Pic of the year !!

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Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Carson City NV
Ok folks, it's that time again ! Another year over and some great riding memories filed away !

I usually start this thread on the FJRowners board and I thought maybe it could catch on here also, so...... please post your best pics of the year with a quick description of the pic. Same rules as before, NO drivway pics ( We don't care how cool that 05 looks sitting in your driveway ! ), no parking lot pics etc. Your FJR must be somewhere on a road trip :rolleyes:

I hope we get some good pics to start off this board collection of road pic's, it's great to see pics of FJR's all over the world.

And let me be the first to wish ya'll a happy new year and miles of smiles in the year ahead! 8)

The first run of the year after the spring rain stopped, Highway 1 northern California


A 10 day spring run through the southwest with a couple of great riding friends, Monument Valley in the background!


Another great run at the WFO meet in Washington with old and new friends !


Post 'em up please !!


Those are some AWEsome pics. I can't beat that...

I had some fun this year, but the most spectacular experiences didn't lend themselves to stopping and taking a pic. Because of that, I really have to commend you guys...

Post up guys.

Try to beat these two submissions...

I see I already have some fodder for computer backgrounds -WOW-

It was my first year (since April) of ownership. 13,000 miles, good times (mostly)and made a bunch of new friends. It wasn't about taking pictures so we'll try harder in the new year!

Taking delivery on the truck from Michigan. Thanks FJR Chooser!


Our first group ride (Clan Gathering '05-Sequoia Park), and elected to lead to boot!


Some of the aforementioned new friends


Us rolling up to Clan II, on the Avila Pier (Thanks and credit to FNG for the new avatar shot)


And finally, a shot from CA Hwy 1 with Morro Rock in the background


Can't resist: did 23,000 great kms this summer. A few of my 05 highlights.

Granny Smith apple break, Big Sur, CA Sep 05.


Fixing a flat 0600, Coady WY Sep 05


Grand Teton, WY Sep 05


and my fav, which for me, captures the thrill of touring

Yellowstone, WY, Sep05


Not all of these photo's actually have an FJR in view, but it's close by, really. :D

In no particular order.

HWY395, overlooking Mono Lake March '05, on our way to Death Valley


Badwater Death Valley, March '05


Wildflowers at Death Valley, March '05


Got gas? Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley, March '05


Badwater, Death Valley March '05


The infamous chip seal incident, near Hood River, August '05


Crater Lake, August '05


Dave Hicks at the same vista spot at Crater Lake, August '05


WFO5 during the group photo


Cylinder head damage, which Yamaha wanted to continue installing on my ticker, July '05


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Cal24, June '05


One happy Bluestreak, WFO5


Some of riff raff attending the banquet at WFO5. :bleh:


Oregon coastline, August '05


The worlds largest gas station restroom keychain, Oregon '05. WTF?


Hwy 49, CA, October '05


Christmas Eve '05, my home, Sonora, CA


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Back in August I visited Slovenia and Austria.

Lost near Sneznik, Slovenia while looking for the Edible Dormouse Museum


Gerlitzen Gipfelstrasse near Villach, Austria


FJR's on the Stelvio Pass in Italy


Sitting on a Russian MIG 29 in Moscow. BMW Rockster and K1200S, courtesy of BMW of Russia--sorry no FJR. Taught a riding skills class there last summer and got to ride around Moscow. Great Experience--hope to repeat next year.


More "dead" Russian aircraft.


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Sorry folks, not one best pics among those posted so far .

All of them get best pic have been to some and some have not. they give the inspiration and desire to seek out and visit and keep the fj going down the road ways. Everyone keep up the good work for 06 and continuing.....

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

On the way to EOM, at a foggy Blue Ridge Parkway stop
Travis, I've got the same pic... standing a little bit to the right. Did you wonder why I wasn't in that pic? I was busy pic taking, too. I love that shot. It's one of my favorites from EOM. We were in the clouds... very cool!

I've got a really cool pic of you and me standing in front of Bald River Falls. If I send it to you can you host/post it?

Also wanted to say... these pictures are absolutely awesome people! I want so badly to ride my FJR in the western part of the U.S. One day Heidi... one day!!!

Keep the pics coming. I love looking at them and dreaming.

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Here's my mug spoiling the view of the FJR and the Grand Tetons. Cue theme music 'Then Came Bronson'...


Hey Toecutter, we said no driveway pics! ... but we'll let ya slide 'cause it looks like ya got your hands in your pants trying to keep that woody under control ! :D

Great bunch of pics so far guys! Keep it up, although the guys on dial up are hating life!!

Orestes... great shot of the pass!!!

Hey Highlander, some of these pics should be considered for Toecutter's calendar. There's some awesome prospects. Keep up the good work. Painman. <>< :good:

. BMW Rockster and K1200S, courtesy of BMW of Russia--sorry no FJR. Taught a riding skills class there last summer and got to ride around Moscow. Great Experience--hope to repeat next year.

More "dead" Russian aircraft.

Sitting on a Russian MIG 29 in Moscow https://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a287/tma...ssianMig370.jpg[/img]

actually its the su-27 a far more feared aircraft than the mig-29, Especially if its the su-37 version. :assasin:

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North Shore of Lake Superior.


Highway 1 on the way to Ely, MN.


Just pics from one of the rides this year, but wish I would have taken more.....

