Thanks, Dave and Don, for your kindness but the truth is that I am way down the list on this one.
For all of us though, this one seems to weigh heavily - as our friend in Reno pointed out in an e-mail. Compelled, for whatever reasons, to try to sort out why that is, one thing that seems to provide a clue is the out and out cruelty of the situation. While the tragedies of the past couple of years have been untimely, uncalled for and, for me at least, anger-provoking, this one seems to be all of that and sadistically cruel to boot. I know that when a Great White eats something it is not personal. I know that cancer has no moral compass. But there is something about this that feels malevolent to me. I know Coyote is a trickster but, apparently (s)he is also one mean sonuvabitch.