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Thanks for all the comforting responses. Today I have learned that I'm not a strange young person that is attracted to "old people" bikes; I'm just more wealthy, wise and refined than most 24-year-olds :)

Having a supportive wife is priceless, especially when it comes to Motorcycles.
My wife has been quite supportive. She cooperated in reworking the budget to make the purchase possible and even donated her bonus check to the cause :) . I'm still working on convincing her to accompany me on a weekend bike trip. She doesn't like riding on the back because she'd rather ride her own bike, but a Honda Rebel isn't quite the right bike to take on a weekend trip. She says the Rebel is the perfect size for her and she wouldn't be comfortable with anything larger.

I loved that bike but anything over a tank of gas and my back was in serious pain. A new seat and Heli-Bars helped, but wasn't enough. With the FJR I can take the bags off and ride with my sport-bike buddies or throw the bags on and take the gf on a weekend getaway. I love it! And it gets twice the mileage compared to the RC.
That is probably the definitive answer (other than the Iron Butt guys who need the all-day capabilities and occaisional leaps into the unspoken speed regions).

Once one reaches a point where they physically can't ride all day in a sport-bike position, regardless of one's actual age in years, then one must find compromises. Dang, the FJR as a compromise!?!?!?

And many of us came back to motorcycling and were never going to be satisfied with the cruiser or tourer crowd. You know the old addage, "More power!" We want something that accelerates and has the ability to stop and corner (though a few suspension "tweaks" help that immensely).

Welcome aboard! Also, there are a number of wives/S.O.s who ride their own bikes on short/day trips yet ride pillion on weekend getaways.

You've got a f'ing young to be riding an FJR....Haven't you noticed this forum is full of people who have had at least one mid-life crisis!!
My wife kept pointing out the age of other people looking at the FJR. Maybe I'm just mature for my age? The sport bikes, cruisers and customs just don't appeal to me, but I'm definitely not sedate enough for a full-out touring bike. I want something more powerful and more comfortable than my BMW F650GS that is a bit sporty but also practical for carrying some stuff.

I think I'm having a quarter-life crisis :D
I liked the sport touring and touring bikes when I was 16. Nothing wrong with someone finding out the best niche of riding early on!

I have to say your forum name has me flummoxed, yet curious. What's it mean?

EDIT: I had to go find a pic of the sport touring bike I wanted when I was 16:


Yamaha XJ 750 (Seca)...I just drooled all over that bike.

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I have to say your forum name has me flummoxed, yet curious. What's it mean?
I wrote an amusing little random sentence generator program, and "useless pickles" was an object that came up in a sentence. It was memorable, so I've been using it for user names.

EDIT: I had to go find a pic of the sport touring bike I wanted when I was 16:

Yamaha XJ 750 (Seca)...I just drooled all over that bike.
That's kinda funny because that's the bike I started on when I was 16. It was black with red pinstripes, but didn't have the side or top cases. I didn't realize it was a S/T bike or how heavy it really was until I looked it up recently. Back then, it was just the old 80's hand-me-down bike from my dad that he bought used for $700 (included a helmet!). It had a cool instrument panel with an LCD fuel gauge. I can't comment on its' power because I was always too afraid to be aggressive on the throttle.

well when you dooo get your fjr let me be the first to invite you on a ride here in michigan and dont mind all the gezers here on this board they can hold there oun on the road and are a bunch of good guys to hang out with!!

One thing I have learned from my other main hobby, competitive shooting, is that if you want to feel young, you should hang out with old farts. Just another bonus of owning an FRJ. :D

Thanks for all the comforting responses. Today I have learned that I'm not a strange young person that is attracted to "old people" bikes; I'm just more wealthy, wise and refined than most 24-year-olds :)

Having a supportive wife is priceless, especially when it comes to Motorcycles.
My wife has been quite supportive. She cooperated in reworking the budget to make the purchase possible and even donated her bonus check to the cause :) . I'm still working on convincing her to accompany me on a weekend bike trip. She doesn't like riding on the back because she'd rather ride her own bike, but a Honda Rebel isn't quite the right bike to take on a weekend trip. She says the Rebel is the perfect size for her and she wouldn't be comfortable with anything larger.
You might want to look towards a 750 Virago. Low seat height and weight make it very comfortable and a confidence builder for the SO. Welcome aboard.

My wife started out on the back of my Honda CB 750, then my Virago 1000, then my Chopper (sportster). Somewhere in there she decided that she needed to get her own, so began the progression; beginning on a Kawasaki 250 LTD, moving up to a Kawasaki KZ440, then to a Honda Shadow ACE 750.

Lack of hill-climbing power in the mountains of MT convinced her that she needed something bigger than the 440.


She used to only ride on the back, and was afraid of anything bigger than a 250, but saw the light eventually. If you just "ride" out the concerns your wife is having, and be supportive of her desire for a small bike, she may surprise you!

Now she's back to pillion-only status, due to her interest in piloting her own machine waning, but it has been a good "ride" all around.


I wrote an amusing little random sentence generator program, and "useless pickles" was an object that came up in a sentence. It was memorable, so I've been using it for user names.
Soo..... lemme guess, you're a coder by trade?

Yes, I'm a software developer, but no, I can't fix your computer :p . It's also a hobby (along with skateboarding and motorcycles).

Soo..... lemme guess, you're a coder by trade?

Yes, I'm a software developer, but no, I can't fix your computer :p . It's also a hobby (along with skateboarding and motorcycles).
No, I can fix my own machine... Just noticing that the younger folk I know who ride FJR's are in the software biz (inc myself)


I have to say your forum name has me flummoxed, yet curious. What's it mean?
I wrote an amusing little random sentence generator program, and "useless pickles" was an object that came up in a sentence. It was memorable, so I've been using it for user names.


I'll show my age and admit the first thing that came to mind when I saw your handle was "I don't want a pickle, I just want to ride my motorsickle...." :blink: :D :D
