Not liking The FJR Sound

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Oh, and where did this guy say anything about only having 400 miles on his bike?
Dan, look at the line:

You've got 400 miles on the first motorcycle you've ever owned. You're not sure if it's the bike for you...
See the underlined words? That's a link to where John made that comment. Most often, people in the forum will make it easier to find the links by using words like "clicky" or "click here" I may end up adopting that convention.

Oh, and where did this guy say anything about only having 400 miles on his bike?
psssst....Hey Dan......

A word to the wise.....I mentioned that in my post, and stirred a hornet's nest. Best leave those things alone eh? :rolleyes:
Some of you descendants of convicts... honestly! :angry2:

I already told you to check your facts:

Check your facts. 1) My quote leads directly to his comments.
click on the underlined words, then read the thread. Of course now the tread's been hijacked to be about raising teenagers...

Oh, and where did this guy say anything about only having 400 miles on his bike?
Dan, look at the line:

You've got 400 miles on the first motorcycle you've ever owned. You're not sure if it's the bike for you...
See the underlined words? That's a link to where John made that comment. Most often, people in the forum will make it easier to find the links by using words like "clicky" or "click here" I may end up adopting that convention.

Oh, and where did this guy say anything about only having 400 miles on his bike?
psssst....Hey Dan......

A word to the wise.....I mentioned that in my post, and stirred a hornet's nest. Best leave those things alone eh? :rolleyes:
Some of you descendants of convicts... honestly! :angry2:

I already told you to check your facts:

Check your facts. 1) My quote leads directly to his comments.
click on the underlined words, then read the thread. Of course now the tread's been hijacked to be about raising teenagers...
Bloody hell Joe...a tissue for your issue mate.

I casually mentioned to Dan23 that the point he made had already had been done to death. I WAS STICKING UP FOR YOU, MY FRIEND. But no, you saw me post a response, and you had to wade in again. You have made your point very clear, and I understand your reasons for the 'link' to the other thread. Nice.

But really...settle down. Take it to a PM if you want a piece of me. I am at peace with you.

Oh...and the convict comment...come on Joe, you can do better than that.

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Hey, john....once I gets me harley runnin'(am working on having the engine rebuilt) Ride next to me and let me know......oh, I got straight pipes on the hog.
the Harley people (who are no doubt trying to compensate for some deficiency)
:headbonk: :haha: :haha: Yer talkin' to odot about deficiencies ? :lol2: :lol2: Now thats funny, I don't care what you say!


I like the bumper sticker "Loud pipes get passed" Oops reality check . . . .Did I say that outloud ? :red_bandana: :lol2:

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I like the bumper sticker "Loud pipes get passed" Oops reality check . . . .
No, no, it's still about right. :)

Settle down boys. Bottom line is people change cans on just about every bike out there for one reason or another. Not my choice for the FJR, and I may tease my breathren about their choices, but it's still their choice.

I find the Dale Walker cans to have a pleasant enough tone, but they are louder than I care for. Sitting three bikes abreast at a recent gas stop, with two more FJRs getting gas 10' away, I though all the bikes were running, then when the DW equipped bike shut down, realized it was only him and I. He was two bikes over from me at the time. And that was with ear plugs and the helmet on at idle. And those are not the loudest out there.

I always though that it sounded more like a turbine winding up. Heidi

I love the sound, especially when winding up from low revs right the way through a tall gear. I would much rather keep the sound as it is than have noisy pipes.
That's what I thought too...until I heard the 'Tunes. What was I thinking? The sound that comes out of those cans is as good as an inline 4 can sound IMNSHO and it's NOT loud ;-)

See the underlined words? That's a link to where John made that comment. Most often, people in the forum will make it easier to find the links by using words like "clicky" or "click here" I may end up adopting that convention.
IIRC, I pointed at the words, but no response. Perhaps an inaccurate pointing by me. I am so sorry. ;)

I'll go 'ditto' on the Walker Holeshots .. have had them on for a couple thou so far and everybody loves them .. sound is perfect .. not loud but you sure know there is an engine in there. Didn't affect mileage or tunning .. and I had them on in 30 minutes. I had some high temp silicone seal and that was the only thing required .. also, check the price against the Staintunes .. the Holeshots are about 1/2 the price.


I love my new 06, it's my first bike at 50yo....but I am not crazy about how it sounds....I want more of a rumble than a whine....will any of these slip on exhausts give me a deeper sound....don't want loud, just want some throatiness.... Any suggestions?
think about the power and handling and dismiss friviolities like sound and curb appeal?

check out the D&D write up

You know what cracks me up? Folks going on for three pages and two separate threads even though Kissammee John has left the building. Quite the fisherman, I'd say.


You know what cracks me up? Folks going on for three pages and two separate threads even though Kissammee John has left the building. Quite the fisherman, I'd say.
Some people may not be able to access this site every day....yet feel the need to make a comment. I'd say the bait is still fresh. Throw it back in the water.

You know what cracks me up? Folks going on for three pages and two separate threads even though Kissammee John has left the building. Quite the fisherman, I'd say.
Some people may not be able to access this site every day....yet feel the need to make a comment. I'd say the bait is still fresh. Throw it back in the water.
I'd completely agree with that if the fisherman came back to check on his nets, but as such, he hasn't. Besides, it ain't no fun kicking a dead guy... well, least for me it ain't. ;)
