Periodic chart

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O, Woe is me!!
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Panama City, FL
Well, my wife, our young-adult-but-still-always-around daughter, and our high school sophomore daughter have managed to synchronize their menstrual cycles.




What a couple of days this has been!!!!!!

The SO yelled at me about what a piece of crap the vacuum is, won't pick anything up!!! (It's a Kirby G4, very nice, very powerful unit!) Bag was full, but she doesn't know or care. It's all my fault.

The youngest's birthday was today. In planning yesterday, we asked where she wants to go out for dinner.

"I don't know. . . . ." Very feeble.

Pressed for an answer, she got very irate about being interrupted from Project Runway, one of those useless shows on Bravo.

When it was pointed out that Julia (her sister) liked Olive Garden, it was like this:

[SIZE=18pt]"JULIA!!!???!? Who the $%%! cares what Julia likes?!?!?! Is it HER birthday!??!? NO! I don't think so!!!! Why are we talking about what Julia likes??!?!??! I don't WANT to go to Olive Garden. EVER!!!!! I HATE Olive Garden!!!!"[/SIZE]

I have no idea where they went. I got stuck at work late today. I'll probably catch hell about my "priorities," but I had a nice ride home this evening, wonderful weather, just the first hint of a chill, down in the high 50s.

So is it better to have these three or fours days of pure hell, or should I wish this was spread out to get one at a time? At least this way, the rest of the month is pretty cool, but what a mess for these few days.

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I know your pain all to well. I grew up with two sisters and then later found myself with a wife and daughter. You can't win, it's not even worth attempting to try. Lay low and be glad it all hits at once. As "cycles" tend to sync up, they also tend to fall out of sync from time to time. Trust me, it's much better when they are in sync. Then you can plan things like drinking binges, entire days tinkering in the garage (preferably fixing their cars, not any of your toys), or any other activity that in some way benifits them but allows you to stay out of firing range.

With Xmas coming up, while not cheap, 3 gift certificates to a spa day will definitly put a checkmark in the win collum.

There may or may not be a couple of funny posts in this thread. But you'll never hear me say it. Nope. Not going to do it. Some stuff just comes right back at you all multiplied and stuff.

Well, my wife, our young-adult-but-still-always-around daughter, and our high school sophomore daughter have managed to synchronize their menstrual cycles.



What a couple of days this has been!!!!!!

The SO yelled at me about what a piece of crap the vacuum is, won't pick anything up!!! (It's a Kirby G4, very nice, very powerful unit!) Bag was full, but she doesn't know or care. It's all my fault.

The youngest's birthday was today. In planning yesterday, we asked where she wants to go out for dinner.

"I don't know. . . . ." Very feeble.

Pressed for an answer, she got very irate about being interrupted from Project Runway, one of those useless shows on Bravo.

When it was pointed out that Julia (her sister) liked Olive Garden, it was like this:

[SIZE=18pt]"JULIA!!!???!? Whe the $%%! cares what Julia likes?!?!?! Is it HER birthday!??!? NO! I don't think so!!!! Why are we talking about what Julia likes??!?!??! I don't WANT to go to Olive Garden. EVER!!!!! I HATE Olive Garden!!!!"[/SIZE]

I have no idea where they went. I got stuck at work late today. I'll probably catch hell about my "priorities," but I had a nice ride home this evening, wonderful weather, just the first hint of a chill, down in the high 50s.

So is it better to have these three or fours days of pure hell, or should I wish this was spread out to get one at a time? At least this way, the rest of the month is pretty cool, but what a mess for these few days.
KEERIST! You've been reading my mail! 55 year old (who mentally still menstruates), a 21 year old and an 18 year old. Hell on earth!!!

There may or may not be a couple of funny posts in this thread. But you'll never hear me say it. Nope. Not going to do it. Some stuff just comes right back at you all multiplied and stuff.
And the "Puss of the Week" award goes to....

:) :) :)


2nd wife, 3 step-daughters (2 would visit on alternate weekends), 1 daughter...always someone starting, someone ending, someone "there", someone not "there" and someone pre-; post-; or considering. No thanks.

God, how I love being single (and with this attitude extremely likely to remain so).

I am never ever going to be blamed for someone's emotional state or controlled by it.

I love my FJR, I really really do!

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I was raised the middle child between two sisters. Used to sit in between them and sing the lines from Stealers Wheel, Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you. :clown2: :jester: And come that time of the month, oh boy, life was never fun, :grrr: spent a lot of time hiding out with Dad.

Well, here I am, duplicated what my father did, Wife, two daughters and a son. I've taught him the words to the song so he can torture his sisters, and we will spend a lot of time during the cycle, on the FJR hiding out together, especially since his new helmet and jacket came in today. So as madmike2 said, "I love my FJR, I really do!" B)

I realize that I'm way outnumbered here, but for a moment, just try to imagine this from the other side. Our seemingly irrational behavior is not intentional.

Ways that men can help are to stay very quiet, and provide chocolate.


Our seemingly irrational behavior is not intentional.
Dear friend, Jill, you are quite right. But with some women it is DIRECTED at the nearest human with great vigor and vehemence. The recipient of this behavior has no logical or emotional defense but becomes a mere bi-ped target.
"Why are you so quiet? Are you trying to avoid me? Do you think you're going to spend all day in the garage?" Just what is the correct response to the above questions? :unsure: Men, don't ever answer, "I dunno."

Ways that men can help are to stay very quiet, and provide chocolate.
That doesn't work! Heck-fire...nothing works. There is NO peace.

"Chocolate? Why did you buy me candy or ice cream! I'm already bloated and now you want me to be fat!" and the tears start.... :dribble:

Sorry, Jill, I think not. (Did I mention I'm a confirmed bachelor?) You're not outnumbered by the men....but by the very vivid and painful memories and hurt-filled experiences. :eek:

I love my friends who are female, I love my friend's wives, I love my daughter. From them I can get all the female, counter-balanced input for this testosterone infused brain to help me be more aware in this world. I love living alone...

And I loooove my FJR! :yahoo:

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I feel your pain. Sounds like my two daughters are about the same ages as yours (20 & 15.5), plus SWMBO. Looooong rides, hiding out in the batcave, and overtime are my outs.

Come on, you guys got to be kidding.

I have fun with the women.

Example: My wife and my 2 sons wives are sitting around the table discussing the fact they will all be on at the same time.

My comment was 'God this house is going to stink!".

Then I told them the cats are going to start to bury the house, it will smell so bad.

The whole family wanted me to Play Apples to Apples. Well the biggest reaction I got was when the green card said Insane, I dropped the red card WOMEN. For some reason they knew it came from me, and let me know this in three part harmony.

Or I'll walk into the house with a fishing pole in my hand and say, Come on guys lets take the women swimming, we don't need to buy any chum.

Yes they know how to shoot, and there are loaded guns around the house. Also I am married to the same woman for 27 years.


I realize that I'm way outnumbered here, but for a moment, just try to imagine this from the other side. Our seemingly irrational behavior is not intentional.
Ways that men can help are to stay very quiet, and provide someone to be abused.

Fixed it for you, ma'am. :)

Was gonna write something "witty" like "paxil" or "zoloft" but decided to stay closer to the truth.

Come on, you guys got to be kidding.
I have fun with the women.

Example: My wife and my 2 sons wives are sitting around the table discussing the fact they will all be on at the same time.

My comment was 'God this house is going to stink!".

Then I told them the cats are going to start to bury the house, it will smell so bad.

The whole family wanted me to Play Apples to Apples. Well the biggest reaction I got was when the green card said Insane, I dropped the red card WOMEN. For some reason they knew it came from me, and let me know this in three part harmony.

Or I'll walk into the house with a fishing pole in my hand and say, Come on guys lets take the women swimming, we don't need to buy any chum.

Yes they know how to shoot, and there are loaded guns around the house. Also I am married to the same woman for 27 years.

:unsure: :blink:

"Ways that men can help are to stay very quiet, and provide someone to be abused."

Good edit, Howie!

My solution for the periodic problem is that I travel a lot. Some can be scheduled.

I admit it - I may be a chicken, but I'm a happy chicken.

And now we reallly know why we have the bikes.

Because they keep us in the garage.

Cripes. there are times the dog synchs up as well. Let's see - college in another 4 years - and I'm hoping for the change soon ......

If I could just pull off a 5 year long ride around the globe....
