On The Road Again

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2005
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Tucson, AZ
Thursday 7/15 got the bike loaded and head out, got a late start so didn't stop to take pictures.

The Mule, sure is pretty isn't she? Well that won't last long.


Did take one road shot first day out.

Welcome to Iowa 80 truck stop


Interesting place if you ever get a chance to visit be sure to go inside. One of the current displays is the mother of all SUV's an orgininal Dodge Power Wagon, and 50 mile down the rode I said "Damn I should have took a picture of that".

Friday 7/16 I got nothing, all slab time.

Saturday 7/17 Sheridan, WY, up at the crack of dawn today we're off the slab.

Crack of Dawn


Took Hwy 14 out of Sheridan. to Cody and the Buffalo Bill Dam .


After getting my Dam picture, got to ride Chief Joseph Highway, and Beartooth.






Todays ride was so good even road construction (gravel) and a huge poker run couldn't spoil it.

Took full advantage of the poker run, may have a worlds record for passing Harleys.

to be continued

edit to add slide show

clicky for mo' pics

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Thanks for sharing your trip with us, neighbor!

We were in Sheriden last September.......had a blast hiking in the Bighorns.

Enjoy your ride in God's country out there!



The next time you go out west, do yourself a favor and get off I80 and take 380 north to Waterloo and then hwy 20 thru Iowa and Neb and into Wyo. A lot more fun and 20 in Iowa is almost all 4 lane and not much traffic.


Wow, great photos Karl! :yahoo:

I especially like the daybreak shot at Sheridan, WY. :clapping:

edit: I like this line...

Todays ride was so good even road construction (gravel) and a huge poker run couldn't spoil it.
Took full advantage of the poker run, may have a worlds record for passing Harleys.
That's what I like about you Karl, always putting a positive spin on a negative. :D

BTW, I think you and petey have to arm wrestle about the record (after your collar bone is better of course). The "herd" chased him through a town once after he passed them...and petey was stopped at a red light...you gotta hear him tell it. :)

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Nice Pics. Crater Lake is one of my new favorites.

Glad to see you back on the bike. I bet it killed you watching us all head out on rides at WFO.

Stay safe and keep the pics coming.

OK, so I took a gravel spill and broke the collar bone, which is healing well. No way was a little set back gonna spoil things,rented a car and continued on minus the Dams.

Finally, got back on the bike for a nice 300 mile loop though the rain forest on the Olympic Peninsula

Unedited Crater Lqke, WFO, MT Rainier, Mt St Helens, Rain Forest
Sorry to hear of your set-back Karl. If you're back in the saddle, I hope you're able to pick-up some remaining dams. Aberdeen Lake, Cowlitz, The Dalles, Timothy and even French Canyon might be doable, if not more depending on your improvement and schedule. Hope you're back on track real soon.

Let us know if you need anything while out our way.

Keep Going!

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Nice Pics. Crater Lake is one of my new favorites.
Glad to see you back on the bike. I bet it killed you watching us all head out on rides at WFO.

Stay safe and keep the pics coming.
True I didn't get to ride, but I got to share some great stories and the company of a lot of fun people.

Sorry to hear of your set-back Karl. If you're back in the saddle, I hope you're able to pick-up some remaining dams. Lake Aberdeen, Cowlitz, The Dalles, Timothy and even French Canon might be doable, if not more depending on your improvementand schedule. Hope you're back on track real soon.
Let us know if you need anything while out our way.

Keep Going!
I'd like to continue, but family commitments say different.

You can bet that when the 2011 dam tour is posted I'm going to be looking at it. It's not just the Dams, getting to the dams provides an excellent tour of the PNW.

Yes to all the above.

Shoulder feels good, only issue is lifting weight above shoulder heigrt, riding the bike is no issue at all.

I'd like to continue, but family commitments say different.
You can bet that when the 2011 dam tour is posted I'm going to be looking at it. It's not just the Dams, getting to the dams provides an excellent tour of the PNW.
My feelings exactly! While some of them are truly magnificent structures, some of them are barley noticeable. However, the ride to and from is the stimulation for me. The farther between the dams the greater the experience in terms of tracking them down. It’s all about the ride.

Congrats on the 6 dams you were able to snag. Look forward to seeing you in 2011. Maybe we'll entice you with a bonus dam close by.

Keep Going!

Took a head in the clouds circuit of Mt Rainier today..........Awesome.

Added photos to slide show in post #8
