O, Woe is me!!
Agreed, but there wasn't anything to back down from. All I did was try to pass a very slow vehicle, and when he gassed it, I did back down, then he started with the games. No room to turn around quickly, no place to pull off, so I tried high-performance separation. I held 90 in the mile of empty road to the intersection, and he had caught me by the end. I didn't feel like any more speed on that road, so finding a crowded place to stop was the next item on the agenda.As much as it sucks, I always back down whenever I'm on a bike and a cager acts like an idiot. Bike vs. Car/Truck = Bike always loses. Even if the cops get involved, they always seem to side with the cager. It sucks to let someone get the best of you, but I live to ride another day. :yahoo:
I have a Bluetooth headset in my helmet but I cannot place calls with it, my phone's voice dialing sucks moist ass cheese, so a 911 call would have had to be while stopped and dismounted with phone in hand. Wouldn't have wanted to explain the 90 in a 40, either.
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