Parked FJR Hit And Run By Old Lady NWF

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Why not let the cop talk to the witness that saw the accident, also have the cop talk to the restaurant to get a better time and description of these old ladies.

I would leave this in the hands of the police and insurance and you just insist that it is their job to get your bike fix and find the 2 old ladies that did this to your FJR.

Make sure to take lots of pictures and statements from witness, if you don't, next week maybe a different story when they don't remember because they don't wish to get involved.

Happy to hear you are o.k and not on the bike when she back into it also. :blink:

I would leave this in the hands of the police and insurance and you just insist that it is their job to get your bike fix and find the 2 old ladies that did this to your FJR.
not planning any Charles Bronson type stuff and I'm the type that will let them do thier jobs. Statement from gas station attendant was like "two little old ladies in a light blue car" didn't know make or model. This will come down to whether or not she fesses up (IF she knew she did It) otherwise I'm out my $250 deductibe just for parking :mad:

This sucks stale greenish/brown pond water..........

toophast - Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope it works out. But look at the bright side, she hit the bike when it was parked, not when you were on it and moving. It could've been worse. I mention this only because there is a little old lady in Pasadena (seriously) that is a menance to society. She drives a '64-65ish Plymouth that you cannot miss. It literally has thousands of dents in it (none of them repaired or painted). When you see her go down the road she just drifts wherever she wants to go. No signaling, no looking, no yielding, she is totally out of it. The only saving grace is that she only goes about 20 MPH so most other drivers have enough reaction time to get out of her way.

Glad you are okay.

I hope everything works out, and glad no one got physically hurt.

I hope the officer gives the lady a good lecture on Sunday. Can the leo do anything about questioning her competancy as a driver? If he thinks she is not fit to drive given the circumstances, is there any recourse? We need to get these people out of their cars and keep them off the streets. Granted, accidents happen, but if she ends up not posessing the cognitive or physical skills, she (and others) should be stopped.

Why do you ask if I think that you are a Harley rider ? No I do not think you are a harley rider as I do not think that they would call a "little old lady"

[your words]

little gray [do you mean grey ?] haired numb, blind, slow reacting, scene leaving, stupid mother fu**ng old lady

Nor would they contemplate ::

I won't even be able to "jump up her ass and kick footballs" for fear she'll end up having a fu**ing heart attack or something

she probabally didn't know she hit it-----that's the scary thing, don't you get it.

That is exactly what I said : don't you get it ?

[my words]

In all probability she knows nothing of the accident, would be horrified when she finds out and would probably insist immediately to pay for damages.

As I said **** happens, deal with it. Blowing off like a wannabe mucho whatever is not going to make anything better. It just shows a lack of maturity and respect for the elderly


I am gussing she has a CRS Memory. She won't remember going to the store, let alone knocking a bike over. It would be best to check her car for evidence she rmaed something. Better yet buy some galaxie blue paint and put it on her bumper. :D

Doode... that sucks out loud!!!
Secure your witness and contact the police. I would find out what church she goes to, go to it and talk to the priest/father/rabi/pastor/"witch doctor"/"or-what-ever-it-is"... have him tell the old lady that if she doens't turn herself to the police and pay for the damages, you will file a civil law suit.

Keep a cool head and get her to pay for the damages she did. But do not engage her directly, screaming your head off in her general direction will only get you in trouble and will end up on a he-said-she-said argument, and she would claim that you attacked her and make **** up. Remember... she is only a frail old laidy in a judge's eyes.
I second this!

Don't get mad--get even! Get the $$$ out of her!

As I said **** happens, deal with it. Blowing off like a wannabe mucho whatever is not going to make anything better. It just shows a lack of maturity and respect for the elderly
Howard, it's known as blowing off steam, some sit back and have no problem just accepting something like this like it is a fact of life, others blow off steam and use their little potty mouths, still others blow off steam in many ways different from how I chose to on this occasion. Given the forums history of people being able to thump their respective chests in the manner they saw fit; when I felt the need for steam release I thumped my chest. If it sounded "like a wannabe mucho whatever (did you mean "macho"? --thought I'd return the word usage correction favor) :D --[by the way, that was a little personal-but I forgive you]--As I said before she prob. doesn't even know she did it (that scares me). When approached, it will be done professionally, with law enforcement present.

If you took offense to my first posts, I'm sorry, but that was how I chose to vent.

As far as I'm concerned we should all have to re-up the whole license thing every x-number of years. Then things like this wouldn't happen as often (nor the other descriptions of similar crashes). I'd also be willing to bet that if it was my daughter that she ran over your reaction to my first postings on this subject would be a little different. I do respect the elderly, but I do not respect anyone when they are being a menace to society.


Why do you ask if I think that you are a Harley rider ? No I do not think you are a harley rider as I do not think that they would call a "little old lady"
[your words]

little gray [do you mean grey ?] haired numb, blind, slow reacting, scene leaving, stupid mother fu**ng old lady

Nor would they contemplate ::

I won't even be able to "jump up her ass and kick footballs" for fear she'll end up having a fu**ing heart attack or something

she probabally didn't know she hit it-----that's the scary thing, don't you get it.

That is exactly what I said : don't you get it ?

[my words]

In all probability she knows nothing of the accident, would be horrified when she finds out and would probably insist immediately to pay for damages.

As I said **** happens, deal with it. Blowing off like a wannabe mucho whatever is not going to make anything better. It just shows a lack of maturity and respect for the elderly



First of all, what is this disjointed mishmash of a post? Makin' it hard for you to make any sense...

Second, in the US gray can be written universally either way: gray or grey. The fact that you point this out clarifies that you are ineffectively grabbing for a rebuttal here.

**** happens, deal with it? I would love to watch this happen to you and hear you type that crap. He will deal with it as an adult. But that doesn't mean he can't write a rant on the internet about it. Don't like it? Click on.

Third, I suppose if this were any other person you would "wahhh!" the same, claiming that we should respect them despite their history. **** that - it doesn't matter, old/young, tall/short, black/white, straight/gay, etc. If someone ***** up your ****, they are responsible.


Well the last (and only) time I had a little old lady hit me it was a hit & run. 9:00 am on a Sunday morning she ran a red light into my brand new truck, She was drunk and had "Rum Runner" written on the trunk of her car!

An off duty LEO saw it, pulled into the parking lot in his little Z car flashed his badge and tore out after her. :eek:

Lets just say her insurance company wanted to make sure I was happy! :D

This reminds me of The Andy Griffith Show. Where Barney was very sympathetic to this slow moving ,sweet old lady. Andy wasn't at all convinced of the sweet old lady routine. Andy finally busts her because she is the leader of a stolen car gang, catches her red handed . Of course Andy saves Barney in the process.

I'm not trying to compare Howard to Barney but I do think Howard should lighten up a little. Maybe a nap is in order.

She look like this?


She's got a record toophast, have 'em check for prints.

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@Brundog: First of all, thank you. :D Secondly, I think Howard missed the point of my little Harley rider joke/stereotype (the Hardley rider "type" being the uncouth one to handle a situation like that by screaming at the old lady) -don't know if he realizes how much "fun" we poke at Harley riders over here. His post is saying that a Harley rider would not stoop so low as to make the statements I did-because I'm such a baaaaaaaaaad person for griping about what the little old lady did. I did take offense to his "**** happens get over it" opening. You are prob. right, regardless of which "type of Person" done the deed he would have run to their rescue (as soon as he let go of the tree he was hugging).

@Rogue--You make a very good point-Just because it is a "little old lady" does not mean she is automatically lacking in culpability. For all anyone knows this "lady" may have backed into/drove into/sideswiped multiple other "items" in the last 10 years as her sight/hearing/reactions/depth perception/night vision has gone to hell, or like your old lady experience-she could have been drunk already (it was after noon). :alcoholic:

There are too many anecdotical instances of "elderly people" being a hazzard to the rest of society on the roads--we squawk about drunk drivers and speeders- but not much is said about the elderly folks inability to safely negotiate the parking lots/roads of the world. (Maybe because all too many of us will be elderly way too soon). :unsure: I remake my statement that I think there should be Mandatory retesting (full test, including the driving portion) say every five years beginning at age 60. In this way the folks whose skills have deteriated to the point that they are unsafe will be taken off the road. It would not be age discrimination since driving is a privledge not a right.

BTW Before the flames begin, I do not think all elderly are unsafe drivers-nor do I think all of any "type" are good or bad based solely on the "type", I let someone prove it to me (like knocking my pretty blue baby over) :cry:

Yes, not all elderly are incompetant. I have several folks in their 90's that drive to my office. They don't move like lightning, but they get the job done safely. I see them around town.

Then again, I have some "soccer moms" that scare the piss out of me.

Some people have the faculties and don't use them, some people don't have them and shouldn't be on the road.

I like the testing idea, but 5 years is too much. What a hassle for them, but I would think every TWO years.

Heck, I have to have a flight physical every 2 years. It's a pain in the ass. But you gotta do what you gotta do. And you never know. It could save my, and your, life.

TP, I was thinking you should scout the church tomorrow evening. Do they go on wednesday night, too? That's common in these parts.

Book 'em, Dano!

**** that - it doesn't matter, old/young, tall/short, black/white, straight/gay, etc. If someone ***** up your ****, they are responsible.
That's right... Responsibility and ACCOUNTABILITY.

If she is a frail old lady that gets terrified when someone tells her that she did a really bad thing, then she must not be let to be around doing bad things. Painful as it may be, this time it was "only" a motorcycle; are we supposed to wait until it is a stroller with a 6 months old baby in it? And let her run over it because she is an old lady? HELL NOT!!!! If she is not responsible to stop and be accountable for her mistakes, then she must be stopped and be made accountable for her mistakes.

. . .

If you break it, you buy it... if "I" break it, you still buy it.

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Sorry to hear about your ride.

While sitting at a light I was hit in the rear by a "little old lady" who had recently lost her husband, I later found out. When I got off my bike I was pissed. I yelled at her and asked what the hell her problem was. She never answered me or even got out of the car. Her passenger got out and started telling me her sob story. I told her that perhaps she shouldn't be out here trying to kill other people if she wasn't mentally ready. Of course they didn't think I was very nice.

Later found out that since her husbands death I was the 3rd accident she had.

The intersection I was at is known for many death's and her excuse of the sun blinded m e just made me even more angry. If you can't see stop don't keep going.

There my vent


I didn't ride for several months afterwards and this wasn't that bad. It just happened to be the exact accident I have always feared because it was nothing I could do. I saw her coming and couldn't go anywhere. My rear fender was destoryed and was in the shop a few days to make sure the frame was ok.

Glad you're ok.

@Sparky, Hell yeah! But more to the point, glad you're okay, I wasn't even on the bike

These are the type of stories I'm talking about, not much you can do with a test for the "soccor mom's" of the world, :headbonk: like the rest of the people who do dumb ass things you can only bust em when ya catch em. :commando: However, once an individuals' body or mental capacity decreases to the point where they are a danger to themselves or others I think it is societies duty to remove their privledge to operate a motor vehicle. :dwarf: One thing I know for sure, IF I get to be that age and IF I drive like the ones in the reports then I hope to hell someone official :guns: tells me I can no longer drive legally. I'll be mad and I will be negatively impacted in a big way, :cry: but if it keeps me from hurting someone else because I'm just no longer safe on the road then so be it. :good: I wouldn't want to take to the grave the image of someone I hurt/killed/etc :rip: just because my befuddled, old, nearsighted, humpbacked, slow moving, creaky, semi deaf self still felt like I should be driving. :atv:

@Fjrocket thought about the Wed. thing, but I have to work (RN work 12 hr shifts) and besides I have Sunday set up already--good thought though :D

@Sparky, Hell yeah! But more to the point, glad you're okay, I wasn't even on the bike
These are the type of stories I'm talking about, not much you can do with a test for the "soccor mom's" of the world, :headbonk: like the rest of the people who do dumb ass things you can only bust em when ya catch em. :commando: However, once an individuals' body or mental capacity decreases to the point where they are a danger to themselves or others I think it is societies duty to remove their privledge to operate a motor vehicle. :dwarf: One thing I know for sure, IF I get to be that age and IF I drive like the ones in the reports then I hope to hell someone official :guns: tells me I can no longer drive legally. I'll be mad and I will be negatively impacted in a big way, :cry: but if it keeps me from hurting someone else because I'm just no longer safe on the road then so be it. :good: I wouldn't want to take to the grave the image of someone I hurt/killed/etc :rip: just because my befuddled, old, nearsighted, humpbacked, slow moving, creaky, semi deaf self still felt like I should be driving. :atv:

@Fjrocket thought about the Wed. thing, but I have to work (RN work 12 hr shifts) and besides I have Sunday set up already--good thought though :D
My father-n-law is going through that very thing with his 90+ year old parents in that his father still wants to drive but we know he is not mentally what he use to be. The law however does not make it easy to take this away currently in Colorado or anywhere for that matter and I totally agree with you.

My statement of glad you are ok was to the fact that you weren't on the bike. My accident was very slow and still the whip lash affect is felt for days...
