Put me down as a fan of the Storms.
I put a set on before reading the famous thread. I just came back from a four day, 2500 mile trip from Seattle to Death Valley and back. More on that in another posting. We rode slab and a lot of twisties including the peg grinding kind. Speeds ranging up to 110 with extended running in the 85 to 95 mph range, temperatures from the low 30s to 104, and winds ranging from nil to "high." A pretty thorough examination (but for rain). I never felt like I put a wrong foot with the Storms.
As others have said, the bike turns in much quicker than it did with the Metzlers . . . you have to give it a nudge to get it to stand back up. If you ride the Reg Pridmore way, you might find them a touch unnerving, but if you like to flop the bike into the turn they're a revelation. They are more sensitive to the pavement in all ways. You get tons of feedback about the road surface (which I think is good) but I didn't find that they were excessively darty.
Others have commented on the rate of wear. Having owned a bunch of cars that took big fat Z rated rubber, I find the cost of good skins for the FJR to be entirely reasonable. If you put average miles on a bike, whatever that means, what's the difference over a couple of years of riding? Two more sets of tires? Three? Given that we're hanging on by two contact patches with the surface area of a couple of silver dollars, it seems like trading some mileage for grip and handling is a good trade.
YMMV, consult with your physician, don't try this at home, IMHO . . .
I also installed some 90 degree valve stems and although they are so much easier to access, they seem to mate a bit sloppy with my air fitting and I can't get a good seal when airing up. Anyone else notice this?
Did the valve stems as well. So far so good.