one more quick question

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I am from the old cruiser club and just have 1500 miles on my 07 but when riding with the group and sticking to the rules I topped out last weekend on a 200 mile ride at 52.2 mpg on the screen. 50+ is common. HOWEVER, when riding by myself to work running 80-90 with a hitch every now and then at a buck 20, mpg rapidly drops to the 44-45 mpg range. Actual gas going into the tank tells me that the screen is pretty close without taking into account that the odometer may be a little high. I have not run any speedo or odometer checks to verify accuracy. Past history on cruisers would indicate as much as 9% error on a kawasaki 1600 and a 5% error on a V-Star 1100. I kept my Speedo-healer from the 1600 and the factory people tell me it will work on the FJR but just have to be hard-wired. Has anyone verified the % error on an FJR?

:blink: '06 FJR A, mainly highway driving getting about 40-41 mpg per tank...propensity to pass the high number of gravel haulers that ply the roads around here at extreme bursts of speed culminating in exhilarting terminal velocities?

On a extended road trip last summer I did get one tank that was about 50 mpg.

This was previously posted elsewhere:

With gas slipping over $3.00/gal and installation of a PCIII days away, I was interested in finding out how what MPG penalty speed caused. I wanted a comparative "before" and "after" so now was the time. I tried to make the test as emphiracal as possible and I believe it is, at least in relative terms.


I used a running start at the chosen speed. The "average mpg" was reset at the start and recorded at the finish. The test run was 8 miles of very level road that formed a "U" shape thereby negating any wind effect. The throttle lock was tensioned before hitting the reset and there was about a mile runup prior to the startline to settle on the speed.


Bike 2006 FJR AE

Temp 77f

Wind calm

Fuel 78 ron

Tires BT020

Rear 42psi

Front 39psi

Rider 225lbs



50 - 59.0

55 - 57.8

60 - 56.5

65 - 54.8

70 - 52.2

75 - 50.0

80 - 48.6

85 - 46.1

90 - 43.4

I have observed that in checking the actual fuel used in a tank vs the MPG computer that there is a variance that typically exists of 1.5 - 1.8 mpg less.
