Picking up at D&H May 10 - couple questions...

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Well, being from Alabama, I will tell you. While here, you will have no problems when you have just the paperwork. As for the other states, I think it would take a real a-hole cop to ticket you under the circumstances. I really don't see that happening. The one thing that I would worry about is remembering to carry proof of insurance. Alabama won't arrest you but what about the other states? I know you will be going the other direction, but as example, Georgia will take you directly to jail without proof of insurance. I purchased my bike in Georgia and they wouldn't even let me leave until my insurance company sent proof that the new bike was covered. (and I was going to haul it home in my truck) Since the lack of a tag may get the leo's attention and get you stopped, I would make sure I cover as many bases as possible. I really think the lack of proof of insurance will get you in trouble quicker than the lack of a tag.

I am picking mine up from D&H this Saturday morning (05/06/06) Anyone else going to be there? Anyone in the area want to join me in my breakin ride?

Maybe I'm missing something here, but all one needs to get a tag in most states is proof of insurance, vehicle info/VIN, and Bill of Sale or Purchase Order. A title is NOT necessary, since most folks don't get the title at time of sale anyway, unless one pays cash in full.

So all the paperwork necessary to get a tag is available before delivery. The prospective owner can get proof of insurance just by placing a downpayment with his agent. D&H should be able to provide the prospective owner with a buyer's agreement/purchase order and VIN/vehicle info prior to pickup. So theoretically, a Texas buyer should be able to fly to Alabama with his helmet AND a new Texas tag in his travel bag.

I also don't understand the contention put forth in this thread that Alabama dealers don't provide temp tags. You mean to tell me any vehicle sold retail in Alabama rides around for 3 or 4 weeks with NO tag of any kind until the dealer gets the plate from the state. I ain't buyin' that premise for one minute.

Dealers in Alabama don't provide temp tags. You only get a temp tag when the prisoners fail to make enough real ones and they run out. Either way, you get em at the courthouse when you register your vehicle. All the dealer does is the bill of sale and title app stuff. And the temp tags are paper and the same size a a regular car tag. Put that on your bike and see how long it lasts.

And, you would be SHOCKED to see how many cars around here ride around without a tag. Heck, I saw a AMC HORNET cruising the road this morning with no tag. A HORNET! Geez, how long has it been since anyone even thought of one of those, much less saw one? And, we still have no vehicle inspection. If it can move under its own power, its on the roads here! (no, scratch that. moving under its own power is NOT a requirement to be on Alabama roads, a good tow chain will sufice.)

We may have quit dating our sisters, but we're still a little behind here in Alabama.

And nitelife, what time is your delivery? I have to do a photo shoot at 10:00 am.

Dealers in Alabama don't provide temp tags. You only get a temp tag when the prisoners fail to make enough real ones and they run out. Either way, you get em at the courthouse when you register your vehicle. All the dealer does is the bill of sale and title app stuff.

Section 2 of THIS says you're mistaken. :)

But regardless of the temp tag situation in Aladamnbama, a new owner should be able to provide the DMV in his/her home state all the information need to pre-register the vehicle before pickup. I know here in Florida, all you do is show up with a bill of sale, a VIN and a check...bingo, you get a tag. I'm sure D&H can provide a "bill of sale" to ease the process. ;)

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When I lived in Charleston, SC for a few years a guy down the street from me drove his car around for the whole time I lived there with either a piece of cardboard or the inside of an old cereal box on the back.

"Tag Stolin" where the plate should go with a fat sharpie marker

When it got a little faded, or he finished off a box of corn flakes a new one went up.

I wanted to stop a few times and tell him it was spelled wrong but never did.

Maybe that's how they do it in the south?

Maybe so, Howie, but good luck finding a dealer with one. Maybe, just maybe in the big city, but not around here. Step in and ask for one and I doubt you'll get anything but "huh?" There are just not enough out-of-state sales going on to make this common knowledge. Heck, I worked for a dealership. Bet no one there knows about it except maybe the fleet sales guy. (probably the only guy to sell anything out-of-state)

And Howie, I am sure you are right about getting his tag before he leaves, but this assumes all the financial stuff has been finalized prior. We haven't been told whether or not he has done this. If not, they aren't titling crap til it is.

And yup, pawtracks, seen that one done more than a couple of times.

Ya'll have to understand a few things around these parts. Most of this kind of stuff happens thanks to the "good-ole-boy" system, which is alive and well in rural Alabama. The State Troopers don't play along, but it's not too hard to stay off the major roads and avoid them. We currently have fewer Troopers than ever in their history since their creation. No bull. And since the sheriff is an elected official, you will have a hard time finding one that will write a ticket to a local. You will usually get the "Now, bubba, you know you're gonna have to get that tag...", and that's about it.

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Thanks again for all of the responses. Let me address a few:

mjacks - thank you very much for the offer on the tank bag. I went by "Cycle Gear" this morning and bought the exact one I was looking for (Tour Master Cortech Mini).

Next - D&H has said they can't issue a temp tag. I'm not going to argue with them in that everyone seems to agree that riding with a plate is a non-issue. End of discussion.

Next - regarding getting a bill of sale and registering the bike before I go get it. First of all, that involves overnighting money - waiting for the check to clear, having them overnight a bill of sale etc. BUT, in Texas all of that is for naught. Why? Because they will not issue plates until the bike gets the official state inspection - which I obviously cannot do if the bike is not in Texas.

Next - thanks for the reminder on the insurance certificate. That is high on my "to-do" list before I head over there next week. That is taken very seriously in Texas.

jj, what time are you pickin' that beast up on Sat?

(i actually dumb-assly asked the wrong person earlier)

I'm flying into Birmingham on May 10th and picking up my FJR. I hope to get in a few hundred miles on the 10th, and the rest of the way to Houston the 11th. Anyone else going to be there?
Questions: It looks like I'll have to ride home with no license plate - just a bill of sale in case I get pulled over. Anyone have any experience with this issue?

Get pulled over that soon? Impossible :lol:

"But sir, I'm only breaking her in and the guy said to run her to redline in 4th...."


Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I am picking up my bike from D&H Saturday. D&H already faxed me a Bill of sale. I already used bill of sale to take care of my tags and check from credit union. All you gotta do is ask for it....

I am picking up my bike from D&H Saturday. D&H already faxed me a Bill of sale. I already used bill of sale to take care of my tags and check from credit union. All you gotta do is ask for it....
But the hitch in jj's giddyup is The Great State of Texas. Them gubmint goat ropers want to do a vehicle inspection on the Feejer before they'll register it. Sounds like a load to me, needing to "inspect" a new vehicle. Does the Republic of Texico Bureaucracy think they know better about emissions inspections on a brand new vehicle than the EPA, who had to certify the bike for sale in the U.S. before Yamaha could make a single dollar on the '06s?

p.s.: ALL Texans are

Yeah, and all us phaqing txans only have to remember your state is run by his lil bro. Been lurking a long time, and now this is my 1st post, congrats dude, way to bring it out in me......just remember, I'd rather be from texico than fluba

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"But regardless of the temp tag situation in Aladamnbama, a new owner should be able to provide the DMV in his/her home state all the information need to pre-register the vehicle before pickup. I know here in Florida, all you do is show up with a bill of sale, a VIN and a check...bingo, you get a tag. I'm sure D&H can provide a "bill of sale" to ease the process. ;) "

I called the DMV in Florida and they told me that they have to do an inspection that verifies the VIN prior to giving me a plate. For that reason I have not tried to prepay and have the original paperwork mailed to me to get a plate.

I've been riding for a week with no tags on my 06 here in Bama. I have been passed and passed many leos in that time with NO problems. I have my bill of sale and proof of insurance in my glovebox. I was passed by 4 troopers last Sat on a back road shortly after a 110 mph sprint and then caught behind a tractor on a blind hill. I looked in my mirror and saw one and thought OH SHIT. we cleared the hill I signaled passed the tractor and the saw 1 then two then3 then a 4th Trooper pass. whew. (we have 4 troopers on the same road! Thats gotta be a first) passed by a sheriff today, countless city muni's. Just have the papper work with you.

Scab there are MORE troopers now than ever. WE have less troopers per population/miles of road than anybody with maybe the exception of Alaska. They have been crankin them out of the academy left and right per Gov Riley trying to increase numbers.

Per the temp tag thing My dealer offered me one from little ol town of Sylacauga. Prob about the same as Culman (D&H). I am waiting on point of orgin papers from yami to get my tittle (06 paid for) trying to save a trip to DMV

Per my experience with purchasing ANY vehicle out of state (car, boat, bike etc) You must take it to the DMV for a visual inspection to verify the VIN. Not done on an in state purchase.

Good thing you are not passing through this great state of NC. Because here you must have a temp tag or trailer your bike home.

I agree and stress that proof of ownership and proof of insurance are the two critical pieces of paperwork.

Without proof of insurance most states will lock you up on the spot and impound your new (b)ride!

It is a bit more pricey at $120, but I really like the RKA SuperSport magnetic tank bag. It is just the perfect size for me and really has some nice features. It also expands and becomes alot bigger if you need it to.

You won't beat the quality of and RKA bag. They are first rate.


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Yeah, and all us phaqing txans only have to remember your state is run by his lil bro. Been lurking a long time, and now this is my 1st post, congrats dude, way to bring it out in me......just remember, I'd rather be from texico than fluba
What in bloody hell does anything I wrote have to do with W or Jeb?

You obviously haven't been lurking long enough. <_<

I called the DMV in Florida and they told me that they have to do an inspection that verifies the VIN prior to giving me a plate. For that reason I have not tried to prepay and have the original paperwork mailed to me to get a plate.
This just makes no sense at all. The DMV has never, not once, been involved in the tag/registration process of a retail vehicle sale I've been involved with since my first ever purchase, a powder blue VeeDUb from Lee Ragatz Volkswagen back in 1967. The dealer ALWAYS handles the tag and registration in Florida for new vehicle sales.

Back in September last year, when I purchased my '04 FJR from a private party, since there was no dealer involved, I had the owner send me a "receipt" listing make, model, year, VIN and price. I pre-insured the bike with that info with my State Farm agent and received a receipt to verify insurance coverage.

Then off to the DMV with proof-of-insurance, the "receipt" I received from the seller and a check for the regstration fee. Bought the tag on the spot. There was NO "inspection that verifies the VIN". Then, with tag and registration in hand, a friend drive me the 60 miles to pick up by bike, gave the owner his money, put my new tag on the bike and drove home.

Can anyone here in the forum who lives or has ever lived in Florida confirm what the DMV told Waldmana, that the VIN would have to be inspected and verified?
