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I feel so left out. I bought a 2005 on December 1 with only 6477 on the clock, and managed to get it to 8040 before traveling over the holidays. I haven't even changed the oil yet. :blink:

My good old 04 FRJ has just over 68,000 miles on it. All original stock, except for a outlet for the electric vest, radiator protector and a front fender mud guard.

Last month a endarterectomy on the right femoral artery, this month the left one. Bike doing better than I am.

Lots of tires, oil and filters, some spark plugs about it for maintenance. Plan to do forks and rear bushings next month. All the rest is original that came with the bike.


Other than the ignition switch recall, my 08 with 22k on has been flawless. Oh and it will run fine as low as 3 degrees farenheit that I have been able to verify so far. :D

Exciting bike...boring record...61338 FLAWLESS miles. Hang in there Longrider.

We old guys need to keep on keeping on.

The only thing that has come-up is the neutral light started glowing faintly at about 20k as I would ride along. Would stay on, never at full intensity, for 10-15 miles and then go out.

I happen to mention it to Scott Hillard, Northwest Regional Business Manager, Yamaha Motor Corporation USA at the MC Show in Seattle in 09 and he made arrangements for the local bike shop to take it in and do some brainstorming with their tech and one of Yamaha's techs in CA. Try as they may, examining and lubing the spiders even though there was no indication of anything wrong, doing some re-routing of certain ground wires, installed a new neutral switch and I am sure some other experimenting along the way to no avail. This was an honest effort on Yamaha's part at no cost to myself. Warranty had expired months ago.

After the last of no less than 4 visits to the service department the matter seems to have faded away. I haven't had a repeat of the problem for more than 15k miles. All in all this never kept me grounded (pun intended) and I was never overly concerned about it.
I hate to say it, but I think you still have a spider lurking that's waiting to bite. :angry2:

I had similar intermittent problems for at least 6 months before the hard failure. I wonder if they checked ALL the spiders? The one that bit me was located above the left headlight and is virtually unaccessible unless you pull the entire nose off the bike (which is what I did to mine a year ago to fix my spider bite).

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My '05 has a constant unsolvable problem, I have to keep adding gas. I can't figure it out. Anybody else have this happen to them? :dntknw:

Oh, and tires. They keep getting thin and have to be replaced or they won't hold air. What a nuisance. :crazy:

On a serious note, the only unexpected maintenance has been the cam chain tensioner. I just ordered my second replacement tensioner. I have a little over 90K miles so far.

Sometimes forums such as this are depressing. Only problems are discussed. We all learn from the posts but I'd like to hear from owners that have had minor or no problems with their FJR and many miles on the clock. For me I've had zero problems on my 2009 but only have 11,000 miles on the bike. My other bike a 98 Guzzi EV has about 115,000 miles on it and I've only had to replace the clutch. Put 65,000 miles on my 99 Bandit and had NO problems. Sure would like to read a few posts from seasoned FJR owners that have had good results. Cheers, Bill
There's lots of positive reading here, Bill. Sure, there are some "my <fill in the blank> fell off," but the majority of posts I see here are how-to's, where-to-go's, and where-can-I-get's.

That's because there's really very little to complain about on these bikes. :scooter:

And when there has been something major, Yamaha's been pretty good about fixing it.

I'm just a guy in love with my motorcycle.
