North American Wild Card Moto-Tag Game

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Ok, I'll make the tag easier - Alternate tag is a Dollar store of any kind. The Kiddie ride tag is also still valid. This is the same stop, same location as the kiddie ride, just the pic I took that day w/o zooming in.



Hope everyone's ok with the latest round of storms. Sure is quiet on this thread. Someone go poke BeamerDon and send him here, he can still ride.

I couldn't get my bike put of my driveway right now if I wanted to. Over 16 inches of snow and ice at my house in the past week and change. Serious PMS going on here!

I hear you, I start a part time paycheck job on Monday. Been semi-retired for a few years.

OK. Dollar store of any kind. Sorry no children's ride.


A mountain of gravel, complete with sign. OK. Just a pile with sign. I find these all over the country with signs stuck in them saying "Property of _______ Highway Department." I'm hoping it'll be fairly easy and get the game rolling along.


Grab - A mountain of gravel, complete with sign. OK. Just a pile with sign.

Caveat - AZ puts their gravel inside the yard, (so people don't steal it for landscaping). Sign is on the fence, gravel piles behind the fence in the background.


Zoomed in more -


New Tag - Your bike and at least three flags of different types. Does not have to be state/country, but each flag has to be different from the others.

(this example is US, Swiss & Utah state flags)


I had a different pile in mind, that is more open and usually has the classic "don't mess with our pile" sign, but just wasn't getting out that way lately. That "work" thing has also been getting in the way. Schedule keeps changing lately.

The flags should be pretty easy.

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Bump. No one out riding this weekend?
I'm sick.

And the weather sucks.
That sucks! Have you tried Zicam? If you're still on the front end, it helps. If you're already miserable, I have good luck with the 24 hr Sudafed that you have to ask for at the pharmacy counter, (not perscription, but they don't leave it out on the shelves). And Nyquil for bed time.

I hope you get better soon and the weather improves.

I sure hope the weather improves sometime soon. This is the worst winter I can remember out here in the northeast. It's enough to make anyone sick.

I appreciate the well wishes. Actually, we've got some trees budding out, and I think my allergies are somewhat ticked off about it. I'd ride, though, if it weren't raining.

Grab- three flags in front of the Davis County Justice Center....


And a new TAG: A privately owned military vehicle, may or may not be in service.


This tag was easy- since this is my truck...

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Very nice! And a nice 5 ton too. Is that one of those pussyfied automatics?

Very nice! And a nice 5 ton too. Is that one of those pussyfied automatics?
Not only automatic, power steering to boot!!! So much easier to drive than the old deuce's or the 800's we had!
