Opportunity to help a fellow rider keep his bike.

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user 17459

Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Hi All,

My name is Rick and am a recent member of this forum and hoping to have an FJR soon. I came across a thread in the ST forum which I thought deserves some wings. Someone in that forum started a thread to try to raise funds for a fellow rider that is fighting cancer and had his bike for sale, presumably to help with medical expenses. He was trying to sell his bike for $6500, so the goal was to raise that much so that he had the option to keep his bike after he beats the cancer.

I was moved by that thread and the compassion I saw with our fellow riders, many of which donated $20 each or more. The word has spread and riders as far away as Asia and Europe have donated. This information is also being posted to other motorcycle forums so that we all have an opportunity to contribute if we want to.

If you choose to help out or want to track his progress, information can be found in this thread:


Donations can be made to his Paypal address: [email protected]

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


Rick Jackson

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Thanks for posting. Turns out, the rider is in my own town. Coincidence? I don't know, but I helped and posted it to our local forum....


Sat journal entry as Rick is working through his bone marrow transplant of his own cells at this critical stage:

I haven't logged in over the last few days, I just haven't had the energy to pick up the computer. I am fighting things that have been in my body but my immune systtem was able to combat them easily, but when you have no immune system there is nothing you can do about it. They have been pumping me with high end antibiotics. I have gotten up and walked but then I end up sleeping for the rest of the day with no energy. I got tired of having the DR's tell me "it should be tomorrow" I know that right now I am in the stastical average of recovery time so it will happen sometime soon. I have been feeling a bit better each day but then there is something new that pops up and they have to deal with that. I hope i will be home sometime next week which is the first week of June. I am not expecting anything then I don;t have to get upset if the day comes and goes. I have now been here almost 26 days. Whew! My rent is going to be high! Again thanks to all who have sent comments I haven't been able to get on the computer much but I enjoy reading when i can. rick

Rick's Journal on Caringbridge
