CFO. EMO. "bail" $$. Speak English boy.Nuttin personal Dave,Look, fishbait, you already bailed on us las year. How 'bout you just get your **** together and bring your sorry ass to Tennessee.Damn! September is always a bad month to get away from work :angry: (not to mention it's the weekend of the, Shave yer Anus at Home Convention....
Oh well...Maybe someday when I get Older, or hit the Lottery
I'd considered going South ta see some folks but....................Since 'The Great Forum Divide" an all the **** tossed this way, I've decided CFO is more suited to me.. Funny it was "on the books" prior to EMO..
I figure all I'd do is bust a few jackasses in the chops for being dumb fuks for dissin this place.. What's the point?
I'll save "bail" $$ and see a few that still remember what It's all aboot.
When are you coming to MY house? I wanna show you something.