Off to some start with my new FJR

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By "stuff" do you mean their shorts, shirts, or both?
I can only speak to the LD shorts, as I've never felt the need to spend improve my comfort that much in the upper body. What makes the shorts so much more comfortable than regular cotton boxer briefs is, like bicycle shorts they do not have seams in the sitting area. They have a stretchy fabric that will not fold or bunch up during use. So, no hot spots on the derriere. And, they do not absorb any moisture, so you do not feel like you are sitting in a wet diaper all day.

If it is warm enough out that I'm sweating profusely under my gear, I am generally appreciative of any evaporative cooling that takes place.

Different strokes...
Thanks, Fred. Yes, I meant both shorts and shirt. Actually, the shorts were the worst for me because my junk kept getting caught in weird positions so that there was tugging and pulling, but definitely not in a good way. After a few miles I felt like I was sitting on my boys and hairs were being pulled out a few at a time. If I was hell bent on using LD undergarments, I could get around the second part by shaving, I suppose, but the first part would require a jock strap or some kind of tape, and either of those solutions is more than I'm willing to put up with. :yahoo:
I've had great luck with the LD shorts as far as heat and perspiration. As far as the weird position thing, I just tuck it in my sock to keep it out of the way :rolleyes:

I dated a girl name Gina once, never considered the name as a contraction . . . . .

I guess the pronunciation threw me off, jee-na instead of jie-na.

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Geeze...A first class example of a highjacked thread. Congrats on you FJR purchase. I came close to buying the Concurs but happy I picked the FJR. Has met and exceeded my expectaions. Just took it on its first test ride. A 1800 mile 4 day camping trip. The bike is impressive and I found it to be comfortable. However, I have ordered a slightly larger windshield.

Good luck to you and your FJR experience.

