Oil leaking from swing arm shaft side final drive

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"Does the rear wheel have to come off to remove the shaft/pumpkin?" Yes

When you get things apart be sure to check the gear coupling as mentioned above. I'm willing to bet that there is a groove worn in the gear coupling by the seal........the groove is not suppose to be there. Replace the gear coupling and the seal.

Canadian FJR

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"Does the rear wheel have to come off to remove the shaft/pumpkin?" Yes

When you get things apart be sure to check the gear coupling as mentioned above. I'm willing to bet that there is a groove worn in the gear coupling by the seal........the groove is not suppose to be there. Replace the gear coupling and the seal.

Canadian FJR


I ended up taking it to the dealership. In the end my ambition was overshadowed by my common sense

and I knew they would end up making the correct decisions about how to disassemble and reassemble the bike

after fixing it. However, I did advise that information I found online indicated the problem could be

the oil ring or the shaft coupler... they service tech said they had seen the problem before.

Keeping my fingers crossed

I'll bet you find out this is the problem.

I had a drive shaft leak on my '05 FJR and replaced the front seal on the final drive and that didn't fix it -only slowed it down some but it would still splooge up the back wheel on a long ride.


Turns out the real problem was driveshaft coupler had a grove worn in it so it wouldn't seal correctly and had to be replaced. Cost was about $120 for the part and some labor. Bike had almost 70k miles on it when fixed.

I'm more than a little pissed.

Unfortunately this dealer is the only dealer in the area so I'm stuck going to them unless

I want to take the bike 30 miles in one of 3 directions to get it worked on. Haven't heard

many good things about those dealers either so I chose the closest of 3 evils.

Anyway.. when I dropped it off the bike to Nicholson's they said they were familiar with

the problem and gave me a diagnostic estimate of $140.

I rode the bike to the dealership so it was fully functional at the time, thus should I have

receieved an unfair assessment I could have ridden the bike home. Not!

They called me Thursday to tell me that they have diagnosed the problem and found that 2

oil seals and an o-ring need to be replaced. $63 for parts. Whatever. I asked specifically about the

coupler and if there was any gouge or groves cut into the coupler.. I was told that the coupler

was fine. Of course, this guy answering my questions was not the guy who actually looked at the

bike so he probably has no damn idea.

He proceeds to tell me that they can order the parts tomorrow and they'll be in around end of

next week and the final cost will be $500!! WTF!! I pick up my jaw from the floor and say "excuse me...

but a week to get 2 seals and a ring... that's assenine... but what's more assenine is $500... how

do you get that cost?!"

He then tells me that it's the original $140 for the diagnosis, then 2.5 hours of labor to put the bike

back together and $63 for parts and another $20 for a quart of gear lube....

Um.... NO! I told him no thanks I'll just come pick the bike up and pay them the $140 and do the work

myself. He continues to tell me that the $140 was for the diagnostic fee, not to put the bike back together.

I asked what he meant by that. He said the fee was only to break the bike apart to figure out what the problem was

and not to fix it and put it back together. He said, the bike is in pieces and cannot be ridden now without the new

parts.. he can put the main parts of the bike back together but I'll need to get a trailer to haul it home.

WTF! I call bullshit immediately. I said, the diagnostic fee does not give you the right to render my bike

inoperable. His response was "that's how our diagnostic fee works."

So I proceed to break down to him how it's going to work.. I bring the bike to you in a certain condition, you give me an estimate to make it perfect, you determine what that'll take, I then decide if I want to have it fixed further or if I just want to take it home... at no point do you have the right to make my bike un-ridable so that I'm forced to have it fixed by you.

He resorts to "that's how we do it" but that I'm welcome to speak to his manager if I like.... so I say "you're not getting out of this that easily.. you're going to sit here on the phone with me until you understand what utter bullshit this practice is".

Like talking to a wall.... getting no where I tell him to let me speak to the manager. He tells me that the manager is now gone of the day. WTF! it has been 4 damn minutes and it's only 2:30pm, and they're open til 7.

He then says "I don't know why you're so upset... this is normal.. but I can cut the price down a bit to make this situation easier... I can knock $50 off here that'll take it down to $450..how about that?"... um... NO.

"well I can take another $75 off here, that'll take it down to $375.. how about that".... um.. NO!

So I said look, "just order the damn parts and I'll come in to talk to the manager once the bike is fixed"....

So that's where I am now. The parts probably won't arrive until Wed or Thur this week and during that time I need to figure out what to say to the manager to dispute this disgusting practice.

I was fully calmed down until I just typed it up again and now I'm pissed again. :angry2:

What other option do I have?

Take it to another asshat dealer further away? :dribble:
Make sure you tell the new guys what asshats you think the other guys are... :eek:

Seriously, maybe a call to Yamaha Motor Corp. USA (Cypress) customer relations may be in order -- to inform them of how unfairly (you feel) you're being treated by one of their franchised dealers?

They may want to intercede on your behalf...? :unsure:

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... when I dropped it off the bike to Nicholson's they said they were familiar with the problem and gave me a diagnostic estimate of $140.
* * * *

They called me Thursday to tell me that they have diagnosed the problem and found that 2

oil seals and an o-ring need to be replaced. $63 for parts. Whatever. I asked specifically about the coupler and if there was any gouge or groves cut into the coupler.. I was told that the coupler was fine.

He proceeds to tell me that they can order the parts tomorrow and they'll be in around end of

next week and the final cost will be $500!!

* * * *

He then tells me that it's the original $140 for the diagnosis, then 2.5 hours of labor to put the bike back together and $63 for parts and another $20 for a quart of gear lube....
WTF?!? That's robbery.

First, I'd talk to the guy who told you they were familiar with the problem and gave you the $140 estimate, then to the service manager, then to the general manager, and then to the owner if necessary . . . after cooling down enough to sound business like. And I'd note a number of things.

First, YOU told them what the problem was, and any service dept. familiar with FJRs would have known the limited causes for that leakage. Best practice might have been to order the seals, o-ring and coupler -- since they're in there and the coupler grooving is a known problem, just replace it. There was no need to even take off the rear wheel to give you an estimate for that work, once they took 5 minutes to look up the cost of the parts. NONE!

I'd bet that by reading the threads here, you knew more about this problem and its repair than they did when they got your bike. There is no other reason not to be able to give you an estimate at the time you dropped it off unless they had zero experience with this bike or this FD.

First, they told you that the estimate was for repairing the thing, and induced you to have them fix it based upon a repair cost in line with what you read here for this repair by experienced Yamaha mechanics (see thread in which SkooterG notes his cost before the '07 or '09 IBR).

Further, giving them the benefit of the assumption that they had clue 1 about what they were doing (they are a Yamaha dealer), you naturally assumed that there was no way that it could possibly cost $140 to diagnose a problem that could only have one real problem (OK -- 2 seals, an O-ring and a coupler as worst case). If it were to cost something like $500 for them to take it apart to "diagnose" which relatively inexpensive parts it needed, what would it have cost to just order all three parts and fix the thing? And shouldn't a competent shop offer the option of replacing all three parts to avoid a $140, do nothing, look see?

The way I see it, you got absolutely NOTHING for your $140 diagnostic fee. You told them the problem and they said they were familiar with it. They apparently have your FD apart, or it'd be nothing to put the pumpkin and rear wheel back on and let you ride it away.

Here's what I really don't get, though: if it cost $140 to take it apart to ascertain that the coupler wasn't a problem, how in hell is it another $277 ($500 - $63 - $20 - $140 = $277) in labor to put it back together while replacing only the two seals?!?!?! 2.5 hours to put it back together after they already have the FD apart?!? (As for removing the rear wheel and pumpkin, even without a lift, I'd bet it takes me maybe 15 minutes, and not much longer to put it back together, unless I'm gonna clean and grease the U-joint and shifter linkages while I have the pumpkin off already.)

First thing you probably need to do is talk to the guy who told you they were familiar with the problem and gave you the $140 estimate. If he goes sideways, I'd press the manager about the shop's experience with this bike and this FD. If the manager admits that they haven't done one, tell him that the mechanic's education shouldn't be on your dime, esp. when you got an initial $140 estimate. Consider compromising for the $140 estimate plus the $83 in parts and gear lube (with you getting the remainder of that quart of gear lube for the next couple gear lube changes). Anything else and I'd be calm and reasonable to talk to, but escalate at every level. Do you have a state consumer protection bureau that deals with automobile repair? Make a complaint. Any news channels that run consumer rip off segments? Call them. BBB, local Chamber of Commerce, Yamaha, etc.

Good luck.

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Thanks fellers... I guess I have been so fumin mad I haven't been

able to think clearly about this damn situation.

They're closed today.

Stay tuned....

Well I got the bike back on Friday. After speaking to Yamaha and then to the manager we worked out a much better deal. Got the seals replaced and oil/filter changed.

I didn't trust that they knew what the hell I was talking about with the coupler when they said there wasn't any problems with it so I had them walk me to the back so I could check the coupler with my own eyes and found that they were correct. No problems with the coupler.

So 12 days and 3 small parts, the bike seems to be all better. I put 600 miles on it this weekend and rode it hard a little bit just to build up the heat and pressure to make sure everything was sealed properly. No leaks.

Thanks for the advice and great info on this site. Helped save me hundreds of dollars.

I'll not deal with their service ever again if at all possible.

Now on to sort out the ergo problems. After 1500 miles my back hurts so badly I can barely sit down. I have swapped out the risers and changed seats around with no success.

Not sure the upright riding style will be in my favor in the long run.

Bought an Air Hawk and a Bead rider.... if those don't work... :dntknw:

Guess I may have to go back to something more sporty to stretch the back out.

Thanks again!

....ergo problems. After 1500 miles my back hurts so badly I can barely sit down. I have swapped out the risers and changed seats around with no success. Not sure the upright riding style will be in my favor in the long run.

Bought an Air Hawk and a Bead rider.... if those don't work... :dntknw:

Guess I may have to go back to something more sporty to stretch the back out.
Glad to hear that all is well.
All is well...? :unsure:
