PDP removal creates influx of new riders?

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2006
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Alexandria, VA
I'm not saying this a bad or good thing, it's just an amateur observation:

With the FJR going from an obscure PDP bike to a showroom bike this year, it seems like I have seen a noticable influx of new riders on 08s. I know, it's that time of year and all, but am I the only one that feels this way? :unsure:

That said, glad to see all the new faces on the forum and look forward to the "increase" in owners equating to an "increase" in participants at NAFO and the regional events. :clapping:

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I know in the past Yamaha was concerned that the bikes would sit on the showroom floors and go unsold..

But considering how freaking gorgous a new FJR looks under those showroom lights, I really think Yamaha just made a major mistake with that whole silly PDP thing.

"Yes son, I used to walk 10 miles in the snow to go to school everyday, and when I got my FJR I had to wait almost a year to get it, and another year for the bags. ....you

Young whipper-snappers don't know how lucky you have it now-a-days.."

On the other hand, I am glad to see more FJR riders also............perhaps this will generate more farkles for the bike in the future.


Until the 2007 model, the only way you could buy an FJR was to pre-order with a deposit, then sit and wait (sometimes months) for an FJR to arrive. Yami called it the Priority Delivery Program, or PDP for short.

I searched for six months before I found a used 05 to my liking and with some facsimile of a reasonable asking price. If I had ordered a new bike, it would have been almost 18 months from the time I first became interested until I could have received a new bike. The local Yami dealers kept telling me "we can't get them".

It's my opinion that the best side effect of the influx of new riders since the death of PDP, IS the greatly increased likelyhood that aftermarket farkles will become mainstream. Sadly, I believe we will also see a few abused and neglected FJRs on the used market in upcoming years.

To me it's just like seeing an abused/neglected puppy. How could anyone treat something so wonderful in such a way! :angry: I know it sounds stupid to some people, but I always claim to be the owner of the most-loved motorcycle on the planet. :)

So here's a drink/toast to PDP... may it rest in peace... PLEASE!!!

:rolleyes: :yahoo:

My fear that the price would skyrocket with the loss of the PDP has been unrealised, the D&H price has not changed much. So bye bye PDP, hello new guys! :yahoo:

I would have bought a FJR 2 years ago if the PDP program would have not been in place. Now that I can just walk in and sit on the bike and look it over.......well I'm almost there.

I doubt I would've bought mine if it hadn't been sitting on the showroom floor. I was in the market for a Bandit or a Vmax. I had always wanted a bike with bags, power, and a driveshaft. Lucky me, lucky Yamaha! There it sat by the front door when I walked in.

Yep, see ya, PDP! Glad I didn't have to do it or I might've missed out on this great bike!

Good thing the program died cause there is no way I would of waited for the bike. Don't get me wrong it was worth the 3 day wait, but months? I don't think so!

I'm not saying this a bad or good thing, it's just an amateur observation:
With the FJR going from an obscure PDP bike to a showroom bike this year, it seems like I have seen a noticable influx of new riders on 08s. I know, it's that time of year and all, but am I the only one that feels this way? :unsure:
You may be reacting to a phenomenon that some of us have discussed before. During the PDP days, there would be the "rush-to-order", then the "wait-time" then the "arrival/delivery" time.

Once we had ordered our bikes, we would hang on every word typed on the various FJR websites, studying posts to learn about our awaited love. Since Yamaha would deliver them in "waves", the influx of new owners would be spaced out where today, there are new members almost daily.

One of the results of that is that a new owner, filled with questions, will ask the same questions a new owner asked last week, where we used to get the questions monthly @ delivery. Or since we all had to wait, we did our homework PRIOR to getting our FJR so we were prepared when it arrived.

I think this is why newbies "noobs" are sometimes treated a bit harshly. Because some of us did our research BEFORE buying our FJR and had our time as a "waiter" to learn more about the bike. The newer owners may not realize they are not the first...even the first this week, or even today...to ask the same question. Hence the replies teaching one to search Google or use the Forum search function.

[SIZE=8pt]Feelings....whoa-whoa-whoa...feelings...[/SIZE] :rolleyes:

Hey, Mojave, try waiting from Feb to August...and it was worth it!

BTW, there are several of us coming your way May 3rd. 6 from NorCal are taking the Streetmasters Course at Willow Springs Raceway. Info is in the CA ride planning.

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MM, I think I feel a small tear forming in the corner of my eye. Sniff...sniff. But, that stupid song now playing in my head seems to have me coming back to my senses.

Well I rode my old concours around a good 2 years longer than I wanted to due to the PDP. Then when they were finally available, it was that aweful black cherry color (personal preference).

I actually almost bought a Triumph a year ago because I didn't want a Gen I and couldn't stand the black cherry. THANKFULLY I waited and Yamaha came out with the best color yet and I only had to wait a week for it!!!!!

MM, I think I feel a small tear forming in the corner of my eye. Sniff...sniff. But, that stupid song now playing in my head seems to have me coming back to my senses.
Y'know, Mark....I DO miss the "waiter-baiting"! We all survived the ritual and turned on our future brethren like sharks in a feeding frenzy. :eek:

Oh what fun we had! Remember the "French detuned engine" warnings? :blink: The suggestion to double check the "Knuter Valves" before you rode the bike home? :dribble:

There was some good stuff going on.......

I did not mind the wait or the fact that I could not see one before I bought one. I have been wanting one since I first saw one in the Cycle World magazine. Then when opportunity and finance presented itself I ponied up the five hundred and ordered an 05 in May of 04. In June of 04 it arrived, about two months earlier than I thought. Never regreted the purchase. In January of 07 I decided to buy a new one. I called the dealer and told him that I wanted an 07 and two weeks later he called me and told me it was in. Again not disappointed with my purchase. Love the bike. Including the black cherry.

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:lol: Stop it! Now I've got "Memories" along with "Feelings" playing in my head. But ahhh yes, those were the days. I remember when Roamer got his '03 in. He was kind enough to let Sharp and I come down to him and ride it. While it made the wait even worse, it did confirm the wisdom of ordering the bike sight unseen, and only the Euros experiences with it for any kind of reference as to what we were getting into. Being a "waiter' was part of the "rite of passage" of becoming an FJR owner....Crap, there goes that music again.
Wow, I didn't realize my simple question would stir so many heart-felt emotions from so many "big, strong men". :blink:

My personal experience was a bit cheated. Even though I bought my 05 with 0 miles on the ODO, I actually bought it in the spring of 05 from a dealer who had "cheated" on the PDP by ordering a couple bikes under employees names. The grand total of my wait: 4 weeks... and part of that was self-imposed. The 08 replacement was about a week and a half. :glare:

For the rest of you "old-timers", I feel for you because I know how little patience I have and how much I have enjoyed the FJR over the years. Waiting any longer would have been painful. :angry:

One thing I agree on is this: Those who "waited" did their research ahead of time and the questions that came after the bike arrived normally had some meat to them. Guess that is my friendly reminder to all the "noobs" to search this treasure-chest of knowledge before asking where the gas goes in. :rolleyes:

By the way... where is the oil dipstick on the 08? Is it an option this year because I had it on my 05 when it arrived and I can't find it on the 08. :dribble:

Well I rode my old concours around a good 2 years longer than I wanted to due to the PDP. Then when they were finally available, it was that aweful black cherry color (personal preference).
I actually almost bought a Triumph a year ago because I didn't want a Gen I and couldn't stand the black cherry. THANKFULLY I waited and Yamaha came out with the best color yet and I only had to wait a week for it!!!!!

I have a brand new '07 in my garage that I got 2 weeks ago. I searched for a dealer with a black cherry one cause I don't care for the 08 color. Aweful to you, very nice to me. (personal preference)

Wow, I didn't realize my simple question would stir so many heart-felt emotions from so many "big, strong men". :blink:
Yep! I ordered my '04 in Feb '03 and it didn't get to the dealer until AFTER my vacation ride...late Aug. '03.

One thing I agree on is this: Those who "waited" did their research ahead of time and the questions that came after the bike arrived normally had some meat to them. Guess that is my friendly reminder to all the "noobs" to search this treasure-chest of knowledge before asking where the gas goes in. :rolleyes:
Hence the frustration that is vented at those who won't even bother to READ THE FAQ SECTION: BIN-O'-FACTS, as is highly suggested when they sign onto the forum. D'you think their might be pertinent information there? Doh! :huh:

By the way... where is the oil dipstick on the 08? Is it an option this year because I had it on my 05 when it arrived and I can't find it on the 08. :dribble:
IIRC, its ahead of the rear tire, in a flap, under the plastic shroud above the swingarm. :lol:
I guess it depends on where you live, as to whether the marketing change will affect sales. In some areas, you may see denser FJR population, but in most of the country, I doubt this will happen. It has more to do with the type of bike it is, than the availability. People will look at the FJR's in the showroom, just like they did when dealers ordered the things 'for' themselves, but they'll ride cruisers or sportbikes out the door. The kind of person attracted to FJR's are usually serious riders, who are going to put a lot of frequent miles on a bike, aren't overly-concerned with fashion trends or riding with a crowd, are looking for real-world dependability, and want all the power, handling, and braking performance they can get, with some long-distance ergonomics thrown in.

The average biker, today, is a 'weekender' taking a break, or a college-kid showing off. There's nothing wrong with being either, but an FJR doesn't fit into the 'recreational' scene. It doesn't have enough chrome or make enough noise for one group, and it's an overpriced heavy-weight to the other. The weekenders mostly want to look like their pals, and the majority of them are actually afraid of too much power. The college-kids rarely spend more than 25 miles on a bike. So, why should they piss off money on a damn touring sportbike? Their pals don't ride one, and there are fast bikes to choose from, which are cheaper. Then there's the Goldwing/megatourer crowd. They want all the stereo equipment and comfort they can get their hands on. An FJR is too raw, or too fast, for them.

An FJR is an oddball bike, filling a niche market. The roads aren't covered with ST1300's, Sprint ST's, C-14 Concours, Norges, or anything else in this class, which have all been available right off the showroom floors. No, I doubt the marketing change will make much diff. People will look, but most won't buy.

Well I rode my old concours around a good 2 years longer than I wanted to due to the PDP.

Only six months of that wait were caused by the PDP - the rest was on you.

I waited six months to the day for my '05 - and it was/is worth it.

I did see an '08 AE at the dealer the other day with a suggested list price of $15,000
