numero uno best most primo earplugs

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
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Being 60 this year, and knowing that I already have high frequency hearing loss, I am being very protective of the hearing that I have left. I have tried every brand of earplug (except for the really pricey custom molded ones), and even bought a case of Warchilds favorite brand, but last week I found the mother of all earplugs. I was at an air national guard airshow, and they were giving out blue foam earplugs to the crowd. They had a strike F15 eagle doing low flybys witht the after burners lit, and the noise was LOUD. These earplugs worked better than anything I have ever tried. Then they had the worlds fastest truck with 3 Pratt and Whitney J3 jet engines mounted on the back, and he hit 350 mph in the quarter mile right in front of the crowd and it was even LOUDER, but these little blue earplugs made it quiet. I sourced them on the web and got a case of 200 pairs for a little over $30 with shipping. The brand is TASCO THERMA SOFT 30 . the ebay seller is konkrete-mechanix-partz or you can go to his online store R&W SUPPLY SOURCE .

I swear these are the best most comfortable earplugs ever, and obviously the air force buys them for serious loud jet aircraft noises.. Try them you won't be dissappointed. VT :yahoo:

R&W Supply Source doesn't Google or Yahoo.
No surprise there. Most of these guys are garage operations, with unregistered names, just to sound 'nice'.

As long as he has a good feedback, and you pay thru Paypal, I wouldn't worry about it, especially on such a low-cost item.

I bought a bunch of 33dB yellow ones, and am very happy with them. The higher the number, the more quiet they are. I also have high-frequency ringing in both ears, and recently got a changing 2-tone lower frequency going on my left ear, and don't want it to get worse. It doesn't bother me to sleep, fortunately, but can't figure out why the hell I'm getting this if I have always taken care of my hearing, except that one freaking time at a disco a ton of years ago, where I didn't have anything to cover my ears with, and got the ringing on both. Oh well. Take care.


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I currently use the blue 29db attenuation plugs from this place. Since I also suffer from tinitis and my hearing seems to be getting worse, I'm always on the lookout for better protection that will still be comfortable under my helmet.

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Next time the International MC show comes to your town (or a similar event), check out the booth with the custom moulded pluggies. For around $50 they will squirt goo into your ear, in the color(s) of your choice, and let it mold to the shape. Five minutes later the plug is taken out, then you pick up your custom made earplugs in an hour or so.

I tried all kinds of earplugs from catalogs and the drugstore but couldn't find anything I really liked. My ears are vastly different shapes on the inside apparently. For a while, I wore one each of two different brands, but the custom ones are 'it'. Not cheap, but extrememly comfortable for all day wearing and highly efficient.


Not cheap, but extrememly comfortable for all day wearing and highly efficient.
Typical adage 'you get what you pay for' applies, huh?

Do you happen to know the dB rating on those customs? That's my only concern.

As Mike said, I want the best protection I can get. I'm very happy with the 33dB yellow ones I have, but my only gripe is my stupid left ear; it's a royal PITA to get the darn plug in. And yes, I've tried all kinds of contortions to try to get them in. Easiest way is to pull ear with right hand behind head, but still a PITA. Right ear goes right in; go figure. And am the eldest; can't imagine how my 6th brother's came out :blink: < ha ha>. Later gang.


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Jill, I've done that and I could only wear them about 2 hours before the ache set in, so I went back to the foam-type and some yellow plastic-type from the local Ace Hdwre. that block our even more sound.

Jill, I've done that and I could only wear them about 2 hours before the ache set in, so I went back to the foam-type and some yellow plastic-type from the local Ace Hdwre. that block our even more sound.
Well who would have thought? It was my assumption that the custom pluggies would be the be-all and end-all for sound protection. I guess I was wrong.

Glad you found something that works. Now and again, I've ridden without my earplugs, and regretted it. Even for a short run, I want that wind noise reduced.


Jill, I've done that and I could only wear them about 2 hours before the ache set in, so I went back to the foam-type and some yellow plastic-type from the local Ace Hdwre. that block our even more sound.
Well who would have thought? It was my assumption that the custom pluggies would be the be-all and end-all for sound protection. I guess I was wrong.

Glad you found something that works. Now and again, I've ridden without my earplugs, and regretted it. Even for a short run, I want that wind noise reduced.


I agree with you Jill....custom plugs all the way....MM2 maybe you should talk to who did your plugs & ask them for an alternate set up, if they don't fit you properly you would think the company would be happy to help you sort it out.....

Here I am trying to tell all you cats and kittens about these blue 30 db military grade earplugs, that are super comfortable, easy to put in, deaden noise better than anyother earplug I have ever worn, especially the yellow ones which don't last more than a few uses and then don't spring back to full shape, and everyone seems to be telling me theirs work better. (some people?) These little babies are the best, but if you don't want to believe me, buy all the other stuff. I will be riding, mowing, leaf blowing and all the other noisy things that I do on a regular basis, and enjoying the quiet. And now I have a big box of 200 pairs that just arrived at my door for under $35. To each his own. BTW I yahooed the R&W supply that I mentioned and it took me to their website?????????? Peace, VT :glare:

Not sure what makes yours the best earplugs out there. I have ones that are 33db, your favorites are 30db, mine are also very comfortable and I bought them from the local safety supply store for $30 for a box of 200.

I've spent 20 years around 25,000 HP electric motors and steam turbines driving compressors and standing right next to them. Thats like standing next to a jet engine

Here is what I buy:

But are the yellows and blues capable of handling music?
JVC Marshmellow

These are the best/low cost ear plug headphone. They can be had for $9.99 online, or $19.95 at Walmart. I really like mine alot! :)


If the squishy, off the shelf earplugs fit you, and you can wear them for extended periods of time, count yourself lucky. Many of us who find that custom molds work well have odd shaped ear canals, and find it painful to wear the COTS brands.

Now, not all custom ear molds are created equally. The guy at the motorcycle rally who squirts goo in your ear probably doesn't have a license to practice medicine, and probably doesn't know the first thing about what they're selling. I'll say that I've been through all this personally, and I'm not recommending anyone in particular, and I'm not even going to tell you where in the country all this went down.

First, if anyone is going to shoot the mold and give you the earplugs on the spot, run. What they're making are temporary plugs, designed by the manufacturer to set up really, really quick and be used for no more than a week or two (until you get the permanent ones). The material is not anti-microbial, and wearing these for months will get you a trip to see someone about bacterial infection of the ear. When you think about pleasant things, this is no where in sight.

So, you go to the guy who seems to have his shat together at the rally. He's taking impressions, and mailing you the final plugs in 2-3 weeks. Good start! He's going to send the impressions to a lab, and they'll make whatever he tells them to make, in colors, with speakers, etc, etc. Great! This is where most MC enthusiasts stop.

Now, when hearing loss gets worse, and you say 'hey, what the crap?! I wear plugs when I'm on the scooter, in the yard, how can this be getting WORSE?' -- then you end up in that last 20%.

Motorcycling is sort of unique. You need ALOT of attenuation of low frequency noise (wind noise), and possibly others depending on bike (got an Oil-Leaker Uber-Wide-Dyna-Sac with mean pipes?.....). What you need is what I needed, and what ultimately is the hot $hit setup for prolonging your natural hearing. . .

See a pro.

Suck it up, and go see an audiologist. Mine rides a bike. I found that my ear molds, made by one of the rally folks, were good... just didn't attenuate the right frequencies and attenuated the wrong ones. I went from hearing alot of wind noise and nothing else, to being able to hear the tires of the ar next to me, yet not really hearing wind noise.

Whew. Enough for now. :)
