Oil Light Help!

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Active member
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Charlotte, N.C.
Greetings, I have an intermittent oil light issue. About a month ago after starting out for the day (5 minutes) the oil light came on. I pulled over, turned the bike off, and looked around and under the bike (like I know what I'm looking at). I turned the bike back on - and the light was off (no further issues). This morning I was headed out and was warming her up in the driveway when the oil light came on again. I turned her off, looked around again (still don't know what I am looking at), started her back up - no light, no issue.

Any thought's as to what I should do about it? (the oil light coming on that is)



The oil light is a level indicator only. It has no idea what the pressure is. Check your level, top it up if it needs it, and ride that thing. ;)

Or . . .

When was your last oil change and who did it? If not recent, maybe drop it all, put in the 4.25 qts., and go from there. If your light comes back on after that you've now got a better starting point for head-scratching.

And make sure the sun is not "glinting" on the light/ lens. It is really on, is it not?

the first time the site glass showed o.k., just checked it and it looks low. 4.25 and I'll take it from there.


This has never been discussed here.


But far be it fer me to help.I get my ass handed to me when I point the direction to those too lazy to read what was suggested when they walked in this joint.

We have a taven in my town with a sign on the shithouse door that reads "don't piss on the floor, or somebody might take offense and kick the shit out of you".

So when somebody get's a mudhole stomped in thier ass fer pissin on the floor?

Us established patrons who know how to read simply laugh and wait for the next fool..

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Within a few days of purchasing my 08 new, while riding I noticed the oil light come on? I stopped and checked the site glass, it looked OK. I phoned the dealer who said to do what I had already done and if there was oil in it it was OK to ride. The problem was a faulty sender which the dealer replaced right away and since then no problems?

Remember you were once a newb.

Remember you were once a newb.
Yeah, but the hazing was horrendous. Made me smarter though...and thickskinned...cuz are all friends here...and part of that is ribbin' each other. I'd hate to have friends where I'd have to actually watch what I say in case I offended them. That's what I have to do with strangers...or what I'm supoosed to do.

the first time the site glass showed o.k., just checked it and it looks low. 4.25 and I'll take it from there.
That 4.25 is the amount you add when also changing the oil filter.

You probably already surmised that, or read it in the owner's manual (or found it somewhere in the archives on the forum), but just in case you didn't...

I had the light come on once on my 07 while carving through some twisties. I immediately killed engine and stopped on side of road to check oil. It was above the low dot in sight glass, so I went on my merry way. I've had it come on again and determined that my level sensor likes the oil to be filled to the full line on the sight glass and will complain if the level is below midway and I'm carving corners. Probably a manufacturing tolerance issue, so I've never worried about it.

I was sitting at a light 2 days ago, and the oil level warning light faded on, then went out after a few seconds. I thought, that very odd because I am meticulous about maintenance on my vehicles, but I didn't want to pay the price of stupidity, by ignoring it....we are talking about the oil, the motorcycle engine's blood. I was a couple blocks from home, so I rode immediately home, since the light went out, and I parked the bike in the driveway and checked the sight glass. It was completely full. Well, I thought, I am about due for an oil change, so I went and bought the oil and a new filter today, and I changed the oil. I see you guys talking about 4.25 qts of oil, but I can't even put 4 qts in my bike, even with a new filter, which I replace anytime I do an oil change. If I put 4 qts in my 2011, The sight glass is completely covered, with no air bubble at the top. Anyway, I filled up my bike until the oil was to the top mark on the sight glass, then I fired the bike up and let it idle for 3 minutes or so. I checked the sight glass and sure enough, it has filled the filter and needed a little more oil, so I kept pouring more of the 4th qt into the crank case, until the sight glass was filled to the upper mark again. Once again, I fired the bike up and let it idle for 3-5 minutes. I let it sit for 10 minutes, while I went in the house, so all the oil could drain back down into the crank case. Once again, I checked the sight glass, and it was right at the top mark, just like I expected. I got on the bike to go get fuel for my ride tomorrow, and I fired up the bike and started down the street. I didn't even get out of the neighborhood, and the oil light comes on and stays on. Now, I just checked the oil level before I left, and I had looked the whole engine over looking for leaks. I had also rechecked the crank case filler cap to make sure it was tight, and the crank case drain plug to make sure it was tight. I was pretty sure I was not leaking any oil, and the damn thing was full. So of course, I rode right back down the street and parked it in the driveway. I waited a few minutes and checked the sight glass again...still full, right to the top mark, just like it was before. So I am thinking WTH? I have worked on a lot of vehicles in my life, and I usually don't fool around when it comes to the oil light. I lost a V8 in my camaro when I was a teenager because I didn't pay heed. I have dropped many oil pans and replaced the oil pumps, just to be sure. So here I am, and I start checking things over closely. The temperature on the bike is actually running a little lower than "normal", and if the oil was low, it should be getting hotter if anything. I check the sight glass again, and it is good and the oil looks brand spanking new, like it should. I turn the key on , and the oil light comes on and stays on. I turn it off and try it again, same thing, the oil light stays on. I do this several more times, and finally, it comes on and goes out like it should. Anyway, because the damn thing is acting so flakey just when I turn the circuit on with the key, I am leaning toward a faulty sending unit. Especially now that I am reading the sending unit just reads level and not pressure. I was thinking pressure, like a car, until I read this thread. Have any of you replaced this sending unit before? Do you know if it is very difficult? Do you really have to tear very far into the bike to replace it, or is it easy to get at? Any thoughts?


