My bike was new in June 2006, it is a 2006 FJR AE. So I figure it is time to replace my battery. I keep it on the tender when not riding, all year long. I went to Batteries Plus, they want $99 for a battery. I checked Sears they want $55 for one that is ready to go and $75 for one you have to add the acid to once they ship it to you. Then I saw the They have two for the FJR. One is standard and one is stronger. SHORAI LFX Lithium-Iron Powersports battery, 18Ah 12V eq, "A" polarity, Case Type 1 Sku: 4897034420111Part Number: LFX18A1-BS12Price: $186.95 It is pricy but it features lower weight, no maintenance, twice the life of the old battery.
Has anyone tried this battery? Does it work well?
So the battery is under Panel A. I have never looked under Panel A. It looks like it is to the right of the tank opposite the glove box. Is that it?
Any thoughts let me know.