OK - So what is it?

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I'm confused - Just ask my Wife.
FJR Supporter
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Orange, CA
I just swung by my local cool-aid vendor to see if I'd been selected as the lucky winner of a new F800GS, (I wasn't) and this was parked outside -



Any ideas?

Looks like an ST1100 ??

You've found an 'Adventure ST'. I know SabMag member Tom Blum in FL that has done the same thing to his ST. Tom's ST is often referred to as the most godaweful fugly MC I've ever seen :lol: Tom has no problems with heat or tip-over damage and maintenance got a whole lot easier.

I guess that's one way to get rid of those ugly ass wings on the side fairings

Ahh, I found a picture of Tom's ST1100. It started out looking like this:


Then he improved it to this:


And, here it is in LD Tour mode:


It's an ST1100 alright. As Rush Limbaugh says " I know every square inch of the glorious naked body" (or words to that effect!). Having owned and worked on 5 of them and (re)building 2 from the wheels up, the sight is familar. <_<


I dunno. I don't think it would look so bad if it didn't have the big assed barn door windshield and hillbilly luggage (cardboard boxes) bungie-corded on. Speaking about the Maroon one in the OP, not Ion's Floridian friend. There's no hope for that POS.

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I work on my brother's ST1100 and there was no doubt what the bike was.

As to Tom's Hopeless Class ST, I have no idea why he did that unless he is in competition with Pat Coffee. Pat does indeed have the ugliest collection of bikes on this planet. To Tom's credit, he regularly rides that POS from FL to ME every year and he is a high mileage rider. Every place he goes people tell him that his bike hurts their eyes.

Those "this is your brain on drugs" commercials come to mind :dribble:

And wtf is with the plastic horn mounted to the engine? His redneck-ed-ness knows no bounds...

The ST1100 really doesn't lend itself well to nekkidizing. I had one too, and I've got a couple of extra engines in the lab. It looks more like a small car under the fairings than a refined motorcycle. Not very well finished in the places that weren't visible.

Still, in the early 1990's when these things were introduced, they must have seemed like rocket ships. I got a lot of positive comments about mine, and it gave me excellent service with never so much as a cough.
