One more Stebel horn option

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Patriot I loves ya man but that's just plain wrong!!!!!
I wuvs ya too and ya got to understand...

I leave home for Mississippi PGR mission at o'dark thirty lotsa days and since Katrina, there are no working street lights on I-10 in New Orleans East till Slidell which is 25 miles. 18 wheelers are bouncing down the highway doing 85 to my 70 in the dark and once in a while they decide the road is too harsh and start to drift into my lane sometimes while I'm in their blind spot. That steibel air horn hanging out in the breeze with its unobstructed 137db sound has saved my arsh on more than one occasion. Then I ask what's up on my CB channel 19 and identify myself as that motorsickle just to their left.

just sayin'

function over form can be a good thing


Mike in Nawlins'
