Palm and finger technique

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esolc oot m'I siht dear nac uoy fI
Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Plano, TX
In cage-talk it's called heel-and-toe, I figure that rev matching on downshift should be called palm and finger for bikes. :p

So, how many of you out there match revs on downshifts? Any techniques you care to share on the best way to do this on our feejers? I've picked up a couple through trial and error but would be interested in hearing more. Here's what works (OK, but I'd like to get better) for me:

1) Start braking with index, middle, ring and pinkie fingers

2) When you pull in the clutch move the index finger to the throttle

3) Using thumb and index apply throttle and simultaneously keep applying brake with middle, ring, and pinkie fingers

4) Keep the brake application smooth by applying pressure with your fingers bending them at the last knuckle as much as possible

5) Release clutch (when the revs are matched you can dump the clutch very quickly)

It's taken me a while but I'm getting the hang of it. I found that when I started I would apply a lot more brake when rolling my thumb and index finger to blip the throttle. As I continued practicing this has gotten better although I occasionally get it wrong, thus the question looking for advice.

Clutch, KEE-lu-t-chh. what is this?

One finger, index left. Shift one to the left if you have any questions.

I do it opposite...

I have large hands though...I use index and middle to brake and ring and pinkie to throttle...been doing it for years.

I do it opposite...
I have large hands though...I use index and middle to brake and ring and pinkie to throttle...been doing it for years.
I started by trying that combination. I guess my hands aren't quite large enough - either that or I was too new at the technique because I couldn't maintain smooth braking using fingers that were close to the pivot of the brake lever. It might be worth going back to since I've developed a better touch.

I just went outside and fired up the bike. Had to try this. Let's see. . . left pinkie, right thumb, left, no, right, no, No, NO! Aaaugh!

Looking for a new side case and clutch lever. Now Iggy's gonna move my post.

In cage-talk it's called heel-and-toe, I figure that rev matching on downshift should be called palm and finger for bikes. :p

I do it opposite...
I have large hands though...I use index and middle to brake and ring and pinkie to throttle...been doing it for years.
Always done the two-finger brake ever since I got my previous bike, and always matched revs during gear change. Even with my AS (AE), I give the throttle a little "blip" whilst down-changing, braking or not, which speeds up and smooths the gear-change when "riding with enthusiasm" :p

I've been riding so long I couldn't even tell you what I do... I just do it, and it works.

Way too easy...
palm and finger
One finger, index left. Shift one to the left.
I do it opposite...I have large hands though...been doing it for years.
This is a Seinfeld episode in the making................don't forget the counterclockwise swirl :glare:

You must be well aquainted with Palmela Handerson :rolleyes:

How you do it when your riding I have no idea. I'm surprised a leo hasn't nailed you yet (oooh.......that's a good one too!!)

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All four fingers on the brake, heel of the hand with thumb can twist the throttle. It's why we have opposable thumbs. Doesn't need a whole lot of throttle during downshift.

Coming to a stop, I don't bother. Just hold the clutch and kick down while slowing down.

Yea. Like PDXFJR said.

Right hand's index and middle fingers anchored on brake lever, applying braking force as needed.

Throttle controlled by ring and pinkie fingers, palm and thumb.

Begin braking, pull-in clutch, blip throttle, engage clutch as RPMs peak from the blip.

What could be simpler? ;)

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All four fingers on the brake, heel of the hand with thumb can twist the throttle. It's why we have opposable thumbs. Doesn't need a whole lot of throttle during downshift.

Also helps if you have nice tacky-rubber grips, you can roll back the throttle with just palm pressure, your fingers automaticly pull back applying brake. All this happens in micro seconds so... Bungie is kinda right with his comment :

"I've been riding so long I couldn't even tell you what I do... I just do it, and it works."


All four fingers on the brake, heel of the hand with thumb can twist the throttle. It's why we have opposable thumbs. Doesn't need a whole lot of throttle during downshift.

"I've been riding so long I couldn't even tell you what I do... I just do it, and it works."
+1 I had to think about it too, it's just automatic. Another thing that may help if you're just getting into rev matching, is a throttle rocker. Lets your palm have a bit more input while your fingers are doing the brake thing.

I just tried it while I was out walking and I got distracted and fell down. The neighbors got a good chuckle out of it. :rolleyes:
