They say two heads are better than one... ya know how many heads are involved here? But what's really cool about that is not just the knowledge that's available here: many forums have that. But for some reason, we've been blessed with so many who are willing to spend just gobs of time and energy to GET ANSWERS or to just help in whatever way they can. To quote one loudmouth area car dealer, this is HUGE !!!!!!

But there's more. There's a pretty solid level of integrity and loyalty around here. Hold your fire, I'm serious here. I've always felt comfortable buying and selling on this forum. Integrity and loyalty is rare these days. I'm reminded of that when one of us gets into an accident or even when some of our number have passed.

We have something special here.

But here's something that's really a thrill. No matter where you go in this great country of ours (and some foreign ones too) you're never alone. As long as there's a forum member within a 100 miles, you've got a friend that'll drop what they're doing and come to the rescue. It can be a cold hard world when you're a long ways from home and something goes wrong on a trip. I have enjoyed so much reading stories of forum members who've come to the rescue.

You're just NEVER alone. For example, I recently told the story of Charlie and how he saved my neck in Michigan. CLICKY HERE Or the time I was getting ready to head out across the desert and decided to look up AJ, alias Hot Rod Zilla, in Albuquerque. I learned several things that day. First, he's actually a pretty good cop. Yes fellas, they do exist. But he was certainly a good friend to me, a stranger who was 1700 miles from home. He provided me a home cooked meal (what a thrill after 2 weeks on the road), a comfortable bed to sleep in, and took care of all my needs, even ones I didn't know I had. And bless his wife who stayed up late to make sure my dirty clothes were washed. He insisted I borrow his camel back so I'd have something to drink while I crossed the desert in near 120 degree temperatures. Little did I know what I was about to face as I headed out across the sand. He may have saved my life that day, who knows. And there is something to be said about the way cops can find the best donuts in town.

There are countless stories that I've read on this forum of what its members have done for strangers who just happened to be part of this forum.

There is indeed no place like this place.


darksider #44

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Dang....I hate to admit it, but I actually like you guys and girls. That's kind of weird for me, because I'm sort of moody, but Gary is right. There's a TON of great people here. AND, the integrity thing, that's huge. I've been sent stuff and told to hold off on payment until it atrives, and I've sold stuff, and never once had an issue. That says a LOT!

The knowledge here is second to none, and I'm amazed at peoples' willingness to help. Hell, FJRay installed tires for me for free, when I was 1100 miles from home. Never too much of a lull in the action. That's why I come back every day...

A real nice write up Gary. But I suspect that the majority of the folks who make up this forum, are willing to, and have, helped others even if they are not members of this forum.

I think some of this is in part to the type of rider that the FJR attracts. Mature people, both in age and mentality. Family orientated men and women. Folks who have been around the block and have Phd's in life experiences. And the kind of folks who have been around long enough to have been in need themselves and learned to be grateful for the help given. All of this makes giving easier.

I also believe the other part that makes this forum so great is the person who started it and those minions he choose to overlook how it's run. So many pithy issues that so often grenade other forums, are kept at bay here.

I agree with HRZ, this is a good place to visit often.

Edit to include one special moment I was a benficiary of this forum's membership. Few years back I was attempting a 10/10ths and got quite dehydrated as I was struggling going up the East coast. I had made it up into Canada and had pretty well hit my limit. I made a call to someone who I was supposed to meet in Nova Scotia and he suggested I call someone closer to where I was. I made that call and she took me in for several hours until I could recover. Prior to this, we had never met before but she could tell I was in no shape to ride on. She saved my bacon on that trip. With full appreciation of what you did for me, thank you Mary Ellen.

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One day I was getting ready to take the trip of a lifetime. I'd planned on trying to do it for a long time, and finally after much saving and scheduling and praying, I set out to attempt to cross the country on the FJR. In addition I wanted to attempt a 50cc ride on the way back so I could join the IBA and challenge myself to crossing the country in 50 hours or less. But my health was beginning to fail and the family was concerned that this might not be a wise idea for me to attempt. But I pressed on, and after conferring with some of the members on this forum, I pulled the trigger to seize my dream. I succeeded with a little help from the Lord above, a wonderful machine, and several forum members. I decided I wanted to document the journey and write a little bit about it on the forum. Thanks to a lot of encouragement from the forum, once I began, I kept writing. The feedback kept pouring in, which motivated me to keep writing. By the time I was done, one forum member told me that I'd composed nearly 19,000 words. But that would have never happened had it not been for this forum. First off, it was the forum that encouraged me to buy an FJR in the first place. It was the forum that gave me the dream of taking a trip like that: something I never would have considered on my own. Forum members also helped me plan my route and deal with the problems that popped up along the way. Needless to say, for that particular trip and the ride report it spawned, I have the members of this forum to thank. What an amazing experience it was.

In case you missed that ride report, do yourself a favor and check it out here CLICKY


darksider #44

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I test drove and later bought an FJR before I even knew this forum existed. The week I was picking up my bike I found this forum and joined submitting my intro post as we've all done. I learned more about the bike I was picking up form this forum than I ever would have learned on my own or from a dealership.

This forum led me to my first RTE in Bedford, PA in November of 2012 which led me to meet face to face several forum members and an IBR finisher. From here it led to my own start of LD riding and rallying. I enjoyed the various ride reports and photos you've all shared and at the encouragement of my wife started posting some of our own.

I attended my first EOM and in a few weeks will attend my second. I've gotten help with mounting tires, TBS and valve check from a forum member and offered said member my truck and trailer when they moved.

I've received support here when my wife wrecked her bike and when my mother passed away. Many of you have become more family to me than the people I grew up with. I've bought and sold here always without an issue.

This place is amazing in so many ways. Thank you Gary for refreshing our memories. Thank you all for being my friends.

Yep. I bought an FJR based on advice here. Learned to do much of my own scheduled maintenance here. Bought an FSM because folks here told me I really needed it. Fixed a cruise control switch I jacked up. Figured out how to install a bunch of stuff. Learned a bunch of other stuff. Asked a million stupid questions. Made good friends, some of whom I've met in person, others only on the board and on the phone. Bought a shitload of gear based upon recommendations here. The detail of knowledge available, and the irreverent sources through which it is often supplied, are very unique. It's one of the few places in existence on the internet where you're more likely to get 100% accurate information than you would from a real world or motor company source.... When I entered into the long dark experience of trying to get Yamaha to fix a problem with my bike, and things went very badly, I got several PM's and emails from board members. Rather than telling me to stop talking about my rare but nonetheless real problems with Yamaha, they were sympathetic, and in several cases, expressed concern about my leaving the board. I was floored. So, I owe the board community a lot. That's why, if I'm not traveling for work, my trailer is available for emergency transport, and my garage for emergency storage, for real mericans who may be in need in or near north Georgia.

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Curly Joe and I rode out to escapefjrtist's yesterday to help Panman with a front tire change.

I was laughing at/with Panman {Kevin} because his rear tire was worse than the front that he was going to change.

George looked at my front tire and said "Well that will get you to LaPine but probably not back home". Damnit ....

So George dug through his used front tires and found one that will get me to the RR run and back. Then he got all of his tire changing stuff back out and we spooned on the new used front tire.

And the oil change that George was going to do on his FJR moved back another hour.

Yes there is no place like this place. Thanks George and this forum.


Dave Black

Dang....I hate to admit it, but I actually like you guys and girls. That's kind of weird for me, because I'm sort of moody, but Gary is right. There's a TON of great people here. AND, the integrity thing, that's huge. I've been sent stuff and told to hold off on payment until it atrives, and I've sold stuff, and never once had an issue. That says a LOT!
The knowledge here is second to none, and I'm amazed at peoples' willingness to help. Hell, FJRay installed tires for me for free, when I was 1100 miles from home. Never too much of a lull in the action. That's why I come back every day...
Yes, and you're one of them....e.g. helping me and many peeps coming though Albuquerque.
Andrew, Tim, Rad..... Those were the days.
And don't forget scab, RadioHowie, and odot (before he got 'fixed'), speaking of some of the personalities.

For no particular reason, I was thinking aboot scabbie when Sooze and I were out on the FJR yesterday. Just kinda wondering how he's been doing. It's been a while.


I am fortunate enough to have at least helped a little bit in organizing 13 Tech Days, although most of it was just putting up a post - Bust, MizzBust, RaYzerman, yamafitter, extrememarine - those guys did all the important ****. Sooze and I are getting ready to host our second of the 13 Tech Days next weekend. To us:

1. We enjoy hosting folks. We really do.

B. Considering that I'm a ****** rider and an even worse mechanic, I feel it's the least that we can do to help out the community around here.

And I will add a plug for the gatherings. We went to our first EOM in 2008 not knowing a damn soul. We're not really what I would describe as extroverts, so it was a little awkward for us. One of the first people we met, The Professor himself, ionbeam, helped to set us at ease. The rest, as they say, is history.

And, OK, yah, 'zilla is an OK-ish-enough dude.

But he's still dork.


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I have to agree with everything that has been said. With all the great prose floating above this reply there is nothing left to say!
