Now I'm A Yup.

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What would DoG do?
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Yup - One of two possible answers to the following question:

Dropped yours yet?


Sunday, September 11th 2005 dawned cold and beautiful in Mammoth Lakes. Brenda and I decided to sleep in a bit and get breakfast at our hotel, so we said our goodbyes to the other Yosemite riders at dinner the night before. Well, we awoke about 7:00 and there was no sign of life or coffee in the restaurant or lobby of our place, so we decided to catch up with the Holiday Inn crowd for some chow and maybe get in on a group going home.

Our hotel was a beautiful little lodge within walking distance to the lift at the ski resort. However, the parking lot was designed by Bush himself (so it must be his fault). It reminds one of a paved version of the Widowmaker Hillclimb, with the stalls painted on the off camber perpendicular to the hill.

There was a flat spot near the bottom when we checked in but not after dinner. The flat area at the top was choked with Harleys and only one stall remained, on the dreaded sidehill. I got the bike in there sideways, pointing uphill, and onto the centerstand for the night, but I digress.

Sunday morning, the stall next to me (uphill) was vacated, so after Brenda helped me get the bike off the stand, I figured (fatal mistake) that I would just fire it up and do a nice tight little off-camber u-turn back down the hill. What could go wrong, especially first thing in the cold-ass morning? Lots of cold muscles and clutch feathering the high RPM motor.

Anyway, about halfway throught the turn I fixated on some small potholes and loose gravel and slowed a little too much. The bike started to tip downhill, and by the time my foot reached pavement, it was too far over. I gave it the old college try and managed to lay 'er down gently, pulling muscles in my back and right quadricep in the process.

'Luckily', a couple of the Harley riders were there to watch and help me pick it off the asphalt. I'm sure it was some Karmic payback for bashing Harley riders after one crashed into MCML on Tioga Pass. They were cool, though. Probably because they are from Germany and the Harley's may be rented. It was a rather large group and the ones not on Harley's were in Mustangs.

In retrospect, I should have done a three-point turn instead of the high risk maneuver I chose. Also, the guys at breakfast were nothing but sympathetic and supportive after my announcement. For that I give thanks, but I know the grieving period is over so bust away, boys & girls.

Yeah, I'm a Yup. I made a mistake and paid the price. Airing my dirty laundry may help one of you from scratching your baby, so think before you act. These bikes are heavy and top-heavy to boot. I'm actually somewhat surprised I got over 9000 drop-free miles before it happened.

Other than this, the Yosemite ride was a great time with great people. My ride home was somewhat subdued, and my confidence was steamrolled flat. I can only imagine how Joseph must have felt coming down into Lee Vining after his incident. Probably numb and like someone else was driving the bike. Ill get some pics up in the Ride Report section later...

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Sorry to hear of the parking lot 'Oops'. It takes a brave soul to post up mistakes around here, and yes we are all human sometimes.

My ride home was somewhat subdued
I'm quite sure we crossed paths Sunday afternoon on Hwy49 just north of Mariposa?

When (not IF) you have to become a verified YUP, the parking lot is the place to do it.

Call me Yup- Squared. :bigeyes:

At least is sounds like Brenda was watching, not aggravating the situation. Could have been worse for the both of you! Well, all three of you. Poor feejer.

Time to consider that custom paint scheme.

I'm quite sure we crossed paths Sunday afternoon on Hwy49 just north of Mariposa?
Yeah, we were there. You must have been the '04 sandwiched between two other bikes? It's a beautiful but dangerous stretch of road. I don't think Brenda will ever go down it again, so I'll have to trick her if we need to go that way. I saw no less than three FJR's, all headed in the opposite direction from ourselves. I figured none of them could be from our group but apparently I was wrong. How did you head home? Back through the park and up 49 would probably have been the shortest way, but we opted for Sonora Pass and down 49 to Oakhurst.

Time to consider that custom paint scheme
Like I told TWN yesterday morning, "Now I'm one step closer to that Fire Engine Red paint job." Now I'm worried about the second step...

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You know, being around riders as good as you all and seeing the things that can happen sure makes a guy check his over confidence at the door. Everytime I read a post like this I tend to incorporate the lesson learned into my habitual routine of safety...and I hope its enough!!! I appreciate people discussing the near misses and the accidents.

My recent near miss: I put kickstand down and the velcro strap at bottom of riding pants looped over kickstand and pulled it back up without me noticing. I was leaning the bike over and when I realized the stand wasn't there I thought it was too late. I decided to just soften the blow so I tensed and strained to slow the fall. The bike stopped falling! I thought, "I have a chance!!!" With all my strength and a torn muscle I got the bike straight again after what seemed a 5 second struggle. I panted for at least 15 minutes after this effort! In my checklist I added: "I will see the kickstand touch the ground."

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Sorry, not a great picture but I was not in the greatest mood.
It looks like the Front right fairing and the bag has some scuffs on it. Did the unfortunate event take anything else out? Luckly, in my controlled lay-down endend up on the grass and in dog shit (remember that thread?) Once I installed the R&G sliders you can't even tell she fell over. Thanks for posting though, it will keep some of us from becomming a little lax in those situations.

I was leaning the bike over and when I realized the stand wasn't there I thought it was too late. I decided to just soften the blow so I tensed and strained to slow the fall. The bike stopped falling! I thought, "I have a chance!!!" With all my strength and a torn muscle I got the bike straight again after what seemed a 5 second struggle. I panted for at least 15 minutes after this effort! In my checklist I added: "I will see the kickstand touch the ground."

Also have set the stand down, but not fully forward and had to stop the bike from rolling forward and falling as the stand "self retracted". <_< Duh.

yes droped the 05 with the wife on it july 3 . i posted it in july. was on uneven pavement stop put my right foot down then put my left foot down and there was a 6 inch drop could not hold it up the wife was in thearpy for 6 weeks and has not been on the bike yet. the insurance co. sent me 2600.00 for the damages ..

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When Mr. CBR 900 hit my left sidecase at approx. 5 mph in stop-n-go traffic on the way to Laguna Seca this year, I thought for sure my FJR was going down. I didn't even have license plates on it yet! My wife, Julie, was riding on back. I still don't know how I kept that bike from hitting the ground. After we stopped and hopped off, she told me that we had leaned over far enough for her right foot to touch the ground. She's 5'2" tall....... I'm guessing she must have helped hold the beast up.

Fortunately, all I lost was the left sidecase....since replaced thanks to nice insurance folks.

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QUOTE  I'm quite sure we crossed paths Sunday afternoon on Hwy49 just north of Mariposa?

Yeah, we were there. You must have been the '04 sandwiched between two other bikes? It's a beautiful but dangerous stretch of road. I don't think Brenda will ever go down it again, so I'll have to trick her if we need to go that way. I saw no less than three FJR's, all headed in the opposite direction from ourselves. I figured none of them could be from our group but apparently I was wrong. How did you head home? Back through the park and up 49 would probably have been the shortest way, but we opted for Sonora Pass and down 49 to Oakhurst.
I only rode Saturday to Mamouth and back (310miles round trip) to meet the group. Sunday I was out riding around H49 south of Sonora for another 300 give or take.


Sorry to hear you dropped her. I dropped mine about 3 and a half weeks ago, and scratched up my bike in the exact same places. The right fairing, and saddlebag. It cost me $425 to get the parts fixed up right. The dealer wanted over $1000 for new parts, but since I didn't break anything, I went and had them epoxied/painted, etc. instead. I do feel your pain. Man, after I dropped mine, the bike seemed......tainted.........just didn't feel like the same bike to me. And mine happened with just 2100 miles on it. It really messed with my head to see the bike all scarred up like it was, but after I got if fixed, I feel much better about it. It didn't do anything to my confidence, I knew afterward that it was a bonafide road hazard that caused my crash. Sure, I could have done things different to prevent it, I suppose, but my whole take on it was it could have soooooo much worse than it was. I didn't have my wife with me, and I didn't get hurt, so.......I learned a valuable lesson. If only I had MOKO sliders installed.........Galxy5 has a thread over in the Parts section that he says he is working on modifying the original to provide better protection, but I haven't seen a price yet. Galxy5, you listening?


I didn't drop mine, but I drove my 2-week-old '05 between two huge downed tree trunks to get to an abandoned ski lodge on Mormon Immigrant trail near Hwy 88 in Nor Cal. Getting back out I misjudged the distance and got stuck between the trunks and almost laid it over. I was really wishing for the Gold wing reverse gear at that moment. The only way to get unstuck was to lift my right leg over the trunk and then scrape the right hard bag. The scrapes buffed out and only I notice them but they are a good reminder to NOT go where you don't belong on a touring machine with luggage.

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I didn't drop mine, but I drove my 2-week-old '05 between two huge downed tree trunks to get to an abandoned ski lodge on Mormon Immigrant trail near Hwy 88 in Nor Cal. Getting back out I misjudged the distance and got stuck between the trunks and almost laid it over. I was really wishing for the Gold wing reverse gear at that moment. The only way to get unstuck was to lift my right leg over the trunk and then scrape the right hard bag. The scrapes buffed out and only I notice them but they are a good reminder to NOT go where you don't belong on a touring machine with luggage.
you must be close to us BBIII. we just had a great ride on 395, 89, 88, Mormon trail. :D Maybe you can hook up with us!

you must be close to us BBIII. we just had a great ride on 395, 89, 88, Mormon trail. :D Maybe you can hook up with us!

Yep, I'm in Cameron Park, just right up the road. I was on Day one of the group ride to WFO-4 on the '05 that got hit by the forest rat the first day I got it from the dealer in Quincy. You're lucky to have a wife who loves riding. My SO was raised by the head of driver training for L.A. City schools and she calls my FJR "the murdercycle" :( At least she lets me ride by myself :D

With barely 700 miles on it, loaded down for a couple of nights at a rally 200 miles away, I got to the end of my driveway--and slowly went over onto the right side. I got past the point where I could save, then figured I'd save myself....$450 to have it re-painted, new turnsignal and new decals...'s NOT A CRASH!! It's just a tip-over... :rolleyes:

Never too late for R&G's either! (and I think they provide the best protection). I won a discount coupon for BikeJohnny at WFO-4 which I don't need as I already have my R&G's + engine armour. PM me if you would like the coupon.
