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DAMN! Of all the time for Oregon to make you start pumping your own gas!

Sorry to hear Ray, that sucks! Hope you have a speedy recovery.
I've got a commercial acct. so I have been pumping my own since I got here. I guess now we will have more on welfare or maybe the idiot gov. will give them a pension.

Just got put off until the 22nd. I wish these folks that practice for a living would get their **** together.

Take it easy. Relaxing in Jan and Feb is better than being forced to in June and July. Dropped that piece in the mail today, projected delivery is next Mon, 1/8/18. You should be able to lift the box.

well it looks like that dumb ass I see in the mirror every morning has done it again. It seems I was to much of a human forklift after my latest colon surgery and popped out a hernia along the incision. Repair surgery is scheduled for Monday followed by light duty and no lifting. Not quite sure how I'm going to get my fat ass out of the recliner or just see how much Depends will hold. Should be good to ride by the time. it gets above freezing.
Our generation is not one to go quietly into the nite.

well it looks like that dumb ass I see in the mirror every morning has done it again.
Welcome to the dumb ass club! ;) I changed a water heater shortly after having back surgery and learned a similar lesson, I hope! :)

Good luck with the repair surgery, heal quickly and take it easier this time.

you male types seem to lack the extra x chromasome required for smarts

bloody hell Ray, listen to your lovely wife, m'kay?

heal fast, ya stubborn old bastage


mine just admits he tunes out. It's all good. I buy useless kitchen **** at the thrift store to put on the counters, so when he comes in at night, he scans the place, goes to say something, and gets cut off by "the look"

"we talked about this, remember?"



Ray, the one I learned recently is "that makes sense." Then shut up; she's either right or is going to be.

Pure gold as a shortcut end to a half hour argument, while keeping yer smart ass completely outta jail. And for you male types who do not understand, please refer to the "Bull Durham" scene where Crash is tutoring Nuke on the bus about the use of cliches before he gets called up to the show: "write it down!"


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mine just admits he tunes out. It's all good. I buy useless kitchen **** at the thrift store to put on the counters, so when he comes in at night, he scans the place, goes to say something, and gets cut off by "the look"
"we talked about this, remember?"


Is that what that is? I found something like 5 different "as seen on tv" gadgets when looking for the vacuum sealer to do a sous vide. I bought none of them. All of them seem like snake oil, and my wife NEVER cooks.

As for the other issues. I've never been good at capitulation and made all the GWRRC "co riders" angry when someone popped off over the CB with that tired cliche "if Mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." I asked if the women being discussed were 3 and threw tantrums that made the whole household miserable if they didn't get their way.

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I've never been good at capitulation . . .

. . . if the women being discussed were 3 and threw tantrums that made the whole household miserable if they didn't get their way.
Serious and respectfully intended question: how does one decide whether the issues these two statements address are equivalent or not? I mean: isn't the central issue really about who gets his or her way, who makes the decision and/or who gets to exert control over a situation?

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Yessir, sounds like wisdom to me, Ray. Not to mention that you would probably also have a better won/lost record pitching in the major leagues.

