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Not sure where in Or.you are headed but if you need anything or a place to crash let me know. The weather is supposed to get better towards the weekend.

Thanks Ray, I appreciate the offer. I'll be in Keizer tomorrow, at the old folks home. Really, I'm renting a room in the 'Independent Living' section for 50 bucks a night + breakfast and wireless! :lol: Sure hope they let me out..

How far North are you going to make it? If you get up to the Seattle area, you have a place to stay with us if you need it.

Day 1

As posted earlier, I was the recipient of a fine migraine right about 10:00 AM. First one in a long time, I blame it on trying to accomplish too much in too short of time, all of which had to be perfect, from a professional and personal point of view. Nevertheless, here she is, and the vision is wavy, hypersensitive to noise, and just the 'aura' of weirdness.

Perfect. Also, it's been heavy on my mind - the last time I visited an 'old folks' home was for my Grandma. I was maybe 18 or so. And the place left an indelible bad imprint on my fragile child egg shell mind. The stench of urine, old folks with gaping mouths drooling spit and snot everywhere, the smell of impending death choking the very air... and I had a dream/nightmare about it last night. I wonder how it will be this time?

Leaving Cal Poly, and of course a UPD had to stop to tell me not to park there... I played like a dumb tourist, told him I was *thinking* of having my daughter attend, and all of a sudden he was joe nice!


In true CBA style, I made it all of 5 miles before stopping for gas. I wanted to run a tank of Techrolene through to clean the injectors. I've not done that in +100k miles and remembered sage advice about 'run it through the tank, don't let it set, it may damage the copper shellac on the fuel pp windings or something like that.." Of course I could not find the bottle I purchased yesterday anywhere in my baggage.


My next CBA stop was only 35 miles up the road, near Paso Robles. I was having difficulty with vision, and decided to stop, get some lunch, take stock of my condition - e.g. decide to continue or not. My mantra is something about he who rides the longest in a lifetime, not in one day... (see the sagging bag strapped on Joe's aux tank? Yeah, that's where the extra bottle of Techrolene is!)


and inside I saw an old friend, whom I've not seen for over 15 years! Mike and Wendy are great folks, used to race MX with them, and by pure chance, here she was!


Right about here the weather started getting iffy. I decided to NOT take a chance, so pulled over under an overpass and got the outer rain gear on.


From 30 miles south of Stockton to about 50 miles north of Sacramento, it rained. Sometimes just a drizzle, sometimes alot.


So I stopped - regroup time, again. Actually, though, I'm feeling better, stronger, as the ride goes on. Maybe it's the rain diverting my attention. Maybe riding is just good for the body and soul? Here's a pix from a nice warm n' dry MickeyD's -


Finally, the weather broke, so stopped and cleaned my face shield, did some stretching, took off the outer upper rain jacket.



I was hoping to make it to Weed, but the weather once again turned. And it was getting dark. And wet. And I'm a wimp. Uhh, I mean my CBA membership only allows so many miles per day - and I was bumping up against the limit..

So I found a clean and nice home de home on de road in Corning, CA, about 50 miles south of Redding. Not bad for 44 bucks.


And, of course, the requisite hotel room drying the clothers pix!


All in all, I did OK. I stayed within the Safety Zone while pushing my Comfort Zone. And tomorrow is a brand new day!

How far North are you going to make it? If you get up to the Seattle area, you have a place to stay with us if you need it.
Thanks for the offer, but my furthest north leg will end somewhere around GP Suspension. I have a date with the fork-meisters next Tuesday, IIRC. Wanna come down south and cruise the old folks hall way? I hear there's some really OLD cougars stalkin... :unsure:

My dad folded his last hand in 1967.

Bought my first bike in 65.

Sorry to say, all the bike(s) didn't help. :unsure:

Still miss my dad!

best to you, and ride well...be safe.

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My dad folded his last hand in 1967.

Bought my first bike in 65.

Sorry to say, all the bike(s) didn't help. :unsure:

Still miss my dad!

best to you, and ride well...be safe.
I think I understand, George. ..and I will ride safe.

Good night forum-john-boys! :rolleyes:

Thanks for the up to date report Don and very glad to hear you're feeling better! Nothing worse than being out on the road when the old body is not feeling red-hot!

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Thanks Ray, I appreciate the offer. I'll be in Keizer tomorrow, at the old folks home. Really, I'm renting a room in the 'Independent Living' section for 50 bucks a night + breakfast and wireless! :lol: Sure hope they let me out..
If they want to keep you send me a message. I can be there in 3 hours and spring ya out. Unless because of our advanved age they keep us both.

Great trip so far Donald -s

...stay dry and hope you're feeling great today. have fun and perhaps we can rendezvous somewhere on your way back down.

keep both feet on the bars

Totally enjoying the show!

Hoping the rain clears up for you. Nice that you're considering placing yourself into a managed care facility at your age, too. Very responsible! ;)

Stay safe. :)

Hey Bud, hope ya have your good rain gear. Our weather says mist and its actually raining cats & dogs.

Dunsmuir, California 44 w light rain but the pressure is raising chance of thunder storms late in the day

well, I tried to time it so I rode I-5 around the time Don was coming through town. The boy was traveling fast from Wolf Creek through Green and on to Roseburg. I tried to catch up but that candy butt beat my marshmallow ass.

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I'm sure you have a full itinerary, but if you have a few spare hours, the Evergreen Museum is less than 30 miles away from Salem and I highly recommend it. Hope your visit with your Dad is a good one!

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