+1 this sucks.
Talk about the pussification of america when a bunch of men can't tell their women to stop milking their PMS ******** for all its worth, because it "not worth the fight." F that, it is worth the fight. /thread
Eye dunna unnerstan', Captain??? :eh-smiley: :dntknw: I thought it was abundantly clear that after much deliberation and consideration I did exactly that. In my case, the choice was, "either get it fixed by intervention, or alteration, but I can't live like this." Since I was obviously calloused, insensitive, uninterested and wrong in every thought or idea, we altered the contract. Or did you miss the "Ex-Mrs. Madmike2" statement.
While I've enjoy joking around in this topic, the dynamics of any given relationship or every marriage are ultimately personal to those involved. I'd hope that whoever reads this would understand most men here are enjoying a good joke by poking fun at themselves and using vast generalizations. At least that's the way I am taking it. We enjoy the differences and do our best to terms with each other. Of course, WE MEN don't have any quirks or mental defects like THEM (Like collecting mechanical "toys", the newest power tool, etc.).

It would be a sad turn of events if our society would ever try to return to a romantic (As an adjective describing the view...not of the heart) notion that: Men were King of their castle and ruled with an iron fist. In my short span of years on this planet, I've found that people who are treated as slaves and chattel return very little of anything substantive in nature. IOW, treat her like a slave, she'll give you begrudging respect as a slave owner. Treat her like a queen, she'll respect you like a king (or maybe love you with her whole heart, like the king you think you are).
But that's just this man's opinion.