Our FJR Is In A Battle

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I registered for the forum, told them I had an 06 FJR AE and they never accepted me so my vote was never available to submit as I am not a member there.

TWN thanks for getting us involved in that crazy mess even though our beloved FJR won.

They probably won't let us participate next year :D :D

[SIZE=24pt]FJR RULES!!!!!!![/SIZE]

Well they say the FJR won if you look on page 13 of the thread, but at the top of the thread on page one it says the Sprint won.

I guess it was hard for them to admit that the FJR won even thou they disqualified us all.

:elf: :axesmiley: :elf:

TWN thanks for getting us involved in that crazy mess even though our beloved FJR won.
They probably won't let us participate next year :D :D

[SIZE=24pt]FJR RULES!!!!!!![/SIZE]


FJR wins the March Madness Final Round 60-52.

Votes were tabulated as shown below. Sorry for the lack of formatting, I am using a slow connection. Chart will be updated tomorrow.

Sprint ST vs FJR 1300

Sprint ST FJR 1300

aldheadeddork 1 Against The Wind 1

basco 1 antirustbug 1

Bazman 1 automag92 1

bete 1 Barabus 1

bizarro 1 bikerider 1

Bodhi 1 boardsnbikes 1

bsd43 1 boogahboogah 1

bubba zanetti 1 Bounce 1

BubbaDenkins 1 Brooklyn 0 Newbie

Bunbun 1 Bug R 1

Capirex 1 Bullit 0 Newbie

Chronic 1 Cal24Master 1

cworley5150 1 Calabash 1

denydog 1 CdogMan 0 Newbie

DNA 1 ceddec 1

DogBoy 1 Checkswrecks 0 Newbie

DredheadV2.0 1 chucksterfjr 0 Newbie

Emerson00 1 Claymore 1

expatbrit 1 Drake22 0 Newbie

EZAS 1 drjfjr 1

FRZY 1 dstrub 1

garry 1 E1Allen 1

gradus 1 egnatius 0 Newbie

Green01SprintST 1 egslowride 1

Guy 1 extrememarine 1

hoss 1 fairlaner 1

Jeff 1 feejer/weeger man 0 Newbie

Jetpilot5 1 fhaze 1

js44 1 FJR Steve 0 Newbie

kendenton 1 fjrfencer 0 Newbie

Max Wedge 1 FJRmgm 1

miles 1 fjrSKI 1

Nimh 1 FJRSTAR 0 Newbie

Orson 1 fun2bwth 0 Newbie

Pearsonm 1 gforce 1

PlayWithGravity 1 Geezer 1

Prubert 1 greench440 1

R Doug 1 Grnarrowe 1

R.Markus 1 Gulfsail 1

Rabidsnipe 1 GunMD 0 Newbie


Rincewind 1 HondaCBX6 0 Newbie

sammyseaman 1 Indian Scout 0 Newbie

sdkoskey 1 jude 1

servicerifle 1 jwilly 1

shil 1 kaitsdad 0 Newbie

ss2 1 keithwinlouisiana 0 Newbie

stefrrr 1 Major 662 1

Stripes 1 Malve 1

TheRedOnesAreFaster 1 mehaffydr 0 Newbie

toddrod 1 MisterSmooth 1

Tyrroneous 1 NJFJR 1

Pierre 0 Newbie


quicksilver 1

Qkslver 1

radman 1

rangerray 1


Renegade 1

Rickster 0 Newbie

roadrailer 1

rockmurf 1

samal 1

ScrapeApe 1

shrkb8 1

silverbullet 1

sprint_st 1

sprocket 1

Squareman 1

StickyC 1

SWriverstone 1

tag2501 1

tcfjr 1

The Shepherd 1

TriggerT 1


Wanderer 1

wheatonFJR 1

zzzzip 1

52 60

What's the point?
Who cares if the FJR 'beat' the Sprint or vice versa.....
Well, if the Sprint won, then I would have to run right down to the Triumph dealer and trade in my FJR for a Sprint, right? And then go farther to live with the miserable Triumph dealer non-support, when I ride by the Yam dealer twice a day, right? And live with a chain again? And aching wrists?

In the word of Borat [SIZE=18pt]NOT[/SIZE]!


It also proves that those that own the FJR are smarter and better organized and thus have made a more intelligent buying decision.

It proves we in the FJR Comunity stick together

Otherwise, how did we hammer them...... Ohhhhh Wait.... That would be an FJR Rider calling as to action and us responding

Gonna buy them some leg warmers........... Keep the ants fromcrawling up their legs and getting to their candy asses :lol:
