Official Cub Reporter for WFO?

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Uh oh, it looks like I'm going to have to behave myself. Damn paparazzi..... :coolsmiley02:

I'd have to agree with those who say it's up to the organizers, not the general population of attendees. They may not want the visibility.

Great! Thanks, all.
By free subscriptions, what did you have in mind--like maybe raffle prizes? I can have her contact O'Vale, but I should give her a hint--same with NFO: what's it stand for, and roughly when is it?
Swag, baby! Free stuff to hand out for raffles, door prizes, etc.

I could care less. I am riding and if they wanna ask me something they best come on the rides... Or they wont see me......... Except when I am telling tall stories at the hotel

J B, I say write with style and with a flare and penn those words.

Any films, do and edit with style, any and all proceeds go to run the FJR board to keep it up and running.

You have my blessing for a moumental task........

weekend rider :) :D

For a green light on an article from Amy, I'll need to write her a "proposal" discussing in my e-mail why she'd be interested in an article about the FJR gathering. To that end, can you give me some info regarding number of bikes signed up and how far afield people are coming from. It might also be helpful to know how the event has morphed over the years in terms of popularity and growth. (Where was he held before?)

Not sure what my "angle" or "line" will be on the story, but I'll need to give her reasons to think this article would be of interest to riders other than FJR owners. I don't think that's much of a stretch or argument, but nevertheless it's what I have to be able to sell to her.

TWN, maybe we huddle on the Yosemite ride at some point....


Oh, no you dih'ant! Listen up Burleigh, the only two who cuddle and spoon around here are Skyway and Skooter. Get that, er, straight! ;)

James, you've got mail. :eek:k:
James, did you get my email? :dntknw:
Calling Mr. James Burleigh.......Mr. Burleigh. We have a mesage for Mr. James Burleigh. Uh, has Mr. Burleigh left the building? Mr. Burleigh....calling Mr. Burleigh. Please pick up the white guest phone for your message.

