OMG! He's asking about trailering an FJR!

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I had a similar situation actually just similar because I had to put the FJR in the bed of a pickup the War Dept (Wife) wanted me to ride with her in the Picik Up instead of riding my FJR 285 miles home on a sunny day after bike week in NH I did give it some resistance but I wasn't with any of my crew to help me out of it that was the first and only time my FJR didn't roll on its own power.By the way I was ducked down with a hat and dark shades so no one could reconize me. <_<

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Heres a pic of the holdsworth model.
Cool, ain't nothin better than guitars and FJR's. Rock on!

Ride it like you stole it.... Naw, Break it in like yer gona ride it.

Unless it is snowing, ride it, just dress warm.....

I picked mine up from D&H on the 18th, and had to get a Uhaul to bring it home. I wanted to ride the bike back, but the weather forecast that weekend varied from snow, ice, sleet, rain (all along the route I had to take home). The guys at D&H were really great and helped me get the bike strapped down (mostly they did tied it down and I handed them the ratcheting tie straps). Make sure you take some kind of tie downs with you, if you decide to trailer the bike home with you. Just be careful, whatever way you decide to get your bike home. Nothing is more depressing than seeing your new bike all bashed up the first day you get her...


No shame in trailering and zzzzip has got it down in correct form. And Odot is looking tooooooo cool. I got a concert set of collector Ludwigs does that count? Rock & Roll baby!!! PM. <>< :yahoo:

Cool, ain't nothin better than guitars and FJR's. Rock on!

Sounds similar to an ole Skeenerd tune :guitar:

I had a similar situation actually just similar because I had to put the FJR in the bed of a pickup the War Dept (Wife) wanted me to ride with her in the Picik Up instead of riding my FJR 285 miles home on a sunny day after bike week in NH I did give it some resistance but I wasn't with any of my crew to help me out of it that was the first and only time my FJR didn't roll on its own power.By the way I was ducked down with a hat and dark shades so no one could reconize me. <_<

That's disgusting!

She needs her own bike! :rolleyes:

Athough I pbly have about 7 or 8000 miles of trailering my bikes just in the past 2 yearsl..

but I cant' ride and drive at the same time! Oh well...<BG>


+1000 on the Canyon Dancer.

I carry this with me on tours. Last June I had to use it after a flat tire stranded me. If I didn't have this with me, I have no idea how the tow truck driver would have carried it to the shop on his flatbed. Which reminds me...did you know that Triple A (AAA) has "RV" coverage, which includes MC towing? Worth it's weight in gold.

OK, please everyone do not freak out but I have a question. I'm 300 miles from D&H. I ordered my new FJR from them this week :yahoo: When it comes in, if it's bad weather or freezing cold, I'm going to pull my 4'x8' trailer over there and pick up my ride. I used to haul my Harley's on it. Anyway, can anyone give me any good insight on optimum attachment points for the hold down straps? Second part of question is, if the weather is good, I want to ride it home. I've read countless threads on here about break in and everyone has different opinions. Without opening a can of worms, can anyone tell me if a 300 mile ride home (mostly interstate) will be bad for the bike? Thanks!
Just picked mine up from D&H two weeks ago and they can sell you anything you need. I used a cannon dancer plus 6 other straps. Four straps up front and two in ther rear. D&H also did all the work , just had to watch. :yahoo: :yahoo:

Looking back on my experience, trailering was not really considered an option, but I should have considered it. 17 years of not riding, 3 months out from major abdominal surgery, and really bad rains in TX as I went from Texarkana to Austin, then back (long story...below).

I was so cold and wet on my way way back outside of Dallas I stopped at a wallyworld and bought thier last 2 hoody sweatshirts (who would of thought it could be 63 degrees (+ pouring rain) the first week of June in TX, mid-day??

Spent 2 hours under the I35 underpass while it hailed and rained about 6 inches....(it got so dark b4 the storm, I had to pull off to take off my shades).

Yeah I was stupid, and lucky I didn't fall...that trailer thing ain't such a bad idea after all....

bring her home

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Picked up the bike from the dealer finally finishing the top-box recall item. It was a cold, rainy, Maryland night.

Service manager:

"Are you going to ride it or trailer it?"


"Trailer? Aren't those for dirt bikes?"

Silly Service manager.

I'm getting ready to install a Heli Modified riser but their instructions say not to use handlebar tie-downs after the mod. So, how am I supposed to tie down the front end? I currently use a setup similar to several pictures posted in this thread. Suggestions, other than "don't trailer your FJR", would be greatly appreciated.

Pray for good weather and ride it like a rental, then change oil as soon as you get home. JMHO.
I'll be keeping an eye on the trailer answers, as I may choose* to trailer the bike to NAFO this year. Wifee has some neck issues and isn't up for the 1140 miles each way in discomfort. Unless I can get a screamin' deal on some airfare and a rental car....

*Not come alone.
Toe, my wife is flying to NAFO and I'll ride out from FL....just to far for her and time issues. There are some great deals round trip airfare at the moment (less than $300) from Jacksonville. Check it out, that way you still get to ride to Denver.

I'm getting ready to install a Heli Modified riser but their instructions say not to use handlebar tie-downs after the mod. So, how am I supposed to tie down the front end? I currently use a setup similar to several pictures posted in this thread. Suggestions, other than "don't trailer your FJR", would be greatly appreciated.

I don't recommend using handlebar tie-downs on an FJR with or without the risers installed. On a dirt bike with tubular steel bars, sure. But look at the construction of the cast alloy FJR handlebars (those are NOT steel) and consider the amount of weight that will be bouncing around on that trailer. Other folks like to live a little more dangerously and will tell you they have used them before.

I prefer to run the front end tie-downs to the lower triple tree and loop a soft-tie around the fork leg and over the tree. If the angle to the tie point is correct (approx. 45 degree angle to the floor) you will have minimal contact or pressure on the painted parts.

I'm getting ready to install a Heli Modified riser but their instructions say not to use handlebar tie-downs after the mod. So, how am I supposed to tie down the front end? I currently use a setup similar to several pictures posted in this thread. Suggestions, other than "don't trailer your FJR", would be greatly appreciated.

I don't recommend using handlebar tie-downs on an FJR with or without the risers installed. On a dirt bike with tubular steel bars, sure. But look at the construction of the cast alloy FJR handlebars (those are NOT steel) and consider the amount of weight that will be bouncing around on that trailer. Other folks like to live a little more dangerously and will tell you they have used them before.

I prefer to run the front end tie-downs to the lower triple tree and loop a soft-tie around the fork leg and over the tree. If the angle to the tie point is correct (approx. 45 degree angle to the floor) you will have minimal contact or pressure on the painted parts.
What he said 100%. Whether it's possible depends on the trailer.

I'm getting ready to install a Heli Modified riser but their instructions say not to use handlebar tie-downs after the mod. So, how am I supposed to tie down the front end? I currently use a setup similar to several pictures posted in this thread. Suggestions, other than "don't trailer your FJR", would be greatly appreciated.

I don't recommend using handlebar tie-downs on an FJR with or without the risers installed. On a dirt bike with tubular steel bars, sure. But look at the construction of the cast alloy FJR handlebars (those are NOT steel) and consider the amount of weight that will be bouncing around on that trailer. Other folks like to live a little more dangerously and will tell you they have used them before.

I prefer to run the front end tie-downs to the lower triple tree and loop a soft-tie around the fork leg and over the tree. If the angle to the tie point is correct (approx. 45 degree angle to the floor) you will have minimal contact or pressure on the painted parts.
Do you have a photo?

I'm getting ready to install a Heli Modified riser but their instructions say not to use handlebar tie-downs after the mod. So, how am I supposed to tie down the front end? I currently use a setup similar to several pictures posted in this thread. Suggestions, other than "don't trailer your FJR", would be greatly appreciated.

I don't recommend using handlebar tie-downs on an FJR with or without the risers installed. On a dirt bike with tubular steel bars, sure. But look at the construction of the cast alloy FJR handlebars (those are NOT steel) and consider the amount of weight that will be bouncing around on that trailer. Other folks like to live a little more dangerously and will tell you they have used them before.

I prefer to run the front end tie-downs to the lower triple tree and loop a soft-tie around the fork leg and over the tree. If the angle to the tie point is correct (approx. 45 degree angle to the floor) you will have minimal contact or pressure on the painted parts.
Do you have a photo?


Oh... you meant of the tie downs?

How about this:


See 2nd photo down on the right side.
