I can't find a single pair of bud type that works with my Shoei RF1000. The helmet pulls them out putting it on and there's to much padding to allow me to get my fingers up in there to put them back in my ears sufficiently. Tried the wrap around style, great for putting on the helmet but hell on my ears removing it. <_<
Currently looking for in helmet speakers but there's to many to choose from. :blink:
Guess you haven't tried the ER6i. They will work fine.
ER6i ?
I don't see how those will stay in my ears when putting the Shoei on either and noway I'm going to spend that much just to find out they don't. Maybe they will but not willing to spend that much "experimenting".
No experimenting needed. Everybody has done that for you. I have used Shoei for many years. I have a RF1000 and 2 X-11's. The only thing coming out of your ear is the tiny cable. Nothing else is exposed. No possible way if worn right will they pull out or snag.
If you have ever worn just simple ear plugs under your lid then you already know how they will feel.
And they can be found on the net for $60-$70. Which is a steal for these. I paid $175 for these when they came out. No regrets.
But if you have $299.95 burning a hole in your pocket, you absolutely can't beat these...