Passenger Getting on Bike

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Ok I have to add, she gets on using my foot peg on the left side,swings her leg over and then scoots or slides back into her seat. I, when I get on stand on my left foot peg and lift my right foot up over my seat and on to my right foot peg. As for extra weight on the side stand, I'm sure it will take it. But then that's just me.

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Ok I have to add, she gets on using my foot peg on the left side,swings her leg over and then scoots or slides back into her seat. I, when I get on stand on my left foot peg and lift my right foot up over my seat and on to my right foot peg. As for extra weight on the side stand, I'm sure it will take it. But then that's just me.
You are probably right.

But since the time I owned a Ducati Monster where the side-stand is bolted to the engine cases... :eek:

I've been reserved about over taxing the sidestands. ;)

Besides... why not have her get on from the opposite (right) side? Where's the down side of that?

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I'm on the bike, front brake firmly squished, key off. I go ahead and put the stand up.

She (when there was a she, the lying two-timing cheating ...... but I digress) puts left foot on the left peg and stands up, using my shoulders to brace. Slip right leg through and ends up standing on the passenger pegs, then slides ass down onto seat. She used my shoulders to hang on to, never a part of the bike!! Important part, that. Wouldn't do to put a hand through the lid of the top case!

Dismount, she grabs my shoulders, stands up, moves right foot through to the left side, and steps off the left peg onto the ground.

There's just no way I can see putting the passenger on first. And I don't see mounting without stepping up on the footpeg first.

I'm on the bike, front brake firmly squished, key off. I go ahead and put the stand up.

She puts left foot on the left peg and stands up, using my shoulders to brace. Slip right leg through and ends up standing on the passenger pegs, then slides ass down onto seat. She used my shoulders to hang on to, never a part of the bike!! Important part, that. Wouldn't do to put a hand through the lid of the top case!

Dismount, she grabs my shoulders, stands up, moves right foot through to the left side, and steps off the left peg onto the ground.

There's just no way I can see putting the passenger on first. And I don't see mounting without stepping up on the footpeg first.
+100 from my end - works every time.

I'm on the bike, front brake firmly squished, key off. I go ahead and put the stand up.

She puts left foot on the left peg and stands up, using my shoulders to brace. Slip right leg through and ends up standing on the passenger pegs, then slides ass down onto seat. She used my shoulders to hang on to, never a part of the bike!! Important part, that. Wouldn't do to put a hand through the lid of the top case!

Dismount, she grabs my shoulders, stands up, moves right foot through to the left side, and steps off the left peg onto the ground.

There's just no way I can see putting the passenger on first. And I don't see mounting without stepping up on the footpeg first.
+100 from my end - works every time.
Me Too! I'm on then bike kick stand up and she grabs my shoulder and she's in. Took her a long time to learn not to lean over and adjust her boot without warning while stopped at a light. Nearly tipped over several times. On the last one where I almost couldn't bring it back I said: STOP DOING THAT ****!! She finally got it. :)

I leave the bike on the side stand, I get on, then she gets on, then I bring it off the side stand. I'm short and with her on it makes the bike lower and I can get it off the stand really easy. It keeps everything more stable that way. I used to have her get on after I brought the side stand up, but it was always a shaky ordeal. This way works much better.

She a bike of her own that she likes to ride now, so it isn't really an issue anymore.

Wow. There are as many different methods as there are beers. Our method is pretty simple, she's first on, last off. Bike on side stand, she reaches across to squeeze the front brake lever with right hand, with left foot she steps on my LH footpeg, swings her right leg over, when both feet are on my pegs, she pushes herself back onto her seat and pass pegs. Dismount is reverse, I deploy side stand, dismount, then she slides forward to my seat, while squeezing front brake and swings right leg over seat to dismount. Seems to work the best for her vertically challenged frame and gives her more room to get her leg over the bike vs. with me in the way, which makes the gap between the tank and the GIVI trunk smaller.

Lots of good information here with a couple new ideas to try.

Never considered having SO try from the right side, we'll see how that works...thanks Fred!

Since the SO is vertically challenged, we use ^^^^ CAJWs method now. So far, so good. :)


I leave the bike on its side stand, get on first (from the left side) sit down and brace the bike. She won't attempt to mount until I give her the go-ahead. She mounts from the right side of the bike by standing up on the passenger foot peg and then swinging the left leg through the space between my back (leaning forward a little) and the Givi trunk on the back. Mounting from the high side of the bike makes it easier to thread the leg through. After she is all settled, the kickstand goes up and we're good to go.

Try it!
Hadn't thought to have my passenger mount on the right side. Interesting...

So, ah, Joseph. Are you listening to this stuff? ;)

My wife gets on first into the front seat. Puts her feet on the drivers footpegs and pushes herself back. I hold the bike at the handlebars during this, but no real need to. I then step over the bike and sit down, not using the footpegs as I don't like stressing the kick stand that much.

Sidestand down,me on stabilizing bike,she,hand on shoulder

puts heel on seat and just slides her leg across the seat and she's on.

I ride with wifey often. I get on from the left side, put the kick stand up, and nod to her its time. She puts her foot on the passenger peg and swings her leg over and settles, then taps me on the shoulder when she's done moving around. Reverse for getting off...she doesnt get off until I give her the go ahead ( :p ).

Last January I took my mother for a ride. Although this wasnt her first time on a bike, I gave her basic instructions, and instructed her how to mount and dismount the same way.
