only that you can somewhat negotiate a closed, empty, laid out lot. And you get as many shots at it as you need to. Take a look around you, and tell me that State mandated training does now or ever has really taught people how to drive. The programs are a farce, always have been, and unless tougher standards are created, always will be.
Last time I took a "driving type" drivers test (auto) was a while ago and you had to drive on the road, make left and right turns, parallel park on the side of the public street, 3 point turn in the active road and you could only lose just so many points or you failed and had hoops to jump through before retesting. If all they do now is what you described (parking lot moves) then it's no damn wonder there are so many bloody idiots out there that don't have a clue!
Regarding "state mandated training...." there are those who will argue that point but I don't know any stats---unless your talking about drivers ed. in school type programs-then I think your statement would be hard to defend---if your talking about the type of "training" one has mandated to them by the court secondary to an offense- then I agree. (Been there done that--one of the presents my daughter gave me when she decided to sideswipe someone). There really is no "magic bullet" fix for the problem as it is multifactorial. I think societies driving habits reflect a lot of that societies attitudes...many people drive like they don't give a **** about anyone else, a theme that is rampant in our society at oh so many levels.
Tougher standards are only as good as they are enforced, I'm for both
"Justice that is neither swift nor sure can not be considered justice"--or something like that anyway...